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Dreamy Cappuccino - Inspiring stories, musings, memoirs

Storytelling Podcasts

Dreamy Cappuccino is where stories, musings and memoirs fill your cup with inspiration. Go on an adventure into the pipes with a mouse who makes incredible music and hear the wild stories of a bench who listens to everything. You may feel like you’re hanging upside down on a branch or on a planet you’ve never heard of before..All stories, musings and memoirs have been written and recorded by Anja Kersten, find out more about here on anjakersten.com. Her e-book ‘Inappropriate Colours, 12 story-delights for the whacky mind’ is available on all main retailers Amazon etc. The music has been especially composed for each story by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more on her website chelseaedwardson.com. And now it’s time to hit the reset button and for this hot, foamy cup of caffeine to take you on a journey into your imagination.It’s time to wake up and to go to dreamland!




Dreamy Cappuccino is where stories, musings and memoirs fill your cup with inspiration. Go on an adventure into the pipes with a mouse who makes incredible music and hear the wild stories of a bench who listens to everything. You may feel like you’re hanging upside down on a branch or on a planet you’ve never heard of before..All stories, musings and memoirs have been written and recorded by Anja Kersten, find out more about here on anjakersten.com. Her e-book ‘Inappropriate Colours, 12 story-delights for the whacky mind’ is available on all main retailers Amazon etc. The music has been especially composed for each story by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more on her website chelseaedwardson.com. And now it’s time to hit the reset button and for this hot, foamy cup of caffeine to take you on a journey into your imagination.It’s time to wake up and to go to dreamland!







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Mirat and Tschibidad, a peculiar friendship, part 3

After having met Mirat's dad by accident and finding out, that he trumpet roars like those lions, Tschibidad is on a mission to find Mirat, who apparently chirrups like a bird. He vows to not only find Mirat, but also to bring him back to his dad for a last conversation. Little does he know that Mirat's got quite a reputation. Finally they both are face to face. with one another. How will Mirat react, when Tschibidad tells him his story? This is the last part of the story, enjoy! If you would like to support Dreamy Cappuccino, you can do this on Kofi by buying me a cup of coffee https://ko-fi.com/anjakersten Where is the beginning, has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Mirat and Tschibidad, a peculiar friendship, part 2

Mirat, the lion who chirrups and his mom leave the clan and wonder towards the middle of the world all by themselves. Because no one else would have them. When Mirat's mom falls ill and grows weaker from day to day he looks lovingly after her. Tschibidad on the other hand, the bird who's roaring like a lion, happens to encounter a trumpet lion. Not any trumpet lion, but Mirat's dad, who asks him a favour... If you would like to support Dreamy Cappuccino, you can do this on Kofi by buying me a cup of coffee https://ko-fi.com/anjakersten Where is the beginning, has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Mirat and Tschibidad, a peculiar friendship, part 1

Mirat, a trumpet lion is different to all the other lions in his clan. He isn't able to trumpet roar like all the other ones, but instead to his mom's dismay, chirrups like a bird. Soon, he stops to open his mouth altogether and grows silent. Eventually, both Mirat and his mom leave the clan . In another part of the world far away, Tschibidad, a Mozart bird, loves to play practical jokes on others, because when he opens his mouth he doesn't chirrup, but trumpet roar instead. Imagine how surprised Tschibidad is, when one day he learns about Mirat, the trumpet lion. Where is the beginning, has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Eddy knows he has a right to live, like everyone else

Eddy knows, that his days are counted, since he's not working properly anymore. While he's lovingly ticking into Paula's ear, he's wondering whether she feels the same for him. Will she soon get rid of him, thinking he's outdated? He believes they still can have a wonderful time together and while Paula is still sleeping he murmurs into her ear: 'Paula, I love you!' Where is the beginning, has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Where is the beginning?

Today on 21. of March is the official beginning of spring, but is it really? How do we define a beginning, when does it really start? When the baby has taken its first brith, when some flowers are showing up? Maybe life is not as defined with beginnings and endings as we always thought, maybe it is rather a circler? In this musing I invite you to ponder with me and gain a new perspective on how we see things. Where is the beginning, has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Cup of inspiration: fish come from heaven, right?

This story is in many ways so fitting to our times with our world having pretty much changed from one day to the other. The main character, Robin the seal has to go through something similar. He grows up in a seal sanctuary, where fish rain from heaven until one day, they take him away and nothing is the same anymore. How will he cope? Robin will make you smile and ponder all at the same time. Fish come from heaven, right, has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Cup of inspiration: the cushion of love

The cushion of love is a poem about what happens when we allow ourselves to feel the fear until it's done and if we are lucky we have an unexpected cushion of love inside ourselves to fall back on to. The cushion of love, has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Cup of inspiration: the mole, who thought to be a mole but wasn't

In this heartwarming story we encounter a mole, who's digging deep tunnels into the earth and decides to not move anymore. He's just siting and waiting, until... Until an angel appears and leads him out of the tunnels. To his surprise the angel reveals to him, that he isn't a mole. Find out who he is in reality and what happens next. The mole, who thought to be a mole but wasn't, has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Cup of inspiration: I love ruins

This is a partly a memoir and a partly a musing. Years ago I encountered Dunboy Castle on the Beara Peninsula in Ireland, before it was rebuilt as a hotel. It was just a ruin surrounded by cows on a meadow. I love ruins, because they remind us of past times and also remind us, that we can be imperfect, allowing the past to be carried over into the present. I love ruins has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Cup of inspiration: the rainbow dragon, who looked like a dragonfly

There's barren land, that's black, bleak and burned, until the narrator finds a rose, asking for help. It's dying and now the adventure starts, because the only one who can help is the rainbow dragon, who looks like a dragon fly residing in the rainbow waterfalls. This story is about looking inside and resurrecting what's nearly been dead, tending to the garden of our own soul, where ultimately the magic resides. The rainbow dragon, who looked like a dragon fly has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Cup of inspiration: the star, which turned into a starfish

There's a star, that yearns to fall from the skies into the waters of the sea of life. With the power of his imagination, he makes something sheerly impossible become possible. This is a story about the power of surrender and what magic can happen when we allow ourselves to fall, let go and transform into something else. The star, which turned into a starfish has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Cup of inspiration: 5 apples, 10 pieces of lumpsugar, cranberry jelly and a corer

This is a story about my beloved grandma, who was the queen of the food parcel. Usually she would sent me one of her famous stollen, but not this one time... It turned out to be a heartwarming surprise. What would I give to get another of her food parcels. 5 apples, 10 pieces of lumpsugar, cranberry jelly and a corer has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Cup of inspiration: Poem for now

This is a very recent poem, which has been written during lock down in Ireland, depicting Anja's personal experience with the situation; the fears and hopes we deal with in a time of great uncertainty. The question is: Can we create a better world or do we go back to normal... The poem for now has been written and recorded Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching. Her e- book Inappropriate Colours, 12 story-delights can be purchased on Amazon as well as all the other retailers. The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Cup of inspiration: the grand union

Surrounded by splendour and grandiosity, they never compare themselves with their neighbours. They know who they are, they are the ones, who invite people in. Listen to this surreal little story and find out who they are. The grand union has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching. Her e- book Inappropriate Colours, 12 story-delights can be purchased on Amazon as well as all the other retailers. The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Cup of inspiration: Albert & Emilia

Emilia wants change and Albert can't move, he's too set in his old ways. When Emilia starts to walk away into a new life, Albert has to make a choice, whether he's gonna come along or whether his principles are stronger than his love. Albert & Emilia has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching. Her e- book Inappropriate Colours, 12 story-delights can be purchased on Amazon as well as all the other retailers. The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Cup of inspiration: Maybe it is a troll hoover?

The question is: 'Are the extra terrestrials hoovering the trolls away without us noticing?' Mind you, most of us even don't notice trolls anymore... Which brings me to the next question are houses nervous systems affected by hoovering maniacs or do they rather enjoy it like a massage? I am leading you through a labyrinth of very important questions, we all should consider. I might not have the answers to them, but asking questions is more important than having answers. The ones that do have them, are already dead! Maybe it is a troll hoover has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching. Her e- book Inappropriate Colours, 12 story-delights can be purchased on Amazon as well as all the other retailers. The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Cup of Inspiration: the butterbee and the knot tree

There was a bee, that had specialised on butter instead of honey, hence butter bee. She loved butter and sometimes got quite drunk on it, if she wasn't careful. The meat eating plant fortunately had made her a special cloak, so that the butter wouldn't stick to her wings, while she was dig-eating her way through the butter tunnels. Unfortunately the other bees were making fun of her, until one day she couldn't take it anymore. She decided to move out. This is when she met the knot tree, who not only offered her a new home but also a wonderful friendship. The butter bee and the knot tree has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching. Her e- book Inappropriate Colours, 12 story-delights can be purchased on Amazon as well as all the other retailers. The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Cup of inspiration: the legendary nerve quarter

Maybe it was to be expected. Birds and chairs might have just too different personalities to live together. The crake and the duck were a couple and freshly in love, when they stumbled across the two empty chairs, twins, who had been abandoned by their previous owner. Apparently they weren't fashionable enough anymore. Of course the crake and the duck took pity, taking the twins in. The only problem was, they got terribly on each others nerves. And this is where the origins of the legendary nerve quarter stem from, spreading the irritation virus. The legendary nerve quarter has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching. Her e- book Inappropriate Colours, 12 story-delights can be purchased on Amazon as well as all the other retailers. The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Cup of inspiration: the highly sensitive flat

There's a highly sensitive flat, which would prefer to live in California instead of damp Cornwall, England. But her narcissistic owner isn't interested in her needs, assuming she's as robust as himself. When the damp patch on the ceiling grows bigger and bigger, he blames it on his tenants. Claiming, that the freshly moved in tall boyfriend is using too much oxygen. A device gets installed, measuring how much air the couple is using. When it has reached a certain limit, the alarm goes off. The question is: 'Will there be a resolution to the problem or will the tenants have to dive with oxygen masks through their flat instead?' The highly sensitive flat has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching. Her e- book Inappropriate Colours, 12 story-delights can be purchased on Amazon as well as all the other retailers. The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.


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Cup of inspiration: the art of backtalking

Backtalking is an art, talking behind someone else's back to be precise, gossiping, is an art! The backtalking specialist is telling you directly what you need to do to become an accomplished backtalker. There's many advantages to learning this skill. Mainly you never have to change anything about yourself. Nevertheless you can release some stuffed down emotions without being responsible. Who wouldn't want that... The art of backtalking has been written and recorded by Anja Kersten Anja Kersten -Artist/Unique Drawings/Life Coach/Online Coaching. Her e- book Inappropriate Colours, 12 story-delights can be purchased on Amazon as well as all the other retailers. The music has been composed by Chelsea Edwardson, find out more about her on her website https://www.chelseaedwardson.com.
