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Storytelling with Puck

Storytelling Podcasts

At the start of each year, Puck Creations hosts a week long initiative for people to share their stories across social media called #StorytellingWithPuck. This podcast continues in that style. We'll be sharing stories, chatting about stories and becoming the next story about stories. We'll also be seeing why stories are so powerful in business, branding and marketing. Want to be kept up to date and get accompanying emails? Subscribe to the #StorytellingWithPuck email here: Need to get in touch?


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At the start of each year, Puck Creations hosts a week long initiative for people to share their stories across social media called #StorytellingWithPuck. This podcast continues in that style. We'll be sharing stories, chatting about stories and becoming the next story about stories. We'll also be seeing why stories are so powerful in business, branding and marketing. Want to be kept up to date and get accompanying emails? Subscribe to the #StorytellingWithPuck email here: Need to get in touch?



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S03E18 - Katie Hornor: The Flamingo Advantage

The Flamingo Advantage How do you stand out from the crowd? What makes you different? The flamingo stands out by being a flamingo. What goes in is clearly seen on the outside. Its beauty literally comes from within. Katie Hornor wants you to understand yourself better so you can stand out too. Her flower in her hair makes a mark but there's way more to it than that. One of the best ways to make your voice heard is through stories and Katie has lots of them. Listen to find out...


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S03E17 - Wojtek Kolodziejczak: Life Networker

Life Networker Listen. No. Really listen. Take in every word. Don’t think about what you’re going to say next or how you have a similar or better story. Just listen. We’re giving you that advice for this episode and we’re taking it from our guest, Wojtek Kolodziejczak, who has realised that business networking is really all about life networking. His stories are incredible. He’s gone from being a lawyer to a business development manager, to running his own business and living the life of...


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S03E16 - Matt McWilliams: Turn your passions into profits

Turn Your Passions Into Profits Have you ever been in Sports Illustrated? No? Have you ever been in a picture with REM? No? OK, we’ll leave that to Matt McWilliams and you can listen to his episode to find out why. These are just two of the many fascinating stories he tells and if that’s not enough, he also gives you a taste of how to turn your passions into profits. Of course, if you really want the detail, you’ll have to buy his book. Come back after you’ve listened to Matt’s episode and...


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S03E15 - Lucy Griffin-Stiff: Half time

Half Time We talk about learning a lot. At Puck Creations, we love to absorb the latest information. We’re constantly updating our methods and making sure we’re providing the best possible service. What we haven’t thought as much about is what we need to unlearn. Lucy Griffin-Stiff shares a story by the wonderful Portia Nelson to get things going. Her insights into the traps we often fall into over and over again can’t be explained here so you’ll just have to listen. We talk about...


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S03E14 - Lenise Collimore: Travel that teaches

Travel that teaches A teacher teaches. Lenise Collimore is known to be a great teacher. Great teachers also learn. Travel teaches too and it taught Lenise a lot about life. Her understanding of the English language and her ability to teach it to others gave her the opportunity to travel across many countries. Japan, Turkey, the Netherlands, to name a few. In each place, she spent time understanding the world around her and listening to the stories of others. Her writing is inspired and...


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S03E13 - Hansa Pankhania: Best of 3 worlds

The best of 3 worlds An Englishwoman, a Kenyan and an Indian all record a podcast. Sounds like the start of a bad joke. It isn’t, it’s just a reflection of the incredible life our guest for Season 3, Episode 13 of the Storytelling with Puck podcast has had. Hansa Pankhania takes the good bits from each of the countries that have had the biggest effect on her life and uses them to help others. India is the birthplace of her parents. Kenya is where she spent her childhood. The UK has...


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S03E12 - Lydia Brown: Strength in Weaknesses

Strength in weaknesses What’s your biggest weakness? What do you struggle with? Are there things you don’t consider to be weaknesses but others do? Maybe you see weaknesses where others don’t? Lydia Brown has cerebral palsy. She lived without a home for many years. Her challenges are bigger than many of us ever have to face. Yet, she uses a lot of the things that some might call weakness to provide her with the strength to move forward. Her hardest days are used as inspiration for...


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S03E11 - Susan Payton: When I ordered my husband

What’s the best thing you’ve ever ordered? Online, in a shop, via a brochure, from the universe? Have you ever ordered a husband? If you were to order a husband or a partner for life, what specifics would you ask for? Susan Payton made a very specific order on April 27th 2006 and you can find out all about it by listening to Episode 11 of Series 3 of the Storytelling with Puck podcast. You can also discover how many stories we all have within us, how to create a bank of stories to share when...


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S03E10 - Scott Frothingham: When opportunity knocks

When opportunity knocks Are you ready to be ahead of the crowd when opportunity comes knocking? One man was and our guest on Episode 10 of Series 3 of the Storytelling with Puck podcast is going to tell you all about him. He’ll also tell you about succinct copy, owning a radio station, how to come up with new ideas and more. If you’re still wondering why you should listen. It’s all about the stories. Scott has lots to tell. Who was the top salesperson? What does learning on the job...


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S03E09 - Gillian Jones: Lessons from the past

Lessons from the past Sometimes, we go through things and we have no idea why. We can’t work out what’s happening in our lives or how to fix it. Sometimes, we feel like we need to fix things that we don’t. When we look back at a life that once was, we often look with fresh eyes. We see what we could never have seen before. Only our knowledge today can inform our past. Gillian Jones, our guest on Series 3, Episode 9 of the Storytelling with Puck Podcast is an exceptional writer with so...


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S03E08 - Charles Waters: Exploring Life

Exploring Life Charles Waters is an explorer. He’s travelled through many countries across many continents but that isn’t the only way he explores. For him, every new day is a chance to discover something new. From boarding school to university, to working in a wine shop, to travelling, to landscaping and to writing powerful copy, Charles is always discovering something new. In his most recent exploration, Charles found himself guesting on Episode 8, Series 3 of the Storytelling with Puck...


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S03E07 - Steve Phillip: The Jordan Legacy

The Jordan Legacy Please be aware that this episode talks about suicide and mental health challenges. If now isn't the right time to listen, please don’t press play. These stories are important and we need to tell them to raise awareness but your health and your current state of mind is more important than anything else. Steve shares the story of his son, Jordan. It’s not just about that painful moment in time but about everything that came before and the changing world that has developed...


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S03E06 - Sheron Mingo Y: Conflicting Beats

Conflicting Beats With words, with music, with poetry, with story, we create a rhythm, we let the beat guide us. Ta tam, ta tam, ta tam. Sheron’s poetry takes us into her flow, yet the occasional thump! Thump! Thump! Interrupts that beat. Her stories, her poetry, her insights will keep you enthralled. There are many places to go to connect with Sheron and to buy her wonderful books. Check them out below: Sheron’s website: Sheron’s Mementos:...


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S03E05 - Mark Robinson: Speak. Inspire. Empower.

Speak. Inspire. Empower. Do you like speaking in front of groups? What stops you? Lack of confidence? Fear? Something else? Have you heard of TEDx? Would you speak at one of those? Maybe you have already? Is your heart beating faster as I ask these questions? It’s OK if presenting isn’t your thing. It really isn’t for everyone but one thing is for sure, everyone can present. Mark Robinson, our guest for Episode 5 of Series 3 of the Storytelling with Puck Podcast has a lot to say on the...


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S03E04 - Timothy Mason: Smile for the camera

Smile for the camera! Where does inspiration come from? It comes from stories, of course. Here’s a prime example. Our guest for Series 3, Episode 4 of the Storytelling with Puck Podcast is a powerful storyteller. His medium is the camera. His films highlight the challenges of businesses, their successes, their stops along the way. With every story he tells, he inspires somebody, somewhere to take action. Tim was inspired, in his own right, by a story. Find out more about that by listening...


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S03E03 - Eleanor Goold: Alchemy

Alchemy It’s not about dogs, it’s not about McFly, it’s not even about Teddy or Tizzy. It’s about you. You’re probably wondering how it’s about you. Maybe you’re even wondering what exactly IT is. Well, that’s the power of words. The power of magic. The power of alchemy. Once you listen to the compelling copywriter that is Eleanor Goold, you’ll understand everything. Luckily for you, there’s an opportunity to listen right now. Eleanor was a guest on Episode 3 of Series 3 of the Storytelling...


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S03E02 - Bina Briggs: Moving

From one land to another, from one story to another, from one life to another. Bina Briggs has gone though things that many of us couldn’t imagine. A refugee from Uganda with a tough home life, Bina never had things easy. Still, she currently runs a successful HR company called Plain Talking HR and enjoys her life in Sunny Luton, in the UK. What got her here, you may ask? Well, if you’ve got the ears to listen, Bina’s got the legs, the strength and the tenacity to take you on this journey...


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S03E01 - Jennifer Elia: It starts with a hen

It starts with a hen Hens, homesteads, a little LinkedIn, a lot of marketing, where are we going with this? Jennifer Elia says that content is anything that educates your audience and stories are an amazing way of making that happen. Still, if you’re wondering what hens have to do with Jennifer’s business, this is the best place to find out. Start listening to Episode 1 of Series 3 of the Storytelling with Puck podcast right away. Are you looking to get found on LinkedIn? Check out...


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S02E15 - Jennifer Nunez: Late Bloomer

Some people know exactly what they want to do at a very young age. Everything is planned out and no stone gets left unturned in making sure that they get there. Jennifer Nunez was not one of those people. Life after school was about taking things as they come. By doing that, Jennifer learned a lot about life and business that is easily missed when we follow a pre-determined path. Still, a marketing degree came calling, a marketing community was to be developed and a move to a completely new...


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S02E14 - Harshita Khandelwal: Finding common ground

Isn't it brilliant that we're all so unique? You'll hear Puck Creations talk about the benefits of standing out all the time and we explain that the best way to do that is by defining who you are. You are unique, you are the magic ingredient. Yet, being unique doesn't mean that we need to be alone or lonely. We still have a lot in common with those around us. We can still connect. We can still share the feelings that matter most to us. Harshita Khandelwal writes in a way that helps us to...
