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Code and the Coding Coders who Code it

Technology Podcasts

We talk about Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, and everything in between. From tiny tips to bigger challenges we take on 3 questions a show; What are you working on? What's blocking you? What's something cool you want to share?


United States


We talk about Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, and everything in between. From tiny tips to bigger challenges we take on 3 questions a show; What are you working on? What's blocking you? What's something cool you want to share?



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Episode 38 - Amir Rajan

Ready to unlock the secrets of game development using Ruby? Join us as we chat with the ingenious Amir Rajan, the mastermind behind the DragonRuby Game Toolkit. Amir takes us on a captivating journey from his corporate days in app development to becoming a trailblazing indie game developer. You'll be amazed at how Amir leveraged Ruby's expressive power to create innovative games and how his monumental success with the iOS port of "A Dark Room" reshaped his career. Prepare to gain an insider's perspective on the unique challenges and rewarding experiences of adapting Ruby for the gaming world. Ever wondered what it takes to test a real-time game with precision? Amir sheds light on the stark contrasts in testing between app development and game creation. Listen as he breaks down the complexities of managing long-running states, debugging frame-perfect bugs, and implementing replay systems for maintaining consistent gameplay experiences. Using a racing game as an example, Amir explains the intricacies of regression testing in game development, offering a fascinating glimpse into the meticulous world of game testing. Curious about what it takes to create a successful hyper-niche game? Discover Amir's strategic approach to captivating players within the first 20 seconds and crafting a minimum viable product (MVP) that stands out. Drawing inspiration from literature and focusing on underserved communities, Amir shares the potential of niche game concepts—without competing with big-name studios. He also tackles common misconceptions about Ruby's speed, demonstrating with DragonRuby how a well-implemented runtime can rival even the fastest engines. This episode is packed with invaluable insights for both aspiring and seasoned developers, bridging the gap between app and game development in innovative ways. Send us some love. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 37 - Kinsey Durham Grace

Get a behind-the-scenes look at the meticulous planning for RubyConf, where Kinsey Durham Grace reveals exciting new initiatives aimed at making the conference more inclusive and accessible for developers of all skill levels. Learn about the importance of the early Call for Proposals (CFP) and the exciting RubyConf tracks planned for this year. As she details the structure of RubyConf, featuring three simultaneous tracks and a community-focused day, you’ll see why this event is a must-attend for anyone in the Ruby community. Ever hit a roadblock while working on a project? Kinsey discusses common blockers at GitHub and how tools like Sorbet, AASM, and Packwork have transformed their workflow. With insights from experienced organizers like Spike from Rocky Mountain Ruby, you’ll learn about the importance of having a playbook and support system in place. Finally, get inspired to submit your talk for upcoming conferences, leveraging coaching resources to ensure your proposals shine. Kinsey’s enthusiasm and wealth of knowledge make this episode a treasure trove for anyone passionate about tech, community, and personal growth. Send us some love. Honeybadger Honeybadger is an application health monitoring tool built by developers for developers. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 36 - Live (at the time) from RailsConf 2024

In this special crossover episode recorded live from RailsConf 2024 in Detroit, join us for a unique gathering of prominent Ruby podcasters. Drew teams up with Elise from the 'Ruby on Rails' podcast, Jason from 'Code with Jason,' Joël from 'The Bike Shed,' and Julie from 'Ruby for All' The group discusses their experiences at RailsConf, including workshops, talks about Test Driven Development (TDD), and building dynamic applications with Turbo. They delve into the implications of RailsConf being discontinued after 2025, the thriving local Ruby conference scene, and share candid moments about their interactions with the community. Additionally, they touch upon diverse topics such as Detroit-style pizza, hot dog eating capacities, and food opinions, blending technical insights with light-hearted banter. The episode concludes with gratitude for the well-coordinated event and excitement for future Ruby gatherings. Enjoy! Panelists: Julie J. Elise Shaffer Jason Swett Drew Bragg Joël Quenneville Links: Julie J. Twitter Julie J. Website Ruby for All Podcast Jason Swett Twitter Code with Jason Website Joël Quenneville Twitter Joël Quenneville Website The Bike Shed Podcast Elise Shaffer Website The Ruby on Rails Podcast RailsConf 2024 Send us some love. Honeybadger Honeybadger is an application health monitoring tool built by developers for developers. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 35 - Josh Wood

Ever wondered how a Ruby developer transitions into a successful entrepreneur? Join us as Josh Wood, co-founder of, shares his fascinating journey. From creating notable projects like the Heya gem and Exceptional Creatures to spearheading the launch of HoneyBadger Insights, Josh offers an insider's view of the Ruby community and his experiences at RailsConf. Listen to his unique perspective on balancing developer relations, marketing, and the dynamic energy that fuels his passion for Ruby development. Curious about the latest trends in Ruby conferences? This episode dives into the vibrant world of Ruby events across the U.S. and Europe. We discuss the allure of gatherings like Blue Ridge and Rocky Mountain Ruby, along with smaller, community-driven meetups such as Ruby on Trails and Rawhide Ruby. Learn about the shift in Ruby Central's focus from organizing RailsConf to empowering regional conferences and ponder the potential rise of new events in cities like Philadelphia. Josh and his co-founder Ben Curtis's collaborative dynamics and quarterly strategy meetings are also on the agenda. What does it take to reposition a well-known error tracker into a comprehensive application performance monitoring tool? Josh reveals the strategic shifts at HoneyBadger, unpacking the challenges of marketing and design from the vantage point of a technical founder. Hear about the creative process behind naming projects, the nostalgic joy of using older technologies, and the interplay between personal hobbies and professional life. This episode promises a rich blend of insights and stories that will captivate anyone interested in the intersection of technology, entrepreneurship, and community culture. Send us some love. Honeybadger Honeybadger is an application health monitoring tool built by developers for developers. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 34 - Ufuk Kayserilioglu

Discover the heartbeat of Ruby with Ufuk Kayserilioglu, the engineering maestro at Shopify, as we unravel the layers of Ruby infrastructure and the bright future of Rails development. Ufuk's insights into the meticulous work of maintaining CRuby reveal the fine art of balancing performance with modernity while also diving into the exciting realms of TruffleRuby and the Prism compiler. His recent appointment to the Ruby Central board brings a fresh perspective to the community's cherished events, igniting innovative visions for RailsConf that are sure to resonate with enthusiasts and professionals alike. Feel the buzz of RailsConf as we praise the lineup of visionary speakers set to grace the stage, each chosen with the utmost care to embody the conference's core Rails theme. The anticipation bubbles over as we discuss the wealth of knowledge awaiting attendees, from software craftsmanship to the intricate web of professional relationships that flourish within the Rails ecosystem. Get a glimpse of what Hack Days promises, an unparalleled opportunity for real-time collaboration that could very well become the centerpiece of your RailsConf experience. As we gear up for one of the most pivotal gatherings in the Ruby community, we highlight the essential role of Ruby Central—our steward of Ruby's shared resources and the architect of iconic events like RailsConf and RubyConf. The chapter closes with a nod to the potential of supporting local meetups and regional conferences, an endeavor that strengthens the fabric of our community. And for a touch of tech magic, we share tales of Tailscale's impact on developer networking, a pathway to career ascension for many. Stay connected with us online for the latest on RailsConf and more, and prepare to accelerate your professional journey in the world of Ruby. Send us some love. Honeybadger Honeybadger is an application health monitoring tool built by developers for developers. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 33 - Stephen Margheim

Embark on a journey through the landscape of SQLite and Ruby on Rails as I chat with the exceptional Stephen Margheim, who enlightens us on the robustness and agility of SQLite for modern web development. Stephen brings to the table his extensive open-source contributions and projects that integrate SQLite with Rails, offering insights into Ruby gems like Lightstream for backups and an SQLite package manager for extensions. Dispel any doubts about SQLite's scalability with us, as Stephen dismantles misconceptions and highlights how this database can stand tall among the giants. As we navigate the conversation, you'll uncover the elegance of simplicity in database management. I reflect on my own experiences, contrasting the complexity of orchestrating large-scale applications against the serenity of smaller, SQLite-backed projects. Stephen and I advocate for the beauty of monolithic repositories, debunk the notion that overengineering is a must, and sing praises for starting lean and nimble—because sometimes, less is genuinely more. This episode is a chorus for pragmatism, where we harmonize the hymn that simplicity and development velocity can and should be the leading voices early on. Finally, witness the burgeoning Ruby ecosystem's embrace of SQLite through the spotlight on emerging gems like Lightstack and Extralight, which are fine-tuning the Rails experience for both seasoned developers and newcomers. This episode isn't merely a discussion; it's a testament to the growing vitality of Ruby's relationship with SQLite and the shared vision of streamlined, powerful web development. Join us to learn how these tools can transform your Rails journey, as we champion a future where sophistication and accessibility go hand in hand. Send us some love. Honeybadger Honeybadger is an application health monitoring tool built by developers for developers. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 32 - Andy Croll

Imagine stepping into the control room of a major tech conference with us as we chat with Andy Croll, CTO of Coverage Book and freshly minted co-chair of RailsConf. This episode peels back the curtain on the meticulous craft of conference planning – from the adrenaline rush of putting together a tech event to the nitty-gritty of ensuring that every attendee leaves with more than they came for. Andy's vision for RailsConf marries the camaraderie of small engineering teams with the prowess of industry titans, striving for a lineup that reflects the global community's rich tapestry. With Andy at the helm, we travel the path from Brighton Ruby's intimate gatherings to the sprawling expanse of RailsConf, painting a vivid picture of the care poured into speaker preparation and the quest for the Holy Grail of event organization – flawless Wi-Fi. You can almost hear the cogs turning as we delve into the logistics of venue scouting and the art of crafting a compelling call for papers. Whether you're a conference going enthusiast or simply fascinated by the orchestration behind the scenes, Andy's insights offer a unique lens into the world of tech events. Wrapping up the discussion, the podcast takes a lighthearted detour through personal anecdotes and the shared excitement for both the upcoming RailsConf and the cherished Brighton Ruby conference. The warmth of reconnection and the buzz of collective anticipation for future engagements leave us with a sense of renewed community spirit. Join us on this engaging journey through the ins and outs of bringing a beloved industry gathering to life. Links @andycroll@brightonruby @railsconf@andycroll@ruby.socialRailsConf 2024 Send us some love. Honeybadger Honeybadger is an application health monitoring tool built by developers for developers. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 31 - Elise Shaffer

It's time for another Ruby on Rails podcast crossover episode! This time I'm joined by the RoR Podcasts new host, Elise Shaffer. Elise interviews me about the game show I've been giving, I offer my thoughts on doing "weird talks", and we chat about how I got started podcasting. We then flip the script and I interview Elise about her new course on Test Driven Development (TDD), her podcast, and her thoughts on teaching and learning. Elise also had some great tips for getting started (or getting better) with Vim. Links: The Ruby on Rails PodcastOriginal RoR crossover episode (Episode 4)Course hostingSend us some love. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 30 - Adarsh Pandit

In this eipsode I had the pleasure of talking to Adarsh Pandit, Executive Director of Ruby Central, who gave me a peek behind the curtain. From discussing his journey through the coding industry to arriving at Ruby Central, to the challenges he tackled stepping into an executive role - Adarsh's story is a tale of perseverance, growth, and community building. Get ready to uncover how Ruby Central is keeping the Ruby community vibrant and innovative. You'll hear about RubyConf and the exciting Community Day initiative that Adarsh is leading - a celebration of knowledge sharing, public speaking, and community engagement. Adarsh also shares his insights on adapting conferences to changing times and the strategies he's using to revamp the RubyTogether membership program. It's a candid look at the realities of running a tech organization in an ever-evolving industry. But we don't stop there. We also dive into Ruby Central's efforts to foster collaboration and creativity within the Ruby community. From fiscal sponsorship programs to the Scholars and Guides Program - Adarsh gives us a detailed tour of how they're stoking the fires of innovation. And not to be missed is our exploration of community building through local meetups. It's all about creating spaces for connections and learning, and we're sure you'll find Adarsh's experiences and insights invaluable. Tune in for a conversation that's not just about code, but also about fostering communities, encouraging creativity, and building a shared sense of purpose in the tech world. Links rubycentral.orgRuby Central MembershipsRubyConf 2023Send us some love. Honeybadger Honeybadger is an application health monitoring tool built by developers for developers. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 29 - Ben Orenstein

In this episode, I'm joined by a special guest, Ben Ornstein, one of my Ruby heroes. I may fan-boy a bit as I express my admiration for Tuple, a tool I love. Together, we dive deep into Tuple's journey, starting from its inception and delving into the creative problem-solving and ingenuity behind its design and development. Ben also reveals his transition from CEO to Head of Product. We discuss the fresh perspective on team collaboration methods and product development this change offers. We explore how feedback loops and Agile practices play a pivotal role in Tuple's continuous evolution. Along the way, we also reflect on the 'My Life in Weeks' poster, which serves as a stark reminder of the fleeting nature of our time on Earth. This episode is a roller-coaster of insights, trivia, and reflections that will hopefully leave you feeling wiser and more contemplative. Links: @r00kTuple'My Life in Weeks' poster'A Short History of Nearly Everything' by Bill BrysonSend us some love. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Bonus Canadian Football Episode

Matt Swanson stays on to talk about Canadian Football and no it's not Rugby. Send us some love. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 28 - Matt Swanson

Hands down my most boring episode to date. In this episode I'm joined by Mr. "Boring Rails" himself, Matt Swanson. We talk about removing premature abstractions, how decision fatigue impacts exploration, and revisiting ActionMailer (and finding it to be better than we remember). Even though Matt is notorious for sticking to boring tech the conversation was still great and I'm looking forward to having him on again. Maybe to talk about TypeScript? ;) Links: @_swansonboringrails.comActionMailer GuideActionMailer Send us some love. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 27 - Andrew Atkinson

PostgreSQL wizard Andrew Atkinson joins the show to discuss his new book, "High-Performance PostgreSQL for Rails." Andrew talks about the challenges of writing a database book for Rails developers, refactoring prose, and the importance of maintaining a work-book-life balance. With his multiple fantastic talks on the subject of PostgreSQL, it's no surprise that he possesses a ton of knowledge to share. I'm genuinely delighted that I had the opportunity to have him on the show, and I'm incredibly excited for the book's upcoming release. Links: @andatkiandatki.bsky.socialandyatkinsonandyatkinson.comHigh-Performance PostgreSQL for RailsPGSQL Phriday #001 — Query Stats, Log Tags, and N+1sSend us some love. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 26 - Thomas Carr

Web3! 😱 Now that I have your attention. This episode I'm joined by Thomas Carr. Thomas is a Consultant & Software Developer for Emerging Technologies at CGI Federal. Which is a fancy way of saying he gets to play around with all the new tech out there and see what might have real world application. Thomas just gave an awesome talk at Blue Ridge Ruby called "Digital Identity or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Web3" and I found it so fascinating (much to my surprise) I felt like I had to have him on the show. If you're like I was and think Web3 is just a buzzword Tech Bros use you definitely want to check out this episode! Links: Carrhtcarr3SSI LandCGI FederalBlue Ridge Ruby Send us some love. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 25 - Vini Stock

Fresh off his Ruby Kaigi talk, Vini Stock, joins the show to talk about all things Ruby LSP. Even though he's given a plethora of talks on the subject already there's so much to LSPs and to the future and vision of this project that I learned a ton while recording. Vini confirms what I always suspected, that getting paid to work on developer tooling is awesome. I'm super excited about this project and I suspect after listening to this episode you will be too! Links: @vinistockvinistock.comVinicius Stock@vinistockRubyLSP RepoRubyLSP plugin for VS CodeRuby Kaigi TalkSend us some love. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 24 - Alan and Fito - Cisco Meraki

Another double-guest episode! This time, I'm joined by Alan Ridlehoover and Fito von Zastrow from Cisco Meraki. There's almost too much great content in this episode to provide a proper summary. We discuss everything, from the modularization of massive Rails apps to building a toy framework. Alan and Fito have a ton of experience and are working on some awesome things. Best of all, they're hiring! If this episode makes you hungry for the types of problems they're solving, definitely check out Cisco Meraki's career page. Links: LinkedIn@alan@ruby.socialLinkedIn@Fito@ruby.socialCisco Meraki's career pageA Brewer’s Guide to Filtering out Complexity and Churn (RubyConf Mini)Liberty FrameworkManufacturableAlans BlogRuby Flog VS Code ExtensionCoverage Status VS Code ExtensionRubyist (an opinionated color scheme for Ruby development)Send us some love. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 23 - Daniel Huss

First time Podcast guest, Daniel Huss, joins the show. Daniel is a Test Double agent and recently gave his first conference talk (Spoiler, it was great)! We talk about the differences between contract and product work, Dragon Ruby, and tending to your code like it's a garden. Daniel crush it on his first, of what I hope will be many, podcast appearances. Links: LinkedIn@daniel_n_huss@ruby.socialTest DoubleDragon RubyTheory BuildingSend us some love. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 22 - Brittany Martin

In this episode, I'm joined by returning guest Brittany Martin to talk about her new role as an Engineering Manager at Shogun. We also discuss corporate hackathons, the delicate balance between work and personal projects, and the potential benefits for both developers and the company. Brittany shares her insights on the value of hackathons in terms of team bonding, productivity, and learning opportunities. We also have mischievous plan to surprise another podcast. Links: The Ruby on Rails Podcast@brittjmartin@brittjmartin@ruby.socialbrittanymartin.devBrittany MartinShogunChatGPTSend us some love. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 21 - Nick Schwaderer

Nick Schwaderer rejoins the show. We discuss our experiences in giving talks, the importance of engaging with the audience, and the development of Scarpe, a new implementation of _why's Shoes DSL for building Ruby desktop applications. Nick shares valuable insights on creating connections, maintaining a balance between humor and content, and fostering a welcoming community. Nick also hints at something awesome that our editor refers to as "Schwad-warts Express". You're going to have to listen to find out all about it. Links: @schwad_rb on Twitterschwad.github.ioScarpe GitHub RepoNobody Knows ShoesGlimmer RubyBlue Ridge RubySend us some love. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.


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Episode 20 - Julie J

Julie J, co-host of Ruby for All, joins the show to talk about her cool side project and Ruby for All. We talk about getting stuff done, Rails upgrades, and some of the confusion that still exists around assets in Rails. Julie has quickly grown into one of my favorite podcast hosts so you definitely want to give this one a listen. Links: ConnectOAuthreadme.localtest.mePaperclip GemSend us some love. Support the Show. Ready to start your own podcast? This show is hosted on Buzzsprout and it's awesome, not to mention a Ruby on Rails application. Let Buzzsprout know we sent you and you'll get a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support our show.
