

Technology Podcasts

This is the Ctrl+Alt+Azure podcast. We talk about all things Microsoft Azure and share our experiences and thoughts on the way. Your hosts are Tobias Zimmergren and Jussi Roine.




This is the Ctrl+Alt+Azure podcast. We talk about all things Microsoft Azure and share our experiences and thoughts on the way. Your hosts are Tobias Zimmergren and Jussi Roine.



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248 - Azure Updates

In this week's episode, we look at recent Azure updates. What's new? What's interesting? What's retiring? We found updates for Azure Functions, Defender for Cloud, Windows VM and MFA, and many others. Also, Jussi asks Tobi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (03:54) - Show content starts. Show links - Public Preview: Continuous Performance Diagnostics for Windows VMs to enhance VM Troubleshooting - Windows Server 2025 Preview on Azure - MFA requirements update - Public preview for the Microsoft Entra Powershell module - Generally Available: Run Azure Load Testing on Azure Functions (microsoft.com) - Service Retirement (Preview) - Microsoft Azure - What's new in Microsoft Defender for Cloud features - Give us feedback!


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247 - Entra Suite explained

This week, we talk about Entra Suite. What is it? We tackled Entra ID plans previously, but now we have Entra Suite. What's included, who should get it, and how much does it cost? Also, Tobi asks Jussi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (03:27) - Show content starts. Show links - Entra Suite - The Microsoft vision for a trust fabric | Microsoft Security Blog - Episode 235: Entra SSE - Give us feedback!


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246 - Azure Summer projects

This week, as it's the summer holiday season, we discuss our plans for interesting Azure projects. What to study, try out, and what's a long-forgotten project to resume? Also, Jussi asks Tobi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (03:36) - Show content starts. Show links - Azure Bastion Premium - Llama3 fine-tuning: Meta, Azure AI Studio - GrovePi Internet of Things Robot Kit - Give us feedback!


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245 - Entra ID licensing: One person, one license

This week, we tackle Entra ID licensing. We discuss the basics of Entra ID plans, the use of licenses with B2B guest accounts, and what comes into play with multi-tenant organizations and governance licensing. Also, Tobi asks Jussi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (02:50) - Show content starts. Show links - One account, one tenant - About MAU - Give us feedback!


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244 - We discovered Azure virtual machine hibernation

This week, we discuss a small but handy capability: hibernation for virtual machines. What is it, why would you need it, and is it suitable for all workloads? Also, Jussi asks Tobi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (02:56) - Show content starts. Show links - Hibernation for Azure virtual machines - Supported SKUs - Give us feedback!


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243 - Azure Updates

In this week's episode, we look at recent Azure updates. What's new? What's interesting? What's retiring? We found updates for Azure Bastion Host, Virtual Network Manager, Defender for Cloud, and many others. Also, Tobi asks Jussi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (02:48) - Show content starts. Show links - Azure Bastion Premium - How to use Virtual Network Verifier - isNestedVirtualizationSupported - Activity log alerts can now run in EU Data Boundary - Defender for Endpoint with Defender for Cloud Apps: macOS support - Public preview: Advanced Container Networking Services for Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) - Azure Web Application Firewall integration in Microsoft Copilot for Security (preview) - Public preview: Azure Functions extension for OpenAI - Give us feedback!


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242 - Building a homelab

This week, we talked about why it's useful (and fun!) to build a homelab. What constitutes a homelab? Why should you build one? We talk about the different use cases, the options, and key components you should get. Lastly, Jussi asks Tobi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (03:09) - Show content starts. Show links - Jussi's Homelab Part 1, Part 2 - Give us feedback!


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241 - A lap around Copilot for Security

In this week's episode we take a deeper look into Copilot for Security. What can you do with it, and will Generative AI really make everything nicer and easier? We talk about capabilities, options, pricing and cost, and security in general. Also, Tobi asks Jussi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (05:03) - Show content starts. Show links - Copilot for Security (Microsoft Learn) - Give us feedback!


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240 - Build 2024: Thoughts on the hero announcements

Last week's Microsoft Build 2024 is fresh on our minds, and we take a deeper look at the hero announcements. Copilot+ PCs and AI in general are top of mind for us, because that was also what Build was essentially about. Also, Jussi asks Tobi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (03:58) - Show content starts. Show links - Microsoft Build 2024 - Build 2024 Book of News - Copilot+ PCs - Ctrl+Alt+Azure | 232 - Diving into Azure AI Studio - What is Azure AI Studio? - Azure AI Studio | Microsoft Learn - Give us feedback!


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239 - Lessons learned: Infrastructure as Code with Jack Tracey

Infrastructure as Code means one thing and so many things simultaneously for people. We pick the brains of Jack Tracey from Microsoft, on his lessons learned and insights with IaC. What are the pitfalls? What works? Bicep or Terraform? Also, Jussi asks Jack an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (03:46) - Show content starts. Show links - https://aka.ms/avm - Decompile ARM template JSON to Bicep - Azure Resource Manager | Microsoft Learn - Give us feedback!


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238 - An introduction to Azure Quantum with Elaine van Bergen

In this week's episode we talk about Azure Quantum with Elaine van Bergen from Microsoft. What is quantum? What about Azure Quantum? Who can build solutions, and what sort of solutions can you build? We try not to understand the math, but we want to understand everythin else. Also, Tobi asks Elaine an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (02:57) - Show content starts. Show links - Get started with Azure Quantum - Training | Microsoft Learn - Starting your journey to become quantum-safe | Microsoft Security Blog - Advancing science: Microsoft and Quantinuum demonstrate the most reliable logical qubits on record with an error rate 800x better than physical qubits - The Official Microsoft Blog - Schrödinger's cat - Wikipedia - Azure Quantum | Learn about quantum and cryptography (microsoft.com) - Azure Quantum | Elements Overview (microsoft.com) - Give us feedback!


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237 - Expectations on Microsoft Build 2024

In this week's episode, we ponder what to expect from Microsoft Build 2024. Is it worth traveling to Seattle for the event, that takes place May 21-23? We reflect on the possible announcements, the breakout session topics, as well as the keynotes. Also, Tobi asks Jussi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (05:14) - Show content starts. Show links - Microsoft Build 2024 - Cloud Skills Challenge - Employ AI on Snapdragon X Elite for code generation and image creation (Seattle only) - RAG at scale: production-ready GenAI apps with Azure AI Search - (PnP team – Rob Bagby delivering a session: Take an Azure OpenAI chat application from PoC to enterprise-ready ) - Optimize productivity by meeting next-level demands of the AI era - The power of AI and Copilot for Azure Databases - Power AI apps and develop rich experiences with Azure SQL Database - What’s new in GitHub Copilot and the Visual Studio family - Activate enterprise data in AI-enabled business applications - Inside AI Security with Mark Russinovich - Learn how to accelerate Stable Diffusion - Deploy next generation workflows from PC to Cloud with Arm tools - Scott and Mark learn to Copilot - Running .NET on the NES - Give us feedback!


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236 - Azure Updates

In this week's episode, we look at recent Azure updates. What's new? What's interesting? What's retiring? We found updates for Azure AI, Microsoft Sentinel, and Azure Advisors, and many others. Also, Jussi asks Tobi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (02:48) - Show content starts. Show links - Virtual network flow logs - Azure Classic networking services retirement - New Azure OpenAI and AI Search connectors for Logic Apps - Azure AI Search changes - Windows Server 2025 & Windows Server Insider Program - Get end-to-end protection with Microsoft's unified security operations platform - Use the SIEM migration experience - Microsoft Sentinel - Calculate cost savings in Azure Advisor - Azure Advisor | Microsoft Learn - Give us feedback!


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235 - Understanding Entra SSE

In this week's episode, we're talking about Microsoft Entra Security Service Edge (SSE). What is it? How does SASE tie into this? When and why would you need this? We reminisce a bit on history to better understand the use cases. Also, Tobi asks Jussi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (03:22) - Show content starts. Show links - Microsoft Entra expands into Security Service Edge and Azure AD becomes Microsoft Entra ID | Microsoft Security Blog - Give us feedback!


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234 - Talking cost management and FinOps with Paola Annis

Today, we'll talk about cost management and FinOps, and we have Paola Annis from Microsoft as the expert on this. What's FinOps again? What are companies focusing on as part of FinOps? We consider the different aspects of FinOps, and reflect how it looked in the back compared to today. Also, Jussi asks Paola an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (02:42) - Show content starts. Show links - https://data.finops.org/#11755 - https://data.finops.org/#11757 - Give us feedback!


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233 - Getting started with GitHub for Enterprises

Today, we'll talk about GitHub Enterprise. This is based on a recent adventure in getting it to work for us, and the lessons learned are the essence of this episode. What are the plans? What do you need to configure? What got us confused? Also, Jussi asks Tobi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (04:06) - Show content starts. Show links - GitHub Enterprise Trial - Jussi's Whoop 4.0 (Jussi's referral code, if you want 1 month free and Jussi gets 1 month free: link) - Give us feedback!


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232 - Diving into Azure AI Studio

We've discussed generative AI and Azure AI capabilities in a few past episodes. In this episode, we'll bring it all together and focus on Azure AI Studio—how do you build generative AI solutions using this service? We consider how to choose LLMs, cost, deployment, bringing your data, and what solutions companies are building with this. Also, Tobi asks Jussi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (03:56) - Show content starts. Show links - Ctrl+Alt+Azure: 199 - Refreshing our knowledge on Azure AI - Ctrl+Alt+Azure: 220 - When to use what with generative AI? - Ctrl+Alt+Azure: 223 - Understanding Azure AI Search - Azure AI Studio - Give us feedback!


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231 - Let's explore Microsoft Security Exposure Management

In this week's episode, we look at Microsoft Security Exposure Management. What is it, and what can you do with it? We discuss the capabilities, our initial impressions of this capability, and licensing. Also, Jussi asks Tobi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (02:31) - Show content starts. Show links - Microsoft Security Exposure Management documentation - Give us feedback!


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230 - Azure Updates

In this episode, we take a look at recent updates to Azure. What's new, what's in preview, and what's interesting? Also, Jussi asks Tobi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (03:14) - Show content starts. Show links - GA: Application Gateway for Containers - Public preview: Application Gateway support for TLS and TCP - GA: Elastic SAN - Windows Server 2025 - Public Preview: Well-Architected Framework assessment on Azure Advisor - Migrate Azure Cloud Services (classic) to Azure Cloud Services (extended support) - Azure Storage Actions documentation - What's new in Microsoft Sentinel - Microsoft Graph CLI - Give us feedback!


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229 - Checking out Azure Storage Actions

In this week's episode, we take a first look at Azure Storage Actions. What is this new feature, and why should you use it? Does it differ from existing capabilities that do the same thing? Also, Jussi asks Tobi an unexpected question. (00:00) - Intro and catching up. (04:11) - Show content starts. Show links - Azure Storage Actions - Introducing Azure Storage Actions: Serverless storage data management - Give us feedback!
