HTTP 203
Technology Podcasts
Surma and Jake talk about whatever's going on in the world of web development.
United Kingdom
Technology Podcasts
Surma and Jake talk about whatever's going on in the world of web development.
Changing jobs, Deno, and optimizing animations
In this episode:
- Surma changed jobs.
- The Shopify interview process.
- Pair programming vs pair problem solving.
- Surma's also doing bits of work for Deno.
- The complexities of testing image codecs.
- Jake forgot to tell Ada how HTTP 203 filming ends, so it almost never did.
- Keeping animations fast but simple for page transitions.
Transcript: https://goo.gle/3ns4TTK
Deno, dithering, and bathrooms
Transcript - https://goo.gle/3wZTwWS
Surma's talk about brain-click - https://goo.gle/3oYED3R
Is Chrome removing view-source? (no)
Studio lighting - https://goo.gle/3oAvQVo
Jake's Twitter thread about view-source - https://goo.gle/3kQHV7L
Bathroom designs
The HTTP203 episode on Deno - https://goo.gle/3CsAee8
Jake's CORS article - https://goo.gle/3x1lrWo
Deno deploy - https://goo.gle/3Cv45lZ
The little Deno server Jake wrote - https://goo.gle/30A2Zsw
Jake's wikipedia search thing - https://goo.gle/3CzarAJ
Color spaces and dithering
Surma's article on dithering - https://goo.gle/3FsyH9B
Tom Scott's video on the Pulfrich Effect - https://goo.gle/3nre4EM
Shared element transitions - https://goo.gle/3FwtGNA
CSS cross-fade function - https://goo.gle/2YZfltc
Compositing on the web - https://goo.gle/30xqe5Y
Michael Caine trying to do an American accent - https://goo.gle/3Fus0Uw
Catch videos from the HTTP 203 series → http://goo.gle/HTTP203
Subscribe to Google Chrome Developers → https://goo.gle/ChromeDevs
Is Safari the new IE?
In this episode, Surma and Jake chat about:
Transcript → https://goo.gle/2XHz1Rz HTTP 203 on memory debugging →https://goo.gle/2VDXRAQ Box-sizing →https://goo.gle/3jDvH0R IE5.5 box model →https://goo.gle/3izbY39 Tim Perry's article →https://goo.gle/3jFeWCx IE double margin bug →https://goo.gle/3xzKWNi IE duplicate characters bug →https://goo.gle/2U5M7X7 Dave Rupert's article →https://goo.gle/37CAI45 PROXX →https://goo.gle/3iAQbrQ Weird emails from browser testing services →https://goo.gle/3fKQazB
Catch videos from the HTTP 203 series → http://goo.gle/HTTP203
Subscribe to Google Chrome Developers → https://goo.gle/ChromeDevs
When the hype train turns out to be a bus replacement service
In this episode, Surma and Jake chat about:
Jake's 100kAMA, pose questions here → https://goo.gle/3swYDKz
Jake's 'bake-dancing' → https://goo.gle/3ajBFjx
The wee scale
Hype trains
Esbuild → https://goo.gle/3go1Nhc
Squoosh → https://squoosh.app/
Surma's JPEG-XL art tool → https://goo.gle/3n1kCYT
tooling.report → https://tooling.report/
JPEG-XL comparison → https://goo.gle/3x5hhN5
JPEG-XL features
The quality of web images
React on initial HTML → https://goo.gle/3n3OwLZ
What does 'inline CSS' mean?
F1 website performance → https://goo.gle/3v8e6CB
AVIF blur preview → https://goo.gle/3dsjk63
Progressive rendering → https://goo.gle/3ecNjOC
Google I/O → https://goo.gle/32tCVwc
Blog build tools, JS blocks, and opener-policy
In this episode of the top-10-most-popular-JavaScript podcast, Jake and Surma chat about:
Using our blogs to experiment with build systems.
Jake's → http://goo.gle/3pi4sL5
Surma's → http://goo.gle/39dg8sK
11ty → https://www.11ty.dev/
Jake's static build → http://goo.gle/2Mi7254
Hydrated components in Jake's posts → http://goo.gle/3a0DOjt
And where those are processed → http://goo.gle/36c8qgB
Surma's dithering post → http://goo.gle/3c8c8f2
Cats and laser pens
Dogs and teeth
Improving the safety of Jedi training
The old _blank behaviour → http://goo.gle/3ojucoS
The spec change → http://goo.gle/2YednBo
The browsing context → http://goo.gle/2M5R0vf
Cross-origin-opener-policy → http://goo.gle/2Mi7kZI
window.open → http://goo.gle/3cfBPup
Back/forward cache → https://web.dev/bfcache/
Old blocks proposal → http://goo.gle/2M4SeqL
New blocks proposal → http://goo.gle/2Yd7iVK
Lockdown dreams
Lottery fail → https://goo.gle/2M1EgpA
How does back/forward actually work, and does 'talent' even exist?
- Jake messed up his recording, so it sounds like he literally phoned it in. He is very sorry.
- Where do you put clothes that are in active service?
- How the star system of hotels should work
- Jake hates Eastenders
- The
- The session history traversal bit of the spec → https://goo.gle/2DCnqcg
- Jake's writeup of how history behaves in browsers & spec proposal → https://goo.gle/33vrVQQ
- The back-forward page cache → https://goo.gle/30vE06K
- Moving an iframe → https://goo.gle/30Ae9L0
- COOP & COEP to get SharedArrayBuffer back → https://goo.gle/3kcAiqt
- To what degree does "talent" exist? Is talent simply practice? → https://goo.gle/2EXm9gG
- The social and economic advantages you need to become good at something
- Does piracy have a valid place in helping disadvantaged folks learn software?
- Different kinds of practice: Work, play, and deliberate practice.
- Informer by Snow → https://goo.gle/3kj1K60
- This great Informer tweet → https://goo.gle/3fAota2
- Jon Snow dancing → https://goo.gle/2DCqcOI
- The short version of HTTP203 → https://goo.gle/31ulRoW
The big build-tool bonanza
- Surma’s photo challenge: https://www.instagram.com/p/CBTiwExnIe6/
- https://web.dev/live happened!
- Jake's image compression talk → https://goo.gle/2NZ4erd
- Jake & Jason write build plugins → https://goo.gle/2CajSNF
- https://tooling.report goes live!
- webpack's weird behaviour with entry points → https://goo.gle/3iEQfVl
- Rollup's docs → https://rollupjs.org/
- Rollup's issues with hashing → https://goo.gle/3gC4rwS
- Import maps → https://goo.gle/38CFfn8
- SystemJS import maps → https://goo.gle/31TAxA2
- Hash cascading → https://goo.gle/2VWXWwG
How to avoid getting UTF'd by text encodings
- The Count from Sesame Street swearing → https://goo.gle/3ftsgqL (warning: silly/rude)
- Ofcom research into broadcast swearing → https://goo.gle/2A9xM1B (warning: lots of really bad language) (bigger warning: PDF)
- Banned word list read by a computer → https://goo.gle/2SNkgat (warning: lots of really bad language)
- Beat saber stretches → https://goo.gle/2Ac4gZf
- Remy's question about text encoding → https://goo.gle/3bftse1
- TextEncoder → https://goo.gle/2zlvBaE
- TextDecoder → https://goo.gle/35K5Wou
- Streaming versions → https://goo.gle/2Wh4qHn
- Josh's joke encoding PR → https://goo.gle/2YK2316
- atob → https://goo.gle/2YK2316
- bota → https://goo.gle/2YKEuoP
- Binary strings in JS → https://goo.gle/3ch7R68
- readAsBinaryString in FileReader → https://goo.gle/2Wdnoyz
- DOMContentLoaded → https://goo.gle/3fon4EF
- defer and IE bugs → https://goo.gle/2WfOntj
- DOM ready in jQuery → https://goo.gle/3cdvnRN
- readyState → https://goo.gle/2xJnHrf
- doScroll trick → https://goo.gle/2WFuCtW
- "The end" → https://goo.gle/3fw8CKz
See https://goo.gle/HTTP203Podcast for other episodes.
Maths, hooks, and errors
Jake injured himself playing games.
Jake also has a stupid cat.
By the way, skip to 22 mins if you don't care about all that.
Writing a Countdown solver → https://goo.gle/2SkHtk2
Here's the game show → https://goo.gle/3bPo1DM
Here's the C++ solution → https://goo.gle/2VRzoFP
Jake's unappreciated audio blog post → https://goo.gle/2VNmOqZ
HTM (JSX alternative) → https://goo.gle/3cYr9x7
Preact hooks → https://goo.gle/3aMP15p
ComLink → https://goo.gle/2VLcr6V
Throwing non-errors.
Guide to promises → https://goo.gle/2VOuCc8
Gotchas with typeOf.
isNaN vs Number.isNaN.
See https://goo.gle/HTTP203Podcast for other episodes.
Apps vs sites, binary data, and build times
Phil and Jack from fishandscripts.com are still lingering around. We chat about:
Fustractions with punctuality.
Phil's time website → https://goo.gle/34Cb3pW
Frances on naming PWAs → https://goo.gle/3cgkfTu
Jen's new job.
Surma's WebXR experiment → https://goo.gle/3adpDp2
Transferring data between workers and pages.
The DataView API → https://goo.gle/2ydWhd0
Buffer-backed objects → https://goo.gle/2REZitI
JavaScript proxies → https://goo.gle/2K6TaWT
Mathias on JS internals, including holey arrays → https://goo.gle/2RGzu0d
DX vs UX → https://goo.gle/2yhm9EO
Differences between dev and prod builds.
An epic quiz on HTTP status codes.
Desyncronised canvas → https://goo.gle/2yhm9EO
pointerrawupdate → https://goo.gle/3adk5Ln
Jake's unloved pointer library → https://goo.gle/2XCUUPJ
getCoalescedEvents → https://goo.gle/2XEf104
See https://goo.gle/HTTP203Podcast for other episodes.
Fish & Scripts special!
We join the https://fishandscripts.com/ podcast and chat about:
Games we're playing to cope with lockdown:
Overcooked 2 → https://goo.gle/39NeHOU
Snipperclips → https://goo.gle/2x2GZYt
Pikuniku → https://goo.gle/2UTf7Pt
Play You Don’t Know Jack → https://goo.gle/34wVJv3
Knowledge is Power → https://goo.gle/39UiMk8
It’s Quiz Time → https://goo.gle/3e7N7iA
And Surma plays Zelda fast → https://goo.gle/2Rsoi7w
Jake buys some chocolate
Phil joins a choir
requestStorageAccess → https://goo.gle/2yNFKwR
The SameSite cookie change is rolled back → https://goo.gle/2UTYpzF
Chrome releases are resumed → https://goo.gle/3e8Exjw
And we give Phil & Jack our quiz: NOT-or-NOT
See https://goo.gle/HTTP203Podcast for more detailed show notes, including links.
VR, API design, and coping with lockdown
Also native filesystem, listener questions, and TMI.
Social distance, SSR patterns, and bedtime routines
Also performance, progressive enhancement, and hand-drying.
Observables, board games, and 'Artechulate'
Also, top fashion and career advice.
It takes two to tangent
Also cache invalidation, server rendering, and learning curves.
Stability, TODOs, and the HTTP 203 census
Also how do you do TODO?
The block-drop-n-swap
Also, font loading, feature phones, and webpack vs Rollup.
Chatting Edge & CSS with Greg Whitworth
Also, PROXX, forms, and auto.
Performance, trailers, and dentistry mishaps
Also camping, compositing, and building games.
Rotating an image… TO THE EXTREME
Also clip-path, bread, and urinals again.