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Law Enforcement Unconventional

Technology Podcasts

Law Enforcement Unconventional is a joint tactical forum combining law enforcement and special operations units discussing unconventional tools, tactics and training to assist law enforcement. Our show is hosted by a veteran United States Army Special Forces 18 Delta and a real life Shield Maiden who is also a federal law enforcement instructor.


United States


Law Enforcement Unconventional is a joint tactical forum combining law enforcement and special operations units discussing unconventional tools, tactics and training to assist law enforcement. Our show is hosted by a veteran United States Army Special Forces 18 Delta and a real life Shield Maiden who is also a federal law enforcement instructor.





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Police Chief Helps The Autistic With Amazing New Program

Chief David Green of the Wellford City Police Department discusses how he created the Responder Alert Program to Spread Autism Awareness. He cites a specific example of how an autistic man was pulled over at a traffic stop and this program performed as it should and this- gentleman was handled in a more compassionate manner than would normally have been the case because the officer saw the Responder Alert sticker on his vehicle. Chief Green also explains how a recent incident with a barricaded subject armed with a knife was handled better because he had a Vector Centerline Shield with him when dealing with the subject. New current events require new tools, which require new training. Vector Centerline Shields provides these tools and training to better protect law enforcement and the public. If you are the family member of an autistic adult or child and would like more information on our Responder Alert Program or if you are a law enforcement officer who would like more information, please call 239-281-8669 or send an email to or visit our Responder Alert web page at . Law Enforcement Unconventional is a weekly podcast bringing new tools, training and ideas to the LE community with discussions between LE, Special Forces and Special Operations hosted by a veteran Green Beret and a real life shield maiden federal law enforcement instructor. LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE: If you are law enforcement and want a no-obligation demo, T&E or more information on Vector Centerline Shields and Violence De-Escalation Training, call 239-281-8669 or visit or email Vector Centerline Shields are only sold to current law enforcement with active credentials.


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Officer Addresses How He Assists Emotionally Disturbed Persons And How The Vector Centerline Shield Protects The Autistic

Officer Ayman is not just a police officer helping the autistic. He is also the proud, loving parent of an autistic child so he has insight into both sides of the situations autistic adults, children and families face every day when interacting with law enforcement. This long-time, local police officer and federal task force agent speaks about the Vector Centerline Shield and how it works with Emotionally Disturbed Persons and how Vector Centerline Training helps make interactions with the autistic safer for both autistic adults and children as well as officers with the Responder Alert Program founded by Chief David Green of Wellford City PD in North Carolina. New current events require new tools, which require new training. Vector Centerline Shields provides these tools and training to better protect law enforcement and the public. Law Enforcement Unconventional is a weekly podcast bringing new tools, training and ideas to the LE community with discussions between LE, Special Forces and Special Operations hosted by a veteran Green Beret and a real life shield maiden federal law enforcement instructor. LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE: If you are law enforcement and want a no-obligation demo, T&E or more information on Vector Centerline Shields and Violence De-Escalation Training, call 239-281-8669 or visit or email Vector Centerline Shields are only sold to current law enforcement with active credentials.


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Doctor Teaches Law Enforcement How To Survive Potentially Fatal Attacks While Protecting The Public

On today’s episode we talk with an ER doctor about how centerline protection is saving the lives of law enforcement and civilians across the country. Police officers can learn how to survive a potentially fatal attack by keeping their centerline protected by using a Vector Centerline Shield. Doctor Peter Bevins is instrumental in training law enforcement at all levels across the country on how to survive these attacks with the best possible outcome. “Doc” Bevins, the Vector Team Doctor is a semi-retired emergency room physician who explains his personal experiences with gunshot and blunt force trauma wounds in the ER and how his knowledge of centerline injuries plays into helping us save lives at Vector. He has been instrumental in developing de-escalation tactics for the training curriculum for Vector Centerline Shields protecting law enforcement and the public. He is now utilizing his life’s experiences to help men and women of law enforcement and communities survive potentially deadly attacks. This is a life-changing episode, so if you are in law enforcement or have a loved one who is, please listen. Vector introduces its new sales partner Safeware, Inc. and sponsor, US Precision Defense. We are a team of professionals working around the clock to save lives. Stay Safe. Stay Protected. Please share. A simple click could save a life. Law Enforcement Unconventional is a weekly podcast bringing new tools, training and ideas to the LE community with discussions between LE, Special Forces and Special Operations hosted by a veteran Green Beret and a real life shield maiden federal law enforcement instructor. LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE: If you are law enforcement and want a no-obligation demo, T&E or more information on Vector Centerline Shields and Violence De-Escalation Training, call 239-281-8669 or visit or email Vector Centerline Shields are only sold to current law enforcement with active credentials.


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Autistic Children, Adults & EDP's Protected by Police Chief During Police Interactions

This week on Law Enforcement Unconventional, we discuss a new program protecting autistic children and adults as well as other emotionally disturbed persons during police interactions. A hands-on, forward-thinking police chief deals with an autistic child and a barricaded subject with a knife. The incident with the autistic child spurred this chief to create and an autism awareness program in his community. The chief himself was then later protected during a call to a barricaded subject yielding a knife using a new tool and training available to law enforcement. This new tool protects both an EDP/EDC or autistic person or child as well as an officer. For those who are not law enforcement listening to this show, an EDP or EDC is an emotionally disturbed person or child. Chief David Green of the Wellford City Police Department founded a program to protect the autistic children and adults in his community. Vector Centerline De-Escalation Shields currently provides EDP shields and EDP Response training for officers who may have to interact with autistic people and other emotionally disturbed persons or children and is working directly with Chief Green to bring this amazing program nationwide. Vector provides free stickers for families to place on the front door or near the front door of a home where an autistic child or adult lives. This sticker notifies responders at a glance that there is possibly an autistic person or child inside. This sticker can also be placed on a vehicle. In this way, an officer has a better idea of who he or she may be encountering on a call. If a person is acting erratically and the officer sees the sticker, this is a good indication that this child or person may just be having an episode that needs to be handled differently than a regular person. Vector Centerline De-Escalation Shields has had documented saves against emotionally disturbed persons where lethal force was legally justified by an officer but not used because the officer involved was protected with a Vector Shield and attended our de-escalation training. If you are the parent, loved one or friend of an autistic person, autistic child or any person with a disability who could potentially have an emotional episode during an interaction with law enforcement or if you are an officer or chief of a department who has 1 or more of these individuals in your community and you are looking into better tools and training to protect them as well as your officers, please listen to this episode of Law Enforcement Unconventional. It could save a life. If you would like more information on the Vector Centerline De-Escalation EDP Response Shield and Training for your department or community, please call 239-281-8669 or email or visit us on social media at Vector Centerline Police Shields or Thank you for listening! Stay Safe. Stay Protected. Law Enforcement Unconventional is a weekly podcast bringing new tools, training and ideas to the LE community with discussions between LE, Special Forces and Special Operations hosted by a veteran Green Beret and a real life shield maiden federal law enforcement instructor. Please listen and share. A simple click could save a life.


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Intel Officer's Unconventional Riot Prevention

Brian Boyd is a 30-plus year professional intelligence analyst and counter terrorism specialist. He is a former Green Beret, and was part of the leadership of the Joint Special Operations Command which oversees the Special Forces, Seal Team 6 and the then Delta Force. He is also the founder of the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts, former Senior Analyst at the DEA, founder of the Intelligence Analysis Division of the Joint Special Operations Command, and served in the Departments of Defense, Justice & Treasury. You may have seen Brian on recent radio and TV discussing intelligence and counter terrorism matters. On this episode, Brian explains why intelligence gathering is crucial to preventing riots and in helping police prevent uprisings before they occur. We delve into the relations between communities and law enforcement. Brian provides specific examples of how officers in the field can better improve relations with the public and shows where recent riots could have been been quelled more quickly and safely or even prevented in the 1st place using a more unconventional approach to community policing and proper information analysis before incidents began. Thanks to Brian and all servicemen and women everywhere who are contributing to help protect those who protect us. If you would like to have Brian speak as a security analyst please email or call 908-670-9500. If you would like more information on the Vector Centerline Protection Police Shield, please call 239-281-8669 or email or visit us on social media at Vector Centerline Police Shields or Thank you for listening! Stay Safe. Stay Protected. Law Enforcement Unconventional is a weekly podcast bringing new tools, training and ideas to the LE community with discussions between LE, Special Forces and Special Operations hosted by a veteran Green Beret and a real life shield maiden federal law enforcement instructor. Please listen and share. A simple click could save a life.


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Retired Special Forces/Special Activities Division Veteran Helps Law Enforcement With Unconventional Training Tips

Our guest today has served his country honorably training law enforcement at the highest levels all over the world. He explains some compelling dangerous real-life situations and has come on today's show to get more information out to help protect law enforcement using these real-world tips and applications on how to stay safe. He talks about de-escalating threat in some of the most dangerous areas of the word. JB explains what he did previously that applies to law enforcement training today and the misconception of what Unconventional Warfare is and how it is the modern day equivalent to community policing. We get into the premise of winning hearts and minds and how that is actually where current law enforcement might go to better improve relations with the public and save lives. We give specific examples of departments who are using this management and implementation style with success with better safety for officers and better safety for communities. If you are interested in a T&E with the Vector Police Shield, please call 239-281-8669. If you would like more information on survival school or training by JB, please email Stay Safe. Stay Protected. Law Enforcement Unconventional is a weekly podcast bringing new tools, training and ideas to the LE community with discussions between LE, Special Forces and Special Operations hosted by a veteran Green Beret and a real life shield maiden federal law enforcement instructor. Please listen and share. A simple click could save a life.


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High-Tech Retired Deputy Sheriff Helps Entrepreneurs Who Want to Sell Products and Services within the Law Enforcement and Military Communities

Lots of military and law enforcement officers have great products, training or ideas for Law Enforcement and Military Personnel, but need the know-how on how to get these products seen by those in the Law Enforcement and Military Communities. Dan is the man with the Geo-Page plan to do this. He will get your product, invention or services seen. He will get your product at the top of Google searches with his awesome proprietary program. Yes, some of it seems like sorcery, but in this episode Dan gives away as many secrets as he can to help law enforcement and military and even civilians who want to help these two awesome groups understand the process. If you have a product, like a new life-saving tourniquet, high-speed law enforcement training program, a better designed plate carrier or more efficient anything, Dan would love to help you. Being prior law enforcement himself with a son who is also currently in law enforcement and another son who was former military with 2 tours in Iraq, provides Dan with a vested interest in getting the word out about new products and services to better help his brothers and sisters and his sons' brothers and sisters. Dan has helped Vector Police Shields reach departments across the United States and worked hand-in-hand going way above and beyond to "Pay It Forward." If you have a product, idea or service and would like more info. on Geo-Pages, please call Dan from US Precision Defense at 855-300-6779 ext. 700 or visit Stay Safe. Stay Protected. Law Enforcement Unconventional is a weekly podcast bringing new tools, training and ideas to the LE community with discussions between LE, Special Forces and Special Operations hosted by a veteran Green Beret and a real life shield maiden federal law enforcement instructor. Please listen and share. A simple click could save a life.


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How a 105 Year Old Camouflage Pattern from a Boat is Helping Save Police Officers Today

Take your thinking outside of the proverbial box! Listen to how a 105 year old boat camouflage pattern has been resurrected and is being deployed in the field with documented saves all across America. If you are interested in history and how tools, applications and mindsets from our past have been re-tooled, repurposed and revisited and are helping protect our men and women in law enforcement, then you'll love this episode. Our podcast is dedicated to answering the questions, "Why does it work and how will it protect our officers?" We don't think outside of the box. To us, there is no box. Thank you to an officer from AZ for that analogy. There are many answers hidden in our past that are being used by Team Vector to help build products that are protecting the lives of law enforcement. We will take a topic and explain the history of that topic, and hopefully answer the question "Why?" as to how this tool and training today allows officers to go home to their families after their shifts. If you are a law enforcement officer and have a topic you would like discussed, please email or visit For a Vector Centerline Police Shield demo: 239-281-8669 Stay Safe. Stay Protected. Law Enforcement Unconventional is a weekly podcast bringing new tools, training and ideas to the LE community with discussions between LE, Special Forces and Special Operations hosted by a veteran Green Beret and a real life shield maiden federal law enforcement instructor. Please listen and share. A simple click could save a life.


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Texas Police Officer Deploys Revolutionary New Tool to Stop Active Shooters & Physical Attacks

Listen to these exciting accounts from a Texas police officer discussing how he deploys the newest tool being issued to law enforcement. This officer has 18 years of service with law enforcement from rural to big city departments and everything in-between. He has worked in some major departments and in some different roles within the departments including patrol, SWAT, warrant service and others. Listen to this officer tell why he deploys this innovative tool at different levels during his job. As a rookie, this officer could have had his career ended if not for his "Spidey Senses" when he stuck his ball cap into an attic to fish out an active shooter who shot the baseball cap instead of the officer's head. Officer Pete carries the Vector Shield with him every day everywhere. Listen to the different scenarios where he deploys this lightweight tool. Officers are being shot almost weekly here in America and they need new tools and training to stop deadly threats. Listen to why this officer chose Vector Shields to ride along and provide safety as he protects people deep in the heart of Texas. Direct: 239-281-8669 email: Law Enforcement Unconventional is a weekly podcast bringing new tools, training and ideas to the LE community with discussions between LE, Special Forces and Special Operations hosted by a veteran Green Beret and a real life shield maiden federal law enforcement instructor. Please listen and share. A simple click could save a life.


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The Down and Dirty of the Vector Shield by a veteran Police Officer facing a .357

On this episode of Law Enforcement Unconventional Officer Ayam describes real-life applications where he has used and uses the Vector Shield in real day to day operations including coming face to face with a man with a .357 Magnum. Find out the secret to why the Vector Shield works to protect officers and the public and has documented saves at the federal, state and local levels as told by the officers themselves. For more info call 239-281-8669, visit or email Stay Safe. Stay Protected. Law Enforcement Unconventional is a weekly podcast bringing new tools, training and ideas to the LE community with discussions between LE, Special Forces and Special Operations hosted by a veteran Green Beret and a real life shield maiden federal law enforcement instructor. Please listen and share. A simple click could save a life.


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Centerline Protection Is Saving Officers

Vector Centerline Protection Police Shields & Training hosts a weekly show for law enforcement and military about unconventional tools and tactics currently being used by law enforcement. This week's show will highlight the Vector Shield which is part of a cutting edge system now being used by law enforcement at the federal, state and local levels all across America. We will explain why so little is known about the field tactics and applications for this revolutionary product that has documented saves at all levels for several years now. WE WILL NOT SHOW POLICE TACTICS ON SOCIAL MEDIA. The Vector Shield looks small. It is! That's why it is saving officers. Listen in and find out why. We address why social media is helping and also hurting law enforcement and why things are not always as they appear. Tune in, learn a new tactic or reach out and share your ideas. Best idea wins. Call any time 24/7 to 239-281-8669 or visit If you are a credentialed LEO, e-mail for references and to speak to an officer who uses our shield and training. Stay safe and stay protected. Law Enforcement Unconventional is a weekly podcast bringing new tools, training and ideas to the LE community with discussions between LE, Special Forces and Special Operations hosted by a veteran Green Beret and a real life shield maiden federal law enforcement instructor. Please listen and share. A simple click could save a life.
