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Security Breach

Technology Podcasts

A weekly discussion of new developments and the latest cybersecurity threats, including ransomware, malware, phishing schemes, DDoS attacks and more, facing the U.S. industrial sector.


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A weekly discussion of new developments and the latest cybersecurity threats, including ransomware, malware, phishing schemes, DDoS attacks and more, facing the U.S. industrial sector.





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The $25M 'Wake-Up Call' Supply Chain Hack

Send us a Text Message. According to IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach Report, nearly 20 percent of the organizations surveyed stated that they have experienced a breach stemming from a compromise in their supply chain, or a vulnerability related to it. The average cost of these breaches was estimated at just under $4.5 million. Their data also found that attacks emanating from the supply chain had a longer lifecycle than average. The increased costs and complexities of addressing supply chain attacks is not a surprise when you consider that these intrusions not only impact the targeted company, but the logistics, distribution and retail elements that are dragged along on this difficult and painful ride. To help dive into the factors associated with supply chain attacks and other cybersecurity challenges, we welcome Theo Zafirakos, a Cyber Risk and Information Security Expert at Fortra to the show. Watch/listen as we discuss: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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The Dollars and Sense of Cybersecurity

Send us a Text Message. Due to the rise in attacks on manufacturing and critical infrastructure, and the devasting impacts these attacks have on daily lives around the world, the World Economic Form recently unveiled a report entitled Building a Culture of Cyber Resilience in Manufacturing. This initiative not only identified the sector’s primary challenges for developing a culture of cyber resilience, but also formulated three guiding principles for establishing an enduring strategy. They revolve around people, processes and culture. I was fortunate enough to have one of the key contributors to the creation of these strategies sit down with me for some unique takes on the biggest challenges facing industrial cybersecurity. Watch/listen to my conversation with Kris Lovejoy, Global Security and Resilience Leader at Kyndryl, a leader in cyber resiliency strategies and services, as we discuss: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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There's No 'Plant the Flag' Moment in Cybersecurity

Send us a Text Message. When looking at industrial cybersecurity, more attention is being paid to how workers are logging in to access critical machinery, software or data. And according to Trustwave Threat Intelligence’s recent Manufacturing Threat Landscape report, 45 percent of attacks experienced by manufacturers stemmed from the bad guys accessing credentials. Whether by utilizing brute-force tactics, submitting fake support tickets, or purchasing logins on the Dark Web, this seems to prove that hackers would much rather log in than break in. The report also cited the rise of Initial Access Brokers, or groups that focus specifically on obtaining and selling log-in data to other hackers. One example cited by Trustwave saw an IAB offering access to a leading steel manufacturer for just over $60,000. Unfortunately, this is not a unique circumstance, which is why we're talking to David Cottingham, president of rf IDEAS to weigh in on the ongoing challenges surrounding secure access throughout the OT environment. Listen as we discuss: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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'Nobody Should Get Ransomwared'

Send us a Text Message. As we’ve discussed numerous times on Security Breach, terms like change, evolution and constant are more than just buzz terms – they’re a simple reality of working in the industrial OT space. Whether we’re discussing threat actors from Stuxnet to Lockbit, tactics from social engineering to double-extortion ransomware, or vulnerability sources ranging from weak passwords to embedded secure-by design concerns, the ever-expanding attack surface is a constant reminder of change and the evolving nature of threats. In this episode we talk to Michael Haase, and draw on his extensive background and personal experiences as we discuss: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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The Protection and Productivity of Zero Trust

Send us a Text Message. Over the last nearly 100 episodes of Security Breach we’ve discussed a wide range of strategies for protecting the manufacturing enterprise. But perhaps the most polarizing of these has been Zero Trust. While some unwaveringly champion the cause of this approach, others question the ways in which it is typically deployed. Perhaps this dichotomy is best represented in Palo Alto and ABI Research’s The State of OT Security report. It found that 93 percent of those surveyed were familiar with Zero Trust, and 87 percent found the approach to be the right fit for protecting OT environments. However, half of those participating in the research also stated that there are practical blockers that prohibit implementation. In the end, like most things in the cybersecurity world, the answer lies in striking a balance between restricting access and implementing safeguards against time-consuming processes. In this episode I talk to Roman Arutyunov, Co-founder and SVP of product at Xage Security, about zero trust and a number of other topics, including: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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OT's Legacy Tech Challenges

Send us a Text Message. One of the more common obstacles that we discuss here on Security Breach is how increased connectivity has combined with new Industry 4.0 technologies to constantly expand the OT attack surface. In the midst of all this expansion, it’s easy to either overlook cybersecurity concerns, or put too much trust in the embedded security features of the new assets. So, while this usually brings up conversations about endpoint security, integration processes and secure-by-design protocols, let’s talk about something that our guest for today’s episode knows and understands all too well … time. Industry experts value downtime on the plant floor at about $250k/hour. So, just like predictive maintenance has become part of a facility’s new normal, predictive cybersecurity needs to receive the same priority. Here to discuss this concept is Riley Groves, an engineer at Auvesy-MDT, a leading providing of ICS and automation solutions. Listen as we also discuss: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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Shutting Down 'Spy Board' Threats

Send us a Text Message. Those of you with a military or law enforcement connection are probably, and unfortunately, familiar with the term collateral damage. While this phrase has a legacy in these environments, it’s also become an unwelcome addition to the realm of cybersecurity. Examples of this dynamic can be found in a number of hacktivist attacks that targeted infrastructure in a certain region, but either through unrealized connections or other bad actors simply following the blueprint, impacted facilities across the globe. Jason Oberg, the CTO of Cycuity, a leading provider of vulnerability mitigation solutions for semiconductor manufacturers, recently joined us to discuss some of the potential fallout from hacks, and how to prevent or respond to them in minimizing the collateral damage. We also talked about: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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The OT Threat Landscape's Infectious Nature

Send us a Text Message. Viewing hacks as diseases to address evolving threats, vulnerabilities and tools like AI. Like many of you, I recently dove into Verizon’s 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR). And while there’s a plethora of data housed in the report that could fuel conversations on a multitude of topics, I chose the following two pieces of information: These two items caught my eye because they seem like the low-hanging fruit when it comes to cybersecurity. In this episode, Roland Cozzolino, CTO/CIO of InsightCyber, a global provider of asset visibility, risk management and security services delivered via an AI-driven platform, offers his perspective on these types of exploits, as well as: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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Knowing How to Arm Yourself for Battle

Send us a Text Message. It starts with a dedication to enhanced visibility. One of the big conversations regarding OT security revolves around the use of tools. Some have too many, others not enough and everyone is searching for the funds to mange and obtain the right ones for a constantly evolving threat landscape. The key to understanding which tools are right for you and your organization not only demands a comprehensive understanding of your OT environment’s assets, APIs and connections, but a working situational awareness. Here to discuss some of these topics, and more, is Sharon Brizinov, Director of Research at Claroty’s research arm, Team82. Claroty is a leading provider of ICS and OT security, with partners that include Rockwell, Schneider Electric and Siemens. Watch/listen as we discuss: (Click here to view the report To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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Supply Chains Are a Hacker's Gateway

Send us a Text Message. Many attacks on manufacturers are just the first step in going after even bigger targets. One of the inescapable truths about the industrial sector is that it is usually the ultimate proving ground for product performance. When we look at some of the technologies that have created seismic social shifts, tools like operational software, wireless connectivity and numerous monitoring devices were not ready for the demanding industrial environment right away. When it comes to cybersecurity, that dynamic has done a 180. Hackers initially went after healthcare and financial institutions because they were seen as easy targets with deep pockets that would pay to make the problem go away as quickly as possible. Then 2020 came and put many industries on pause – except for manufacturing. Like moths to a flame, the hackers were drawn to OT networks and found not only a vulnerable target, but a lucrative one. We tackle these issues and many others in this episode with Sam Moyer, MxD’s Lead Cybersecurity Engineer. Some of the topics we discuss include: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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The Hacks!

Send us a Text Message. In this episode, we dive into some of the most notorious attacks to hit manufacturing over the last six months. In addition to speaking with cybersecurity experts from around the world for this podcast, I’ve also been able to do a fair amount of reporting on our websites regarding several high-profile industrial attacks. So, I felt like it could be interesting to present some of these articles via the Security Breach podcast in helping further the conversation around tactics and lessons learned. So sit back and watch or listen as I dive into some of the most notorious attacks to hit the industrial community over the last six months. To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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Security Breach: Predictions That Landed

Send us a Text Message. A look back at Security Breach guest's most accurate and timely industrial cybersecurity predictions. As we near our 100th episode of Security Beach, I thought it would be a good time to take a look back at some of our guest’s predictions from the previous 12 months. If you want to check out the full episodes from any of these previous guests, you can find them in the show archives, or by clicking through to our website. So, join me as we take a look back at a collection of predictions from: Pete Lund at OPSWATJohn Dwyer from IBMSiemens’ Kimberly CornwellMoty Kanias from NanolockNovaCoast’s Elise Manna-BrowneBrian Haugli from SideChannelHuxley Barbee from runZeroForescout’s Daniel TrivellatoDragos’ Dawn CappelliImpero’s Matthew WolfeKnowBe4’s Erich KronTony Pietrocola from AgileblueTo catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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DMZs, Alarm Floods and Prepping for 'What If?'

Send us a Text Message. The new factors impacting a growing attack surface, and how to evolve your cyber risk strategies. The origins of what we talk about here on Security Breach can go back to any number of transformational events, but the reality is that all of them contributed an individual component to the unique mosaic that is the legacy of industrial cybersecurity. What is most interesting is that the first hacks of industrial control systems occurred at water treatment facilities, oil and gas pipelines and energy plants. These targets were chosen because they simultaneously provided great visibility, heightened social impact, and, most notably, easily exploitable vulnerabilities. In most cases, these attacks allowed the hackers to accomplish all of their early financial and self-promotional goals, along with longer-term benefits that we’re all dealing with now – how to successfully probe the ICS. John Cusimano, VP of OT Security at Armexa is our guest for this episode. He's seen hackers apply these lessons learned about the industrial control system first-hand, and has some interesting thoughts on the current threat landscape, as well as solutions for keeping your systems secure. Watch/listen as we discuss: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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Weaponizing Secure-By-Design

Send us a Text Message. How a greater focus on new and legacy OT connections could alter the cybersecurity battlefield. Everything old … is new again. While that might seem like a natural lead-in for discussing hacker tactics, that same mantra rings true when discussing OT technology. Mordor Intelligence recently reported that U.S. manufacturing spent over $307 billion on digital transformation technologies last year, and nearly every research and consulting outlet around the world is predicting that those numbers will rise in 2024. All this new software, connectivity, automation and equipment creates a familiar challenge when it comes to OT cybersecurity. This meshing of the old and new is something our guest for this episode is all too familiar with, and he’s here to break down everything associated with bringing legacy and next-gen together. Listen as Josh Williams, Strategic Account Manager at IriusRisk, offers his thoughts on secure-by-design, as well as: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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The Impacts of Over-Connectivity and Mobile Defeatism

Send us a Text Message. The good, the bad and the ugly of mobile device security in the expanding OT attack landscape. Included in the challenges associated with securing an ever-expanding OT attack surface is the role played by the increasing use of mobile devices – at both the enterprise and individual level. In fact, according to a recent report from Imprivata, only 46 percent of manufacturing organizations have the ability to maintain control over who has access to such devices and when, and 61 percent are using shared pin numbers to secure these devices. Additionally, an average of 16 percent of these devices are lost each year, costing organizations over $5M annually, not to mention the collateral damage from a security perspective. This translates to an opportunity for hackers to unleash catastrophic damage by leveraging any vulnerabilities in areas like remote monitoring, and potentially new ways to worm into the networks associated with controlling your machines and systems. Watch/listen as Joel Burleson-Davis, SVP of Cyber Engineering at Imprivata, returns to Security Breach to discuss OT mobile device security, as well as: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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Hackers Learn How to Attack You, From You

Send us a Text Message. It's not always about the ransom, data theft or denial of service. Many cheered with the recent crackdowns on groups like LockBit, and rightfully so. However, the harsh reality is that most of these victories are short-lived. For example, after law enforcement seized control of multiple LockBit websites and stolen data, the group was back to running extortion campaigns within a week. And the same can be said for many other high-profile busts of groups like Hive and Volt Typhoon. These groups re-build or re-brand, as was the case with the Conti Group offshoot Black Basta. After Conti disbanded, Black Basta reformed from the ashes and tallied over $100 million in ransomware payments last year. My point is not to belittle the incredible work that global agencies are performing, but to illustrate that while the industrial sector continues to make tremendous gains - the war continues. And as we evolve and improve, so will the bad guys. And perhaps no one knows this better than our guest for this episode - Rod Locke. He’s the director of project management at Fortinet, a leading provider of OT cybersecurity solutions. Watch/listen as Rod shares his thoughts on: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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The Largest Attack Surface - People

Send us a Text Message. How we're failing to properly support and train our most important cybersecurity asset. According to Nozomi Networks February 2024 OT-IoT Security Report, manufacturing was exposed to more common vulnerabilities and exposures, or CVEs, than any other sector - realizing a 230 percent year-over-year increase in this area. Addressing even a fraction of these CVEs would be daunting, which is why understanding your assets is so basic, but so vital in establishing priorities and implementing approaches best suited to your security needs. To discuss these topics, and more, we welcome Jeff Nathan, Director of Detection Engineering at Netography, a leading provider of network security solutions, to the show. Watch/listen as he discusses: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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Avoiding a 'Chicken Little' Cybersecurity Strategy

Send us a Text Message. Threat intelligence is important, but why manufacturers should focus on risk factors first. When it comes to the industrial sector’s ongoing cybersecurity challenges, we all know that there's more to defend, but what is most concerning is that we’re not responding quickly enough to the expanding threat landscape. In case you needed proof, here are some of the recent stats from Dragos 2023 Year in Review Report. It found that: I’m not going to promise solutions for all of these challenges, but we’ve definitely found a guy interested in trying. Scott Sarris is an Information Security, Compliance and Privacy Solutions Advisor at Aprio, a leading advisory and business consulting firm. Watch/listen as we discuss: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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Cybersecurity's Greatest Weapon - Awareness

Send us a Text Message. The sector's (forced) cyber awakening needs to focus on making it harder to be a hacker. Regardless of how complex the attack, how organized the hacker, or how advanced the tools and tactics, security solutions usually lie in very fundamental practices. So, while you might think you already know enough about segmentation strategies, framework development, asset visibility or enhanced access controls, it’s these things that get overlooked and then exploited by hackers. It’s the evolution of these little things that our guest for today’s show likes to emphasize in helping to keep the OT environment secure. Watch/listen as Brian Deken, Commercial Manager of Cybersecurity Services at Rockwell Automation offers perspective on topics that include: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.


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Chasing Cyber Ghosts

Send us a Text Message. How thinking like a hacker can lead to better cybersecurity ROI and avoid the dreaded "hope" strategy. Regardless of what you might hear from some, ransomware in the industrial sector is at an all-time high in terms of frequency and cost. Zero day and day one vulnerabilities are being discovered at a historic level and patching continues to be a challenge. Asset visualization and endpoint security have become more daunting thanks to technology-driven expansions of the industrial attack surface. And then there’s AI, SBOMs and botnets all waiting to wreak havoc on the ICS. All of these factors, along with the growing complexity of the hacker community, means that industrial cybersecurity is no longer just about white and black hats. In fact, some would argue that perhaps the most important player in the cybersecurity arena now wears red. Joining us to discuss his approach to "red teams on steroids" is Guy Bejerano, CEO of SafeBreach, a leading provider of Breach and Attack Simulation tools and services. Listen as we discuss: To catch up on past episodes, you can go to, or You can also check Security Breach out wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple, Amazon and Overcast. And if you have a cybersecurity story or topic that you’d like to have us explore on Security Breach, you can reach me at To download our latest report on industrial cybersecurity, The Industrial Sector’s New Battlefield, click here.
