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Security On The Bayou
Thursday, January 30th, 2020
Google spent a record sum rewarding researchers for hacking its products Number of Botnet Command & Control Servers Soared in 2019 Hackers were paid ransom after attack on Canadian insurance firm, court documents reveal
The post Thursday, January 30th, 2020 appeared first on Security On The Bayou.
Tuesday, January 28th, 2020
New Zoom Bug Prompts Security Fix, Platform Changes Major Canadian Military Contractor Compromised in Ransomware Attack States sue over rules that allow release of 3D-printed gun blueprints US Space Industry to Launch Cybersecurity Portal
The post Tuesday, January 28th, 2020 appeared first on Security On The Bayou.
January 27th, 2020
Microsoft’s Internet Explorer zero-day workaround is breaking printers We’re dung for! Hackers hit firms with ransomware by exploiting Shitrix flaw Average Cost To Recover From Ransomware Skyrockets To Over $84,000
The post January 27th, 2020 appeared first on Security On The Bayou.
Monday, June 1st, 2019
MuddyWater: The cyber-espionage group that targets Middle East countries Cost of cybercrime set to rise to unprecedented levels Hackers Can Bypass macOS Security Features With Synthetic Clicks
The post Monday, June 1st, 2019 appeared first on Security On The Bayou.
Friday, May 31st, 2019
Own goal for Leicester City FC after fan credit card details snatched in merch store breach Facial recognition used to strip adult industry workers of anonymity 2.3 Billion Files And 11 Million Photos, ‘Private’ Ones Included, Exposed Online
The post Friday, May 31st, 2019 appeared first on Security On The Bayou.
Thursday, May 30th, 2019
New Zealand’s “hacked” budget was found on a website We ain’t afraid of no ‘ghost user’: Infosec world tells GCHQ to GTFO over privacy-busting proposals Checkers Says Data Breach Affected 100+ Locations
The post Thursday, May 30th, 2019 appeared first on Security On The Bayou.
Wednesday, May 29th, 2019
Eternally Blue: Baltimore City leaders blame NSA for ransomware attack New Zealand budget: National party denies hacking Treasury A dive into Turla PowerShell usage
The post Wednesday, May 29th, 2019 appeared first on Security On The Bayou.
Tuesday, May 29th, 2019
Hackers breach US license plate scanning company Tech Support scammers arrested for swindling over $1.3 million from victims Nearly 1 Million Computers Still Vulnerable to “Wormable” BlueKeep RDP Flaw
The post Tuesday, May 29th, 2019 appeared first on Security On The Bayou.
Tuesday, May 21st, 2019
Linux variant of Winnti malware spotted in wild Windows 10’s May patches are borking McAfee and Sophos software Ransomware Cyberattacks Knock Baltimore’s City Services Offline Transcript: May 21st Raw.mp3 It’s Tuesday May 21st 2019 and this is security on the bayou. Today security news and why it matters to you. So today’s can be fun day. We’ve got a couple of really good ones too. Two they’re going to sort of follow ups one that’s pretty technical but this I’m pretty excited about today it is Tuesday. All right first one from a SC magazine dot com written by Robert…
The post Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 appeared first on Security On The Bayou.
Monday, May 20th, 2019
Sophos tells users to roll back Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday run if they want PC to boot Slack Bug Allows Remote File Hijacking, Malware Injection TeamViewer Confirms It Was Hacked in 2016 Transcript: Hello, Friends, it is Monday, May 20th. Twenty nineteen in here’s today’s security news first off from the registered echo that UK Sophos tells users to roll back Microsoft patch Tuesday run if they want to. P.S. If they want their P.C. to boot this is written by Gareth Corfield. So Sophos has...
Thursday, May 16th, 2019
GOOGLE WILL REPLACE TITAN SECURITY KEY OVER A BLUETOOTH FLAW ‘GozNym’ Banking Malware Gang Dismantled by International Law Enforcement Russian government sites leak passport and personal data for 2.25 million users Transcript: Welcome to security on the bayou. It is Thursday, May 16th, 2019. And here’s today’s security news and why it matters to you. ‘First off big news of the day this articles on wired one thing in this article you could google and find almost anywhere probably be on your...
Wednesday, May 15th, 2019
Baltimore Ransomware Attack Takes Strange Twist UPDATE NOW! Critical, remote, ‘wormable’ Windows vulnerability Israeli TV’s Eurovision webcast hijacked by hackers. Hamas blamed Transcript: Hello friends welcome to security on the bayou It is Wednesday May 15th 20 19 and here’s your security news for the day. First things first from Sophos The Naked Security blog. You know this is one of my favorites. Title is update now. Critical remote work Mobile Windows vulnerability so normally I would...
Tuesday, May 14th, 2019
Update WhatsApp now! One call could give spies access to your phone Over 25,000 Linksys Smart Wi-Fi routers vulnerable to sensitive information disclosure flaw. FBI Detects New Surveillance Malware Linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group Transcript: [00:00:00] Hello folks. Welcome to security on the bayou It is Wednesday Wednesday. It’s not Wednesday. It’s Tuesday, May 14 20 19 and here’s security news and why it matters to you. So if you’ve been living under a rock this morning you may not...
Thursday, May 9th, 2019
Breach Incidents on Record Pace for 2019 C-level executives increasingly and proactively targeted by social breaches IT Specialist Convicted on Cyber Hacking Charges Sentenced Transcript: [00:00:00] Good morning friends. It is Thursday May 9th 2019. And this is Security on the bayou. Hope everybody’s having a wonderful week two more days you’re almost done get there it’s can be a beautiful we can hopefully wherever you are. All right. First up from security Boulevard dot com by Erica chick...
Wednesday, May 8th, 2019
LulZSec and Anonymous Ita hackers published sensitive data from 30,000 Roman lawyers CIA camps out in anonymized Tor network Highlights from the Verizon DBIR 2019 Transcript: [00:00:00] Welcome friends. It is Wednesday May 8th 20 19 and here’s today’s security news. [00:00:07] First thing’s first let’s start with this from security affairs by Pierluigi Paganini which I think he wrote an article yesterday if I remember correctly. This one entitled little SEC anonymous IPA hackers published...
Tuesday, May 7th, 2019
A bug in Mirai code allows crashing C2 servers DuckDuckGo proposes “Do-Not-Track Act of 2019” to require sites to respect DNT browser setting ‘Matrix’-Themed Ransomware Variant Spreads Transcript:M [00:00:00] Welcome to Security led by you it is Tuesday, May 7th, 2019. Hope everybody had a wonderful weekend. All right let’s kick things off here. First off from security affairs echoed by Pier Luigi Pagani a bug in Meri code allows crashing CE to servers. So as you may know the MRI botnet is...
Friday, May 3rd, 2019
McAfee Survey Finds IT at Cybersecurity Fault Most President Trump Signs EO to Bolster Federal Digital Security Workforce A MYSTERIOUS HACKER GROUP IS ON A SUPPLY CHAIN HIJACKING SPREE Transcript: [00:00:00] Hello folks it is Friday, May 3rd 20. And here is today’s security news first. [00:00:06][6.0] [00:00:06] Let’s start with security Boulevard dot com from Michael Vizard. The title is McAfee survey finds I.T. at cybersecurity fault. Most first things first that headline terrible I...
Thursday, May 2nd, 2019
Sinister secret backdoor found in networking gear perfect for government espionage: The Chinese are – oh no, wait, it’s Cisco again Putin Signs Controversial Internet Law We dunno what’s worse: Hackers ransacked Citrix for FIVE months, or that Equifax was picked to help mop up the mess Transcript: [00:00:00] Good morning folks it is Thursday May 2nd 2019 and here’s today’s security news. [00:00:05] First things first from security week by AFP. Putin signs controversial Internet law. So...
Wednesday, May 1st, 2019
Phone and laptop searches at US border ‘quadruple’ Plan to secure internet of things with new law A ‘Cyber Event’ Disrupted the Power Grid in California and Wyoming, But Don’t Panic Just Yet Hackers went undetected in Citrix’s internal network for six months Transcript:a [00:00:00] Hello folks it is Wednesday May 1st twenty And here’s today’s security news. First from BBC News. Phone and laptop search at U.S. border quadruple. That’s a lot quadrupling that’s four times that’s a lot in...
Tuesday, April 30th, 2019
People Are Clamoring to Buy Old Insulin Pumps Malware Infests Popular Pirate Streaming Hardware Chinese dev jailed and fined for posting DJI’s private keys on Github Transcript: [00:00:01] Good morning friends It is Tuesday, April 30th and here is today’s security news. [00:00:05][4.5] [00:00:06] First off from the Atlantic dot.com not your traditional security article that we’ll discuss here but the title is “People are clamoring to buy old insulin pumps.” Written by Sarah Zhang on the...