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Techpoint Charlie

Technology Podcasts

Multi-faceted technology-culture podcast




Multi-faceted technology-culture podcast





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Episode 25: Why you shouldn't be a manager

Noa Tamir (Data Science Manager) and Raz Shuty (Engineering Manager) share with Alaa Sarhan (IC Fullstack-er) what management is about in general and why an IC (Individual Contributor) is nowadays more than ever empowered to not become a manager for the wrong reasons. Sneak-peak reasons from the episode: Recommended reads on the topic: 17 Reasons NOT To Be A ManagerNot all engineering leaders are engineering managers Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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Episode 24: QA, Automation, and everything in between

Noa Tamir and Alaa Sarhan speak with Rony Lahav about the role of QA and Automation, Why do we need QA people (or why developers shouldn’t be the only testers), Different Test - Component, Integration, System, E2E, Is Manual QA dead? We also touched on: Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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Episode 23 - Functional Management

Noa Tamir and Alaa Sarhan speak with Alexandra Paun (@ale_paun) about the Functional Manager hat that she often wears as part of her current job at King. We learn from Alexandra the many intersections this role has with many, if not all functions and departments in the organization, even extending outside of it to negotiate, collaborate and continuously work with external partners and organization, to bring a great business initiative from conception to life. In this episode we talk about the skill set of a functional manager, the phases a project goes through under their supervision and the challenges and rewarding aspects of this role. Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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Quickpoint Charlie Episode 4: Persona frameworks for a team event

A quick episode where Raz Shuty, Noa Tamir, Alaa Sarhan (@TweetingAlaa) are randomly asking themselves a question and trying to see how they feel about it, in 20 minutes: Have you used any persona framework at work. If so what did you like about it? What was it good for? What’s the downside of using them? Nothing scientific here, more like a quick conversation about it :) Also Available on: Spotify, iTunes, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, PlayerFM Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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Episode 22: Emotions at work (with Phil Bennett)

Noa Tamir and Alaa Sarhan meet with our lovely guest Phil Bennett to chat about Emotions at work Triggered by an article Phil Bennett wrote called The Crying Game: It’s OK to Cry at Work! Emotions are unavoidable and normal, but you have to understand the emotional Labour you’re putting on other people. That said, sometimes high emotions are the only way people can express what they really feel. Especially in times of frustration. In the episode: Also Available on: Spotify, iTunes, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, PlayerFM Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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Extra stuff from our emotions at work episode: Games and Remote Emotions at work



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Quickpoint Charlie Episode 3: Too Many Meetings

A quick episode where Raz Shuty, Noa Tamir, Alaa Sarhan (@TweetingAlaa) are randomly asking themselves a question and trying to see how they feel about it, in 20 minutes: How do you battle the common "too many meetings" problem? Nothing scientific here, more like a quick conversation about it :) Also Available on: Spotify, iTunes, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, PlayerFM Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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Episode 21: Measuring Success

Alaa Sarhan (@TweetingAlaa) Fullstack Engineer at Doodle is inviting Armin Bognar Product Advisor and Head of Product at Orderlion and Marc Sandifer Senior Product Manager at Contorion for a conversation to exchange and share their knowledge and experiences around measuring success in product companies; a topic that is or must be near and dear to every Product Manager, Product Designer and pretty much any Individual Contributor in a product team. What success do we want to measure?How do we shift from output-driven to impact-driven process and culture?How can we measure impact of our changes, small or big, operational or strategic?In this episode, we mentioned: ICE Scoring MethodDisney's four keys to Guest ExperienceOKR Also Available on: Spotify iTunes Google Stitcher TuneIn PlayerFM Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! By Attribution 3.0 License


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Episode 20: Open Plan Offices: 3 hosts, too many feelings

Raz Shuty, Noa Tamir, and Alaa Sarhan meet to chat about open plan offices, and how working in them makes them feel.. We mention in this episode: HBR's "The Truth about Open Plan Offices"Also Available on: Spotify, iTunes, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn,PlayerFM Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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Episode 19 (Quickpoint Charlie Episode 2): Talking about Managers

A quick episode where Yael Schweiger, Raz Shuty and Noa Tamir are randomly asking themselves two questions and trying to see how they feel about them: Nothing scientific here, more like a quick conversation about it :) Also Available on: Spotify, iTunes, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, PlayerFM Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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Episode 18: On Call Engineering: How to do it and Smile with Charity Majors

On-Call Engineering: How to do it and smile Charity Majors is the CTO of, @mipsytipy on Twitter, and blogs at Links Raz shared with his team: A story of being on call | Charity Majors | Monki Gras 2018Charity Majors – Observability and the Glorious Future, Iterate 2018 Also Available on: Spotify, iTunes, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, PlayerFM Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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Episode 17: Good Manager, Bad Manager

Yael Schweiger, Raz Shuty and Noa Tamir are meeting again to talk about management, and specifically what makes a good manager, and how makes a bad one... We mentioned in this episode Reading recommendations: Also Available on: Spotify, iTunes, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, PlayerFM Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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Episode 16: What is the role of Data Scientist?

Yael Schweiger Senior Product Owner at Careship, Raz Shuty Director Of Engineering at Delivery Hero and Noa Tamir are talking about what is the role of a data scientist What do people usually get wrong about this role?How can data scientists help, and who?What skills or mindset are important for this role?How do you get to it?What does it mean to be a junior in this role vs senior/experienced? What are the main big differences you learn along the way?We mentioned in this episode Data Science is about Communication (empathy, humility), not programming or statistics the different DS functions: DS for X vs. DS as XNoa's talk in PyConDENonviolent communication Empathic listening Also Available on: Spotify, iTunes, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, PlayerFM Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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Episode 15: What is Product-minded Engineering? What are product-minded developers?

Daniel Rüdiger Senior Product Manager at Delivery Hero, Alaa Sarhan Fullstack Engineer at Doodle (yes yes! the doodle you send your friends when you are trying to arrange a movie night at your place) and Raz Shuty Director Of Engineering at Delivery Hero are having an episode without Yael and Noa, and trying to figure out, what is product-driven development? What is this new trend called Product-Developers? We mentioned in this episode What is product-driven development?Feature FactoryWhat are Product Developers?Google Product DeveloperWhy product-driven development?Discussable questionsAlaa's blog posts:I am a Product DeveloperProduct Developers - Draft DefinitionProduct Developer TechStackProduct Developers - definition and rolesAlso Available on: Spotify, iTunes, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, PlayerFM Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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Episode 14: Remote Work: past, COVID19, and future

Noa Tamir is our awesome new host, and Raz Shuty met remotely to talk about remote work, but also about this specific occasion of remote work with Covid-19... Trying to understand what is remote work first of all, what are our feelings and experiences and talk about different models (and what it means how it differs from the current reality we are experiencing now) We mentioned in this episode Intro: Our experiences: Different models of working remotely: We mentioned in this episode My Group’s Remote Working ManifestoWikimedia Foundation offers full pay for reduced hoursSpotify TribesBasecamp‘s Update to employeesZoomGoogle HangoutsVisual Studio CodeSlackSnap CameraMattermostFirebasePyCharmVS Code LiveTeam RetroJiraTeamViewerUsenetIRC


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Episode 13: Let's make sense of Data Science

Yael Schweiger Senior Product Owner at Careship, Raz Shuty Director Of Engineering at Delivery Hero and our awesome guest Noa Tamir are trying to make sense of the data of data science, what are the different roles? What is the difference between User Research, Market Research, Data Science Researchers, Business Analysts, Business Intelligence, Data Analysts, Data Scientists, Machine Learning Engineers, Data Engineers? We mentioned in this episode Also Available on: Spotify, iTunes, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, PlayerFM Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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Episode 12: UX Research

Anne's reading recommendations: UX Maturity Model: The role of a user researcher: Research Ops community: Dovetail, my research repository: Our episode today: “User-centered” is a buzzword your organization uses? The time or an honest self-assessment. Experience precedes essence - you’ve got to get out there! Everybody owns user research. Maybe not everybody’s a designer - but everybody contributes to the customer experience. Sometimes there is no right or wrong decision - but it’s always wrong to make an uneducated decision.


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Episode 11: One on Ones

Yael Schweiger Senior Product Owner Careship and Raz Shuty Head of Engineering @Wikimedia DE finally came back from a long summer break and decided to talk about one on ones on episode 11 - talk about how to do them, why they are there and what the effects they have and generally what it means to have good ones and to have "bad" ones... We mentioned in this episode Also Available on: Spotify, iTunes, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, PlayerFM Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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Episode 10: What it means for everyone to have design and UX leading the strategy?

Yael Schweiger Senior Product Owner Careship and Raz Shuty Head of Engineering @Wikimedia DE are happy to host Erin Jeavons-Fellows Head of Design (Product) @Delivery Hero Germany and they are talking about where from which point should designers be involved in strategy talks and how to improve our connection to users We mentioned in this episode The Design Process: Double Diamond Also Available on: Spotify, iTunes, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, PlayerFM Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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Episode 9: Processes - How to build processes that would work for you and not you enslaved to them?

Yael Schweiger Product Owner @K.Lab and Raz Shuty Engineering Manager @Wikimedia DE meet again to talk about Processes, how to build them right, what no to do? do overhauls ever work? and why Raz hates them so much :) During the episode we mentioned future episodes that this talk inspired us to talk about: This was a productive and fun episode, we think it's actually one of our better episodes and our backlog grew after it, so yay! We mentioned in this episode 5 WhysInfinite HowsThe Journey ModelThe Spotify ModelContentful Engineering BlogValve Handbook Also Available on: Spotify, iTunes, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, PlayerFM Music credits: Dan Lebowitz: Come and Get It! Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
