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The People Stack Podcast

Technology Podcasts

We explore the intersection of Tech Leadership & Dream careers. We do this by creating inspiring podcasts - including interviews with amazing individuals in the tech leadership space. Dr. Jen Bunk earned her Ph.D. in I/O Psychology (a.k.a. The Science of Work). She is a retired Associate Professor and an accomplished speaker & researcher. As the CEO of the People Stack, she’s used her decades of experience to coach hundreds of tech leaders to create their dream careers - and the dream lives that go with them. Rob Allen (Jen’s husband) is a 20+ year software industry veteran who moved from IC to Leadership in 2010, where the focus has always been on helping the technical folks who worked for him live their best lives. In 2019, he broadened that to the tech community as a whole by joining Jen full-time at The People Stack as her Co-CEO.


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We explore the intersection of Tech Leadership & Dream careers. We do this by creating inspiring podcasts - including interviews with amazing individuals in the tech leadership space. Dr. Jen Bunk earned her Ph.D. in I/O Psychology (a.k.a. The Science of Work). She is a retired Associate Professor and an accomplished speaker & researcher. As the CEO of the People Stack, she’s used her decades of experience to coach hundreds of tech leaders to create their dream careers - and the dream lives that go with them. Rob Allen (Jen’s husband) is a 20+ year software industry veteran who moved from IC to Leadership in 2010, where the focus has always been on helping the technical folks who worked for him live their best lives. In 2019, he broadened that to the tech community as a whole by joining Jen full-time at The People Stack as her Co-CEO.



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Episode 344: Why I Launched a $7 Confidence Micro-Habits Course

Why is confidence so important in building your dream tech career? I tell you in this podcast! Some of the reasons will validate what you already know. Others will surprise you. I’ll also give you a peek behind the People Stack business curtain to talk about what’s in store for the People Stack tribe in the future. Grab the popcorn and check this one out right now!


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Episode 343: Responsibly Reject the Bull$hit

How do you responsibly call people out on their bullshit? And how do you call YOURSELF out on your own bullshit? It’s so important to learn how to do this b/c w/out it, you’re holding yourself back from a life of ease, flow, power, and dream creation. Why? Because, well, not to be too crass but… You can’t rise higher when you’re surrounded by shit. You can’t rise higher in your career - or the rest of your life. So, how do you deal with this mess without gunking things up even more? And, dare I say - how do you come to ENJOY dealing with the B.S.??? I explain how in this podcast! Get ready to get real! Check it out here right now:


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Episode 342: How to Win the ATS Game

Applicant Tracking Systems… …are a PAIN in the rear!!! So - how do you win the ATS game so that you can land interviews and land your Hell Yes tech leadership job? I show you how in this episode. Pay close attention because I offer several pieces of practical advice you’ll want to implement today. Check it out here!


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Episode 341: Stop relying on pure willpower to build your dream career

Do you often feel mentally and physically drained at the end of each day? Does decision fatigue weigh you down on most days? Do you feel stuck in the go, go, go, do, do, do? If so, you’re likely relying on pure willpower to get through. And it’s not sustainable! In this podcast, I share what you should rely on instead to create so much MOMENTUM in your tech career (and the rest of your life)... …that you manifest your dreams faster and easier and it feels delightfully FUN! Check this one out right now!


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Episode 340: Work’s Feeling “Meh”

Is work feeling kinda “meh” for you right now? You’re simply not connected with the purpose of what you’re doing. The joy, spark, and fun are dying. How do you turn that “meh” to “WHEEEE!”? I reveal how in this podcast so you can get unstuck from doing “just okay” at work… …and feel ludicrously fulfilled and joyously connected to how magnificent your job is. Listen right now!


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Episode 339: Aim for Transformational not Transactional Career Results

Many of you are unknowingly focusing on the wrong kinds of career results. And this costs you dearly in terms of your time, money, energy, and sanity. In this episode, I talk about why focusing on transformation and not transaction is the key to creating the dream tech career you want… … especially in the current environment of too few jobs and too many applicants. Get ready to let go of the struggle and sacrifice and make room for more joy and prosperity on the journey toward co-creating your dream career. Check it out right now!


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Episode 338: Job Interviews You Shouldn’t Be Having

I don’t want you to waste your time or energy while you’re on the job market for a tech leadership job. So, in this episode, I talk about a mistake many of our clients make when they start working with us: They go on interviews that they shouldn’t be! I understand it’s hard to be on the job market and you want to do SOMETHING to move the process forward, but trust me, going on interviews just because you were invited is a waste of everyone’s time, money, and energy. So, how do you decide what interviews to go on? How do you land those interviews in the first place? And, most importantly, how do you take action on the tech job market in a powerfully purposeful way? I cover all of this on this week’s podcast! Enjoy!


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Episode 337: Reducing Overwhelm: A Guide for Tech Leaders

How do you advance in your tech career without feeling overwhelmed? In this episode, I define what overwhelm is as well as some of the (sneaky) ways it can show up in your life. And, I share 2 practical tools that you can start implementing today so that you can shift from an emotional home of overwhelm… …to an emotional home of quiet stillness, flow, and peace. Enjoy!


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Episode 336: Slow Down to Manifest Your Career & Life Goals Faster

Stop fighting, striving, pushing, and enduring my friends!!! It’s time to make $hit happen without the forcing struggle. In this episode, I talk about why slowing down is essential to manifesting your career goals. And I give you two practical and tactical tools so you can translate this into real, everyday life. Enjoy the journey of slowing down and relaxing into your dreams - and watch them manifest even more easily and effortlessly. Click here to listen:


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Episode 335: Generating Momentum as a New Director: Most Powerful Moves to Make

What are the most powerful moves one needs to make as a new director (manager of managers) to generate momentum? A client recently asked us this and I answer it on this podcast! I share the 5 most important actions to take if you’re new to an organization and want to create a massive, sustainable impact as a leader of leaders. I encourage all of you to listen and apply these battle-tested leadership principles. Enjoy!


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Episode 334: Access Your Fortitude Amidst the Tech Chaos

It’s nucking futs right now in the tech world. Layoffs, job search mayhem, hiring chaos…it’s all there. AND, I want you to tap into your inner fortitude - your inner power - even now. In this episode, I give you a practical tool that’s zero-cost and takes less than 5 minutes to implement. It’ll help you thrive amidst the chaos so that you can continue on the path towards your dream career. Check it out right now! P.S. If you want MORE inspiration and clarity on accessing your inner fortitude, join us on Saturday, March 9th from Noon-2pm Eastern. Rob and I are hosting an online training + AMA and you’re all invited! Click here to register: We’re keeping the investment low so it’s easy to say yes and we all have just enough skin in the game to show up powerfully. Our mission for this event is to create the space for massive clarity and power during this tumultuous time in the tech world. What's one powerful thing we can do amidst this uncertainty? Tap into our FORTITUDE! So, for the first part of this event, Rob and I will be talking about: -What exactly is fortitude, anyway? -Why fortitude is so important right now (the obvious and non-obvious reasons) -How to tap into your fortitude (even amidst the chaos and evil) -What potential success lies ahead once you harness the power of your fortitude? You’re gonna wanna take notes for this training so show up ready to soak it up! And then, after the training, we’ll do an AMA. Ask me anything. Ask Rob anything. Really, anything. We can’t promise we’ll be able to give you the best recipe for sourdough bread (not our area of expertise)...but we can have fun with it… And if you ask us about anything career- or work-related, you’ll tap into our genius zones. So as long as you show up coachable and open to new perspectives, you’ll get massive clarity. During times like this, we need to connect. We need to stand together. Margaret Mead was right: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” You’re thoughtful. You’re committed. Together, we WILL change the tech world. Your team needs you right now. Your fellow tech brothers and sisters need you right now. Your family needs you right now. Tap into your power - your FORTITUDE - and let’s make it happen! See you there! Click here to register!


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Episode 333: Dan Pickett on Coding Bootcamps, Training Engineers, and the Importance of Being Supportive and Practical

Rob interviewed Dan Pickett, President and Founder of Launch Academy and LaunchWare. They talked about: * The Launch Academy apprenticeship model and why it works * What Dan learned about the best ways to prepare engineers for future jobs * Why high-pressure techniques for training engineers fail * What’s wrong with Computer Science Education * Weaving a positive cultural fabric of trust for developers and leaders Enjoy listening to this easy-going, friendly conversation that anyone in tech will find informative. If you’re in tech leadership, you’ll find it particularly eye-opening. Special Guest: Dan Pickett.


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Episode 332: There’s Gold in Your Blind Spots

What’s in your blind spots? And how do you even find them? I show you how in this episode. I show you how to begin to leverage your internal guidance so that you can see what you’ve previously not seen. This is going to help you build an even more powerful mindset, make even more mission-aligned decisions, take more inspired actions, and create your dreams! Pay very close attention to this one! Check it out right now.


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Episode 331: The Gift of Stress

Yes, I said it. Stress is a gift. In this episode, I show you how to embrace whatever stress you’re feeling, see the gift in it, and turn that into powerful career decisions and actions. And I promise the process I share is not the usual “just accept it” mumbo jumbo. We all feel stressed so I know every one of you is going to get value out of this one. Check out this episode right now!


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Episode 330: Top 10: Terrible Resume Advice

How do you create a powerful resume that significantly increases your chances of landing your Hell Yes job? In this episode, we show you by revealing our top 10 pieces of terrible resume advice. I also explain why they’re terrible so you can start applying powerful, sustainable, proven strategies for creating your dream career. Check this one out right now!


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Episode 329: Paradox of Action

Ready to take action in an entirely new way? In a way that’s sustainable, fun, fulfilling, and full of impact on the other side? To do this, you must first understand the paradox of action. In this episode, I explain what that is and what your next action should be to create your dream career and dream life. Enjoy this very practical episode filled with proven exercises to help you take the best actions possible!


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Episode 328: Action Beats Motivation

It’s time to soar towards your career goals in 2024! How? By applying this principle: Action beats motivation What does this mean and how do you apply it in YOUR career so that you can finally create the tech career you truly deserve? Check out this podcast right now!


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Episode 327: Hibernate to Prepare for Hyperspace

It’s hibernation season. It’s also the season to prepare for massive growth in the new year. In this episode, I define exactly what I mean by “hibernate” and “hyperspace.” I also give you several practical and tactical tools so you can begin making micro-habit changes starting TODAY! MASSIVE transformative changes are coming in 2024. Are you ready for them? ;) Listen to this one right now to prepare!


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Episode 326: Jason Silver on bringing joy to work, the importance of agency, and why decisions make you stressed

For this episode, Rob and I interviewed Jason Silver. He’s a startup advisor and his new book, “Quietly Crushing It” is coming out in Summer 2024. We talked about: Finding joy in doing the hard things - while you deliver MORE (not less) value Why your dream job is not something you “win,” it’s a practice How to add agency to everything you do as a leader Assumptions about sales - what it is and what’s it’s not Feedback: the good, the bad, and the ugly A simple strategy that’ll drastically reduce your decision-making stress How to persuade people to change their mindset Why “what do you think?” can be a terrible question The importance of gratitude This was an assumption-challenging conversation - even for us! Enjoy applying its valuable lessons Special Guest: Jason Silver.


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Episode 325: Holy $hit I Can’t Even

How many more “drop everything!” crises can you handle right now? It’s probably your current load minus 1 (or minus 10). We live in an era of surrounded by overwhelm. And it’s overwhelming! How do you handle it like a badass leader so that you can intentionally create your dream career and dream life? Check out this episode for a simple, zero-cost, 3-step process that you can do TODAY to start optimizing your response to stress.
