Technology Podcasts

Comprehensive interviews and panel discussions with health system IT leaders.


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Comprehensive interviews and panel discussions with health system IT leaders.







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Q&A with Health First VP and CIO Michael Carr: “Don’t Create Roadblocks.”

For CIOs, perhaps the most important objective is to provide a great experience for clinicians “without overloading on technology,” according to Michael Carr. In this interview, he talked about the bold initiatives at Health First that he hopes will move the organization toward that goal, and what it means to be a high-reliability organization. Source: Q&A with Health First VP and CIO Michael Carr: “Don’t Create Roadblocks.” on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Q&A with Bob Schlotfelt, Executive Director, CISO, Valleywise Health: “A My Way or the Highway Approach Doesn’t Work in Healthcare”

In this interview with healthsystemCIO’s Anthony Guerra, Bob Schlofelt, Executive Director and CISO at Valleywise Health, discusses: His experience in multiple industries; Why healthcare is up there with the most difficult industries to be a CISO (hint: because every doctor is another boss); Why the fact that many health system physicians are not employees makes […] Source: Q&A with Bob Schlotfelt, Executive Director, CISO, Valleywise Health: “A My Way or the Highway Approach Doesn’t Work in Healthcare” on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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University of Utah Health’s Victoria Tiase on Digital Health & Nursing: “We’re at a Real Inflection Point.”

The best way to alleviate the documentation burden is by developing “tools that can help support nurses and create efficiencies.” The problem is that “we don’t have time right now to provide input,” said Victoria Tiase. In this interview, she talks about how digital transformation has affected nursing; the question vendors need to be asked; and how Utah Health is bringing innovations to the bedside. Source: University of Utah Health’s Victoria Tiase on Digital Health & Nursing: “We’re at a Real Inflection Point.” on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Q&A with Tampa General Hospital’s Senior Director of IT Enterprise Imaging Steven Johnson & Director of IT Matthew Butler: “Enterprise Imaging Defines the Direction, But Decision Points Characterize the Journey”

It sounds simple and it makes sense – to ease the burden on clinicians that comes with logging into multiple systems, and thus improve patient safety, all data should reside in one place. When it comes to imaging, that means all images, regardless of how they were created or where they are currently housed (think […] Source: Q&A with Tampa General Hospital’s Senior Director of IT Enterprise Imaging Steven Johnson & Director of IT Matthew Butler: “Enterprise Imaging Defines the Direction, But Decision Points Characterize the Journey” on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Q&A with Intermountain Health VP/CISO Erik Decker & Director of Endpoint Data & Application Security Shawn Anderson: “Active Directory Revamp Can Help Slow Intruders Drive to Domian Dominance”

It makes perfect sense – study what your adversaries are doing and plan your defenses accordingly. If they’re coming in the windows every time, perhaps you don’t need to keep adding locks to the door. And studies have been done in healthcare showing there is a typical attack profile that often entails moving from a […] Source: Q&A with Intermountain Health VP/CISO Erik Decker & Director of Endpoint Data & Application Security Shawn Anderson: “Active Directory Revamp Can Help Slow Intruders Drive to Domian Dominance” on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Leveraging Integration & Automation to Drive Towards Systemness

To deliver the kinds of experiences patients expect, a healthcare system must act as just that—a unified system. This ideal system breaks down when patients are asked to re-enter their information with each care encounter or staff lose time dealing with cumbersome and repetitive processes that keep them from practicing at the top of their licenses. IT executives have the power to smooth these points of friction by electively and intentionally applying technology to automate manual processes and ensure information flows wherever it is needed. In this webinar, we'll speak to leaders who are focused on making sure that— through a combination of technology and process change— their organizations are moving in the right direction. Source: Leveraging Integration & Automation to Drive Towards Systemness on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Q&A: UH Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer David Sylvan on Removing Barriers to Access

In today’s complex healthcare environment, providing a platform for users to present ideas is essential. However, “if it’s open-ended and unbounded, we’re going to be building a whole bunch of very pretty bridges to nowhere,” said David Sylvan, Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer at University Hospitals. Instead, “we have to be prescriptive about what we’re going to solve for,” he said. Source: Q&A: UH Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer David Sylvan on Removing Barriers to Access on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Identifying & Mitigating Key Drivers of Insider Risk

Like any risk measure, the level of insider risk in a health system is never static, despite the fleeting comfort a snapshot might provide. Thus, it's helpful for security and privacy professionals to contemplate the reasons spikes occur so mitigation measures can be implemented at the right time and place. For example, if we consider that issuing new user credentials increases risk (at least until training and education can have an impact), then hiring, firing, and poorly handled identity and access management can cause insider risk levels to spike. Of course that's not even to mention M&A, which can increase a health system's risk profile by thousands of employees and hundreds of applications from one day to the next. So what's an IT executive or privacy officer to do? In this timely webinar, we'll speak to leaders who are focused on managing insider risk so spikes can be addressed as efficiently as possible, and fines from HHS/OCR avoided. Source: Identifying & Mitigating Key Drivers of Insider Risk on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Q&A with United Musculoskeletal Partners CISO Krista Arndt: “Investing in Operational Partnerships is Key To Cyber Success”

The pressures that go along with leading cyber in a healthcare institution are daunting; some of which include the need to be perfect all the time, the fact that the industry is under almost constant attack, and the presence of financial margins that don’t leave IT with money to burn. Of course, combine all that […] Source: Q&A with United Musculoskeletal Partners CISO Krista Arndt: “Investing in Operational Partnerships is Key To Cyber Success” on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Rethinking Business Responsibility in Ransomware-focused Catastrophic Downtime Planning

The recent rash of ransomware-induced outages has truly created a "not if, but when" dynamic for health systems. And with that feeling must come a commitment on the part of all leaders to ensure their organizations can continue safely treating patients and maintaining critical business operations during such an ordeal. To do that, downtime plans need to be revisited, tabletops conducted, and playbooks revised -- not just once, but regularly. When it comes to IT leaders, the question has been: how can they best play their parts? How much of preparing the organization falls on their shoulders; how much on emergency management; what are the alternative options for a given function; and how can the two best work together to create the greatest chance of success? In this timely webinar, we'll speak to leaders who are focused on doing everything in their power to support clinical and business operations until the applications come back. Source: Rethinking Business Responsibility in Ransomware-focused Catastrophic Downtime Planning on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Q&A with Duke University Health System Vice Chairman of Radiology, IT, & Clinical Informatics Christopher Roth, MD: “Enterprise Imaging Has Part to Play in Addressing Shrinking Margins”

In a perfect world, the only thing imaging professionals would have to consider is how to improve clinician workflow and thus, satisfaction, along with patient safety. Of course, the world is far from perfect, as demonstrated by healthcare’s shrinking margins. So those professionals must do their part to keep the enterprise as robust as possible. […] Source: Q&A with Duke University Health System Vice Chairman of Radiology, IT, & Clinical Informatics Christopher Roth, MD: “Enterprise Imaging Has Part to Play in Addressing Shrinking Margins” on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Exploring the Science & Art of Application Rationalization … In that Order

Application rationalization is one of those thorny projects -- absolutely necessary and extremely challenging. It's absolutely necessary because millions of dollars are potentially being wasted on applications that are little used, if at all, while their mere existence increases the cyber attack surface. And it's extremely challenging because, even though leveraging data to understand which apps should be retired is relatively straightforward, actually severing those apps from the users who love them adds another layer of complexity. In this timely webinar, we'll first look at the science of application rationalization to find ripe targets, and then delve into human dynamics that can often stymie these critical initiatives. Source: Exploring the Science & Art of Application Rationalization … In that Order on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Q&A with Dr. Eve Cunningham of Providence: “Let’s Talk about the Problems We’re Trying to Solve.”

The only way to solve the many problems plaguing physicians is by involving those who “understand the work, understand the problems, and live them every day, and partnering them with technology experts.” In this interview, Eve Cunningham, MD, Chief of Virtual Care and Digital Health at Providence, talks about her team’s objectives, the clinical support decision tool that could change the game for clinicians, and why she’s a champion for telehealth. Source: Q&A with Dr. Eve Cunningham of Providence: “Let’s Talk about the Problems We’re Trying to Solve.” on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Q&A with SJRMC CIO John Gaede: “Community Hospital Cash Crunch Can’t be Solved Without EHR Competition & Excellent IT”

The community hospital market is struggling with razor-thin margins, according to John Gaede, CIO, at San Juan Regional Medical Center; the result of increasing payroll and technology costs, along with the sunsetting of pandemic-related government programs. CIOs, he says, are in the critical position of making sure every dollar of those technology costs is […] Source: Q&A with SJRMC CIO John Gaede: “Community Hospital Cash Crunch Can’t be Solved Without EHR Competition & Excellent IT” on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Understanding & Mitigating Security Risk Around AI Projects

AI has the potential to address dozens of efficiency challenges that health systems must solve in order to flourish in today's world of staffing shortages and increased burnout. As such, there is no lack of requests by users to interject it into this or that workflow. In many instances, however, the problem with moving forward is a red light put up by IT due to security concerns. But it doesn't have to be that way. Whereas in other situations, a pristine state may have been required before moving forward, when it comes to AI and security, there are interim, iterative and incremental steps that can be taken so projects can move forward without jeopardizing the enterprise. In this webinar, we'll speak to leaders who, instead of saying no, are finding ways to respond with, "Yes, and here's how." Source: Understanding & Mitigating Security Risk Around AI Projects on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Q&A with KLAS VP of Imaging Informatics & Oncology Monique Rasband: Partnering Key to Making Enterprise Imaging Strides

For the better part of a decade – from 2010 to 2020 – CIOs were busy implementing and optimizing their EMRs. And since 2020, it’s been all about cost cutting via application rationalization, integration and, of course, security. But there’s another massive challenge that stands to benefit from CIO leadership – the journey from a […] Source: Q&A with KLAS VP of Imaging Informatics & Oncology Monique Rasband: Partnering Key to Making Enterprise Imaging Strides on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Q&A with UMCSN CIO Maria Sexton: “IT & the Business are One”

Unless they work for technology companies, CIOs aren’t technology executives, according to Maria Sexton, CIO at the University Medical Center of Southern Nevada. Rather, they are business executives with technology expertise. It’s a nuanced definition, she admits, but one whose understanding makes all the difference. And with that understanding comes a change in approach from […] Source: Q&A with UMCSN CIO Maria Sexton: “IT & the Business are One” on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Q&A with University of Utah Health CIO Donna Roach: “Change management is core to everything we do.”

“I want to avoid rushing into things and making mistakes you can’t recover from,” said Donna Roach, CIO at University of Utah Health. In this interview, she talked about the value of doing things “in a thoughtful way,” the platform-first approach her team has adopted, and what they’re learning by letting users play in the AI sandbox. Source: Q&A with University of Utah Health CIO Donna Roach: “Change management is core to everything we do.” on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Reducing Costs & Improving Service by Implementing Use-Case Specific Automation

Whereas AI has some excessive enthusiasm around it (especially in the clinical realm), automation is a no-brainer. Well, not exactly. That's because -- though automation may work magic when done on the right workflow, at the right time, and in the right way -- getting all three right (without understanding some nuances) is a long shot. In this practical and timely webinar, we'll speak to leaders about those nuances to give others the best chance of success. With staffing shortages (due to burnout and other issues) on the rise and patient satisfaction all-important, this is one webinar you can't afford to miss. Source: Reducing Costs & Improving Service by Implementing Use-Case Specific Automation on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.


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Q&A with Corewell Health Deputy CISO Jim Kuiphof: “Proper Prioritization a Key to Cyber Success”

On most days in cyber, it can seem like there are a million things to do. For Jim Kuiphof and his team, that was probably the case in 2022 when Spectrum Health and Beaumont Health merged to become 22-hospital strong Corewell Health. Of course, there was much foundational work to be done, but Kuiphof notes […] Source: Q&A with Corewell Health Deputy CISO Jim Kuiphof: “Proper Prioritization a Key to Cyber Success” on - is the sole online-only publication dedicated to exclusively and comprehensively serving the information needs of healthcare CIOs.
