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The Divorced Girl Smiling Podcast

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Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and start smiling! Every show is 30 minutes aimed to empower you, validate you, and connect you with some of the BEST divorce professionals in the industry.


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Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and start smiling! Every show is 30 minutes aimed to empower you, validate you, and connect you with some of the BEST divorce professionals in the industry.



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10 Steps to Reducing Divorce Stress

Going through a divorce can cause stress. A lot of stress. It feels like every minute there's a different thing to worry about. My guest in this episode is divorce coach, Lisa Lisser, who will share 10 steps in reducing your divorce stress, which will not only help you get a better divorce outcome, but will give you a peaceful, happy post-divorce life. Learn more:


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The Power of Divorce Support Groups

When people get divorced, everyone tells you, "You need support." But what does that mean specifically? My guest in this episode is divorce mediator, Leah Hadley, and Leah and I talk about the benefits of joining a divorce support group. Not only can a support group help you with the outcome of your divorce, but these women will have a wonderful long-term affect on your overall life. Learn more:


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Divorce is a BIG Deal and You Need to Treat it That Way

As women, we often say, "I can handle this," or "I'm fine." We say these things even during the toughest times, including divorce. Well guess what? If you don't take care of yourself, there is a ripple effect. My guest in this episode is divorce coach, Mardi Winder-Adams, who explains the ripple effect and offers tips to those who are going through a divorce. Learn more:


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12 Things About Ghosting in Dating After Divorce

If you are dating after divorce, you've surely heard the term "ghosting." It's a terrible thing to do to someone, but guess what? It happens to everyone. My guest in this episode is dating coach, Alyssa Dineen. Alyssa and I discuss her 12 things you should know about ghosting. Learn more:


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Tips for Sleeping Better During and After Divorce

People who are facing divorce don't sleep well. I can attest to that. My guest in this episode is the amazing Kathryn Nicolai, creator of the podcast "Nothing Much Happens." Kathryn explains how simply listening to her podcast can be life changing, and offers tips on how to get better sleep. Learn more here:


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7 Tips If You're Thinking Divorce is Your Best Option

One of the hardest decisions a person will make in his or her life is whether or not to get divorced. My guest in this episode is divorce attorney, Jason Tuchman. Jason offers 7 tips for those contemplating divorce. Learn more:


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Homeownership after Divorce: An Introductory Guide

So many people facing divorce have a huge fear of owning a home by themselves. In this episode, my guest is Karen Ranquist, a Chicago based real estate agent, who also went through a divorce and experienced buying her own home after. Learn more here:


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How a Divorce Retreat to Italy Impacted Divorced Women's Lives

Hannah McKitrick is a wellness coach and culinary instructor, who takes groups of women to Italy for cooking retreats! In this episode, Hannah tells us about her trips, and just what her divorced attendees experienced. Learn more:


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Divorce, Drinking and Alcoholism

Divorce is so stressful, and people cope with the stress in many different ways: some healthy and some not-so-healthy. That would include excessive drinking. My guest in this episode is divorce attorney, Christine Diorio, who talks about the dangers of excessive drinking and how to get help if you think you might have a problem.


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Divorce is Devastating. Advice from a Divorced Dad.

There's no better way to get divorce advice then from someone who's gone through it! My guest is Phil LaGiglia, who is a divorced dad, who is remarried, and who was truly able to look in the mirror and fix his life, be a better husband and father, and find true happiness. Learn more:


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How Much Divorce Anger Do You Have and How Do You Get Rid of It?

Divorce anger is so common, unfortunately, but it's understandable. That said, no one enjoys being angry. So, how do you get rid of your divorce anger? Dr. Mort Orman, Anger Elimination Expert and Author is my guest. Dr. Orman offers insight into why some people stay angry, and offers tips on how to rid yourself of this toxicity and live a happier, healthier life. Dr. Orman also talks about his new book, Dr. Orman's Life Changing Anger Cure.


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Intimacy in Relationships and in Dating after Divorce

Intimacy is so important in the health of a romantic relationship. Lack of intimacy can cause a lot of problems, including divorce. My guest in this episode is Divorce Coach, Cherie Morris. Cherie and I talk about how to maintain intimacy in a relationship. We also offer tips to those who fear intimacy. Learn more about Cherie here:


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What You Need to Know about Pet Custody and Divorce

Conversations about who gets the dog in a divorce can feel scary, stressful and confusing. My guest in this episode is Karis Nafte, a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant and Accredited Mediator. Karis and I talk about 5 things you should know when it comes to pet custody and your divorce. Learn more:


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What is Discernment Counseling and Is It Right for You?

It's not new, but discernment counseling has gained a lot of popularity recently. The process of trying to figure out whether or not you should get divorced or try to work things out--that's what discernment counseling is, is discussed in this episode with my guest, Erin Birt, a Chicago based divorce attorney and mediator. Learn more here:


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5 Money Mistakes Women Make in Divorce

Women going through a divorce are under so much stress, which can lead to poor financial decisions. My guest, Tracy Coenen is a forensic accountant and the creator of the Divorce Money Guide. In this episode, Tracy reveals the 5 biggest money mistakes she's seen women make, and offers advice on how to avoid them. Learn more here:


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Parenting Plans for Kids with Special Needs

Divorce is difficult for all children. But what happens when the children are neurodiverse? Divorce Mediator and Disability Informed Professional, Erik Feig is my guest on this episode, and he offers advice on what to think about when you're creating your parenting plan with neurodiverse children. Learn more here:


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Everything You Want to Know about Divorce Coaches

When I was getting divorced in 2007, divorce coaching didn't exist. Now it is a huge industry! Why? What does a divorce coach do? How do you find a good one? These questions are answered by my guests, Debra Doak and Tracy Callahan, co-Founders of Divorce Coaches Academy, the company that trains and certifies divorce coaches. Learn more here:


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The Power of Using an Alcohol Monitoring Device

Are you worried about your ex spouse drinking alcohol during parenting time? Are you being accused of drinking during your parenting time? In this episode, my guest, Thy-An Tran, Director of Marketing for Soberlink talks about the solution: an alcohol monitoring device. Includes benefits and court involvement. Learn more and get $50 off your device:


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How Do You End a Marriage with Someone You Love?

How do you end a marriage with someone you love? Therapist, Brittany Baker, LCSW has advice. In this episode, we talk about preparing for the conversation, what you might want to say, and what NOT to say. Learn more:


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Divorce and Your Body: There IS a Connection!

Divorce can take a toll on your emotional wellbeing, but it can also affect your physical health. In this episode, my wonderful guest, health concierge, Leslie Urbas offers an explanation on how divorce stress can take a toll on your body, and gives tips on having the body you want and being happy and healthy. Learn more:
