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The Divorced Girl Smiling Podcast

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Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and start smiling! Every show is 30 minutes aimed to empower you, validate you, and connect you with some of the BEST divorce professionals in the industry.


United States


Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and start smiling! Every show is 30 minutes aimed to empower you, validate you, and connect you with some of the BEST divorce professionals in the industry.



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Loneliness, Substance Abuse, and How These Can Affect Co-Parenting

Loneliness and substance abuse go hand in hand. Add co-parenting into the mix and things can get complicated. My guest in this episode is Laura Crossett, CADC and Outreach Manager for Soberlink. Laura offers advice for those who are experiencing substance abuse in their marriage and/or with an ex, and offers tips for managing loneliness and reducing addiction risk. Learn more:


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My Dog is Anxious Thanks to My Divorce

Many people going through a divorce will say, “My dog is anxious. Do you think he/she knows I’m getting divorced?” The answer is: dogs have no idea what divorce is, but they do know when you are anxious, tense, angry or worried. My guest in this episode is Karis Nafte, Dog Behavior Consultant, Pet Custody Mediator, author and founder of her company, Who Keeps the Dog? Karis offers advice for you if you think your divorce is affecting your dog. Learn more:


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Can a Couple Survive Cheating?

Cheating is one of the biggest reasons people decide to get divorced, but if you are dealing with infidelity in your marriage, there is a way to work it out. My guest in this episode is Lora Cheadle, a Betrayal Recovery coach, who offers advice to those who have been cheated on, so that you can decide if staying or getting divorced is the answer.


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Using Cooking as a Way to Heal During and After Divorce

You might be wondering how the heck cooking can help you heal from a divorce. Well, it can! My guest in this episode is holistic nutritionist and culinary wellness coach, Hannah McKitrick, who explains the benefits of cooking to heal. This is not about the food-although it is, in a way. It's about using the practice of cooking to heal emotionally and spiritually.


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Understanding Mediation When Substance Abuse is Involved

Is it possible to mediate a divorce when substance abuse is involved? Absolutely! My guest in this episode is divorce attorney and mediator, Christine Diorio, who offers an understanding of substance abuse as it pertains to divorce and mediation, along with options, advice and tips for those in this situation. Learn more:


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4 Tips To Better Communicate With Your Ex

Do you find it difficult to communicate with your ex? Of course you do! It's not easy. My guest in this episode is Rebecca Perra, Divorce Attorney, Mediator, and Judicial Education Coordinator for OurFamilyWizard. Rebecca offers four tips that we hope will lead you to a more peaceful, amicable relationship with your ex. Learn more:


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Anger in Divorce: What You Can Do To Put Your Best Self First

Anger in divorce is understandable, and actually, it's healthy to express anger. But, there are times during the divorce when you need to put the anger aside-especially the times when you are making divorce decisions. Making decisions when anger is present can hurt not only your kids, but it can hurt you. My guest is Cherie Morris, Divorce Coach, who will share how and when to put your anger aside, so that you can be your best self. Learn more:


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An Important Part of Self-Care: WEALTH Care

Self-care is such a buzz word these days, but people don't often think about one form of self-care that is so important for your wellbeing: WEALTH care. My guest in this episode is financial advisor, Amanda Campbell, CDFA. Amanda offers a wealth care checklist that will have you feeling less stressed and so empowered! Learn more here:


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How Divorce Changes a Woman: 9 More Things I Learned in My Divorce

No one wants to get divorced, but I have to say, you learn a lot, and so much of what you learn is incredibly valuable. In this episode, I talk about 9 things I learned in my divorce. Learn more here:


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Looking at the Bright Side of Divorce

In the midst of pain, anger and sadness, it's not always easy to look at the bright side of things. My guest in this episode is Hirsch Serman, a divorced dad who shares 10 ways to look at the bright side, and the wonderful future you have awaiting! Learn more:


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What Does it Mean to be a Strong and Independent Woman?

What does it mean to be a strong and independent woman? Maci Chance knows and in this episode, she tells her story that starts with a devastating divorce and ends with a fulfilling life where she is not only independent, but she's madly in love. Maci is a real estate agent and divorced mom, who will inspire you to become the strong and independent woman you know deep in your heart that you are! Learn more:


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5 Divorce Laws to Consider In Your Divorce

Arming yourself with knowledge is key to confidence and peace of mind as you go through your divorce. A great way to do this is to become familiar with divorce laws, or the laws in your state. My guest in this episode is Colleen Breems, Divorce Attorney and Partner at Beermann, LLP. Colleen and I discuss 5 laws that will give you the framework to start making decisions. Learn more:


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Having a Hard Time Making Decisions in Your Divorce? We Have Advice!

There are so many decisions that need to be made in divorce, and that can feel confusing and scary and intimidating. My guest in this episode is divorce attorney, Catherine Becker Good, who names a few big decisions that need to be made and offers tips on making good ones! Learn more:


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Change, Anxiety, Divorce and Your Kids

Camp's ending, you might be taking a summer vacation, and then school is starting. That's a lot of transitions for kids, and that can mean anxiety for them. Add divorce into the mix and stress in kids can be off the charts. Erik Feig, Divorce Mediator, Co-parenting specialist and Disability Informed Professional is my guest in this episode and he offers so many wonderful tips to help your kids not only get through all the changes, but to learn to enjoy them! Learn more here:


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What Should I Do With My Wedding Rings? We Have Options!

Wondering what to do with your wedding rings? My guests in this episode are Matt and Anne Gabel, co-Founders of MJ Gabel-the company I sold my rings to in 2012! Matt and Anne offer many options for keeping or parting ways with your rings. Learn more here:


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What is a QDRO? Everything You Need to Know!

Do you know what a QDRO is and do you understand the process? My guest in this episode is Wade Griffin Jr., a divorce attorney and partner at Varghese Summersett, as well as a QDRO expert. Wade and I discuss everything QDRO related! Learn more here:


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Things To Say in Mediation To Get a Really Good Outcome

What and how you say things in mediation can make a huge difference in the outcome. My guest in this episode is Divorce Mediator, Ellen Feldman, who offers tips that we hope will get you what you want in mediation! Learn more here:


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How Much Is a Wife Entitled to in a Divorce?

Wondering what you are entitled to in a divorce? It's a complicated question, but divorce attorney, Anna Krolikowska offers some factors to consider, which will give you a better idea of what you might end up with. Learn more here:


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The Hottest Topic in Divorce: Mortgage Loan Assumptions

Because interest rates continue to stay high, people are looking for other options than to refinance. Karla Kyte, Mortgage Lender, CDLP, and Divorce Mortgage Planner is my guest in the episode and guess what? She's got a GREAT option for you if you are trying to stay in your home but can't afford high interest rate payments. We are talking about mortgage loan assumptions and everything you need to know. Learn more here:


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From Fine to Fabulous: 10 Tips to Get there!

When anyone asks how you are doing, you probably respond, "I'm fine." But why settle for fine if you can be fabulous? Divorce, Life and Relationship Coach, Michèle Heffron is my guest, and she offers 10 tips in getting from fine to fabulous. Learn more here:
