Valerie's Variety Podcast
Media & Entertainment Podcasts
This show is about EAT | READ | CREATE and how these three things influence us everyday and the people that make this happen, isn’t it you?
Calgary, AL
This show is about EAT | READ | CREATE and how these three things influence us everyday and the people that make this happen, isn’t it you?
New – Project DF Podcast – e118
As a podcaster I am always searching for a great story, I was galavanting through an antique store and found this book by Margaret Echard, based on a true story about her family, set in the 40s – the book, smelled good, it felt like it was SOMETHING more than paper and ink and it’s green hard cover texture. A collection of juicy secrets and skin tingling worthy words, a collection of mystery, deceit and intrigue. A good story has to have LOVE and DEATH (did you know this) I bought this book and within the cover there was an insignia ______ I tell stories for Audible as a side hustle, I know how to produce my voice for satiable listening ears..or so I’ve been told. I’m a project manager by day. I like the challenge of putting things together in a consolidated view, playing with files, organizing, planning, keeping people motivated. It’s the process I love. My CAST knows the vibe I give, “please don’t give up on me now…” I read the book, cover to cover, did some investigating on the people, places and history of the author and the book itself. I could only find one, 1 person who left a review about this book and he, it turns out is Canadian, and an actor…my idea was forming. What if I made this book into an audio drama? What if I got a bunch of people who use their voice(s) to tell stories like podcasters and voice over artists, and actors…what if I did this? Lots of ideas begin to ruminate, I carried the book with me, wrote copious amounts of notes, picked apart all of my favourite podcasts for their best tricks and tips and included those and some of my own from my over 100 episodes. Lots of sleepless nights, late nights & early mornings. I put out my feelers…leaned on my community of voice artists and the excitement was contagious which was sort of inline with the covid pandemic feel, a sense of connection to the world going through the pandemic together, ALONE, isolated. We recorded this all REMOTE in our own homes, ALONE, I collected these clips and files, processed, processed some more, spliced, added music, mixed and mastered for hours, and days and minutes… I asked for more from my CAST of 25, can you add this line, can someone play this on the piano, I had people drop out, other CASTs friends wanted to join, and their moms and their kid’s are involved, roommates, wife and husbands, friends of friends, even my husband got in on it when I needed titles read, miscellaneous lines added here and there. It has to stay a secret, only this ^^ one guy knows the truth, the book name Welcome to ProjectDF, it’s a mystery, it’s a side project that I am so proud of, it’s a collection of amazing talent from across this country of Canada, across the United States of America as well as into Australia..the talent runs far and wide. If you’re still reading by this point, thank you for your support, thank you for listening and sharing and leaving comments. Thank you to Kylee and Rafe and London as my main characters who didn’t give up well over a year into this – it all paused, but they stuck with it and came through for me, for this…Project DF Podcast.
Chained Maggie – e117s3
episode 117 season 3 Today I welcome to the show Tamira Ci Thayne, author, animal activist, book designer, and founder and former CEO of Dogs Deserve Better. She reached out to me to produce an audiobook, Reboot Ranch by Eileen Watkins and I just fell in love with Tamira’s purpose - to inspire, assist and entertain animal lovers, activist and rescuers in your fight for the animals. She fits perfectly into my theme of READ and CREATE. Think Books for Animal Lovers, think books that tug on your heart strings and you want to learn more about rescue operations, slaughter houses, adoption and donating. Welcome to the show Tamira! QUESTIONS I'M DYING TO KNOW ABOUT TAMIRA First break: How did you get into this, how did the name come about, Who Chains You? What happened that changed you? Second Break: How did you get a passion for saving animals? Younger? Third Break: What was the start of the book…after Dogs Deserve Better? Fourth Break: What would be your ideal, infrastructure to get your business where you want it? Fifth Break: Do you read all of the books you publish? Whats the Criteria? Sixth Break: Do you have a favourite book in your repertoire? Seventh Break: The Olympic Animal Sanctuary, true story? Eighth Break: It went to the Dogs, Tamira’s Book Ninth Break: Eileen Watkins book Reboot Ranch (insert retail clip) Tenth Break: Her platform for people to tell their stories? Eleventh Break: List off some of the more unique stories about animals in your publishing house? Snails, Hermit Crabs, Sloth Bears (dancing bears) Twelth Break: A book that has done so well, unexpectedly, think rats! Thirteenth Break: How do you read these books, does it take a toll? Fourteenth Break: Starfish Story.. Fifteenth Break: Who’s your audience? Sixteenth Break: The books that Tamira writes.. Eighteenth Break: The people who harm animals… Nineteeth Break: A personal story about turtles that has impacted me.. Twentietth Break: One piece of advice for helping animals and rescue shelters.. Twenty Onth Break: Tamira asks me… Twenty Second Break: What’s next for Tamira. & What is a Piegon Shoot? Twenty Third Break: Coronavirus Impact.. Season Three - video cover art Follow Tamira & Who Chains You Website @ Who Chains You Instagram @Freedom Chaser Books Facebook @Freedom Chaser Books Twitter @Freedom Chaser Books Follow Me: Website @ ValerieMoss.ca Instagram @ValerieJMoss Facebook @VSMoss YouTube @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss The show music is call ‘Girl’ by Text me Records and Leviathe The cover art, storytelling and production is by me, Valerie Moss. Stay Tuned for the next season, season 3 on Valerie’s Variety Podcast with your host me, Valerie Moss from Studio 17
Gotta Learn Beyond Yourself
episode 116 season 3 Gotta Learn Beyond Yourself Hey everyone it’s Valerie here today I have a guest that I follow on IG she has a create catchy handle of a name - she plays with textures, paper, sews and does it to pleasure and for her own therapy, guest is Val from ValLoves2Create from Ig. think of breaking the rules when it comes to building up a project. Think of the pressures of being a mom and the heartache and love we go through all day every day with this being we’ve brought into the world. Val has this disposition of a favourite teacher that would make you believe you can do anything. Well that’s because she was a teacher, and likely has something to do with having 3 brothers. I hope you feel inspired after this episode and take the time to Check out Val’s IG. We also have a giveaway, one of Vans incredible journals… enjoy the show! We also have a giveaway. Oh my gosh it’s so beautiful. Our down to earth chat and what we covered: Welcoming Val to the show…Tell me about your art form…Did your background in teaching feed this passion…Val or Valerie or Annie or ‘Berge’Pick a photo…tissue paper, magazine pages, cardboard, stitching, fabric and I can go on…Journal do you use photos?do you have a favouriteDo you have a favourite time of day…Is this scrapbooking?What’s your best tipIt’s cold here Florida vs JerseyWho were you named after?Do you post on IG daily?Other hobbies, umm yepFavourite books Season Three - video cover art Follow ValLoves2Create Instagram @ValLoves2Create YouTube @Val Vaganek Her Giveaway...just leave a note, comment, hello, whatever you feel inspired to say after the episode: Follow Me: Website @ ValerieMoss.ca Instagram @ValerieJMoss Facebook @VSMoss YouTube @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss The show music is call ‘Girl’ by Text me Records and Leviathe The cover art, storytelling and production is by me, Valerie Moss.
What Does it Mean to Be Human?
episode 115 season 3 What Does it Mean to be Human? Today’s show we are welcoming Brandi Fleck from the Human Amplified Podcast where I have been a guest on her show and I have also wrote under a pen name an article for her blog. Brandi has a journalism background, she’ve overcome childhood abuse in a variety of forms and her mission is to seek out the good in humans, what being human means on an amplified level. So settle in for this wholesome interview with this gal from Tennessee and how she has learnt and continues to learn about us as the human race, it’s her mission! The Questions we Delve into: Why the Name change from On Being Human to Human Amplified?When you decided on your artwork?When you commit to your Socials?Popular and Favourite Episodes?Tell us about the shooting in Nashville?That Guest has has permeated your soul?A Bombing? Season Three - video cover art Follow Brandi Website @ ValerieMoss.ca Instagram @Human Aplified Facebook @ Human Amplified YouTube @Human Amplified Pinterest @Human Amplified Twitter @Human Amplified Follow Me: Website @ ValerieMoss.ca Instagram @ValerieJMoss Facebook @VSMoss YouTube @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss The show music is call ‘Girl’ by Text me Records and Leviathe The cover art, storytelling and production is by me, Valerie Moss. Stay Tuned for the next season, season 3 on Valerie’s Variety Podcast with your host me, Valerie Moss from Studio 17
Her Worth Comes from Within – e114
episode 114 season 3 Her Worth comes from Within Todays guest is RonaLafae also known as hoot, she shares the behind the scenes stories about her book that your’s truly narrated. This book is full of murder and forgiveness, it’s full of love and hate along with healing all from her near death experience memoire..enjoy the episode. London also sits with Rona and asks questions about spirits and ghost about Rona’s book and London’s own experiences…so stay tuned and you’ll never guess who’s house Rona was married…and you’ll get a sneak peak into chapter 1 in it’s entirety at the end of the episode, so stay turned! Describe the Cover…near death experienceWhat inspired you to write about this experience…Rona’s psychic Grandmother was ‘her happy place’ What was my biggest takeaway, the discovery of the grandma being dead…Tell me about the most difficult story that she needed to tell…and Rona’s advice…looking for death but she found lifeThe boys camp this lodge full of throwaway teenagers…the firewalkWhat have you learnt most about yourself after writing this book..Locking Horns…Grandfathers…charted destiniesTalk about the man you saved - vision quest…chills, scared and nervousThe Halloween Party that changed everything, 24 hours later…My favourite story, ‘she’s a hot dish’ A survivor of Mt Saint Helens and the loss of her 1st crush..So…what’s next for your Rona, a movie….professional, and personal goalsPinkie was her pig, and her best friend Maybe the next time you’re thinking about a lost friend or relative you’ll see something that makes you take pause, according to Rona that is not by accident, it’s on purpose. After completing her memoire she did do a reading for me, this was over the phone, and I did send her a list of questions and people that I was curious about so she could meditate on them. I asked about my husbands health, my friend Kristi and here’s a few things she said… my husbands health is actually better than it’s ever been, he’s actually younger inside now then he has been, and if you’ve been listening to my show for the last few years you’ll remember my husband had heart surgery and he’s is incredible health nowMy mom…this infamous mother I discuss sometimes…one thing my mom has said for over 20 years is that she’s an orphan, My mom was never an orphan, she did however lose her mom when she was 16 and her dad when she was 40 but grew up in a home with all 5 kids and 2 parents…Rona used this word when describing my mom…which was very validating.My friend Kristi…this is a friend that I lost a few years ago, she was a dear friend of mine, you know that easy convenient friend that just clicks and works, Rona said she’s around me sometime, when I see a flicker out of the corner of my eye when I’m working in my studio…this happens ALOT I could go on about this reading as it was very impactful, she spoke alot about my voice over work, and to encourage me to continue to, try everything that comes my way - but don’t spend money on it just do it as I love to do it… Here comes London convo with RonaLafae as well as Education of Hoot and chapter 1 in it’s entirety. The music for this episode is called Tackle Box Blues in memory of Rona’s Mom and her love for working with her dad at the gas station…you’ll have to read or listen to the book to find out why this is so important… As I come closer to the end of this season, I’m looking for ideas for next season, and a co-host, if you’re thinking of starting a podcast and have some great ideas for a theme, let me know, reach out to me. Coming up before the season ends we meet Tamira Thayne from Who Chains you Publications and he love to rescuing and bringing attention to all things around animal rescue… An another Valerie who goes by Val and her hand is ValLovestoCreate - she a player of paper to process life… Also Brandi Fleck and incredibly passionate podcaster who tells stories about humans and their acts being amplified…
It Made a Difference to that One – e113
episode 113 season 3 It Made a Difference to that One Hey everyone it’s Valerie here, today’s guest Eileen Watkins is incredible. She’s poised, genuine and all class. She rides horses every week and has written a book about her life around horses, that I had the privilege to narrate and produce for her through Who Chains You Publications. Eileen and I get right personal about this book, the characters and best of all the horses, and they are rescues. This book/ episode is full of horse knowledge where the characters are from and how true the stories really are. She has a love for horses on many levels and is very educated on breeds, their personality traits and the hidden underground world. We also get into her next chapter lol and her cozy mysteries series. And this series is about a cat groomer. Just a side note this was recorded early in 2021 over video Eileen in Jersey and me, in Calgary. Also I just need to mention that some of the topics discussed are about the less positive side to the horse rescue world like PMU Farms around the middle and slaughter houses is discussed towards the end. It’s graphic and definitely eye opening and sad. Sooo your love for horses...So let’s set the stage for the book...Let’s talk about some of the verbiage...One thing Eileen does…Josh and his horse whisperer...Patches and Murphy...Is there anything you left out that would have included now?Where can people find you and what’s next?Humour and People, finding connection... Slaughter Houses…we went there...Here’s where the stories for Reboot Ranch came fromOff the recordValentine how can you not lover her and love how the horses communicate non verbally all the time. Season Three - video cover art So those of you who are new to my show, thx for listening you got a pretty great interview with an incredible author and writer from New Jersey. genuine take of my personality and Eileen’s to and our sensitive sides. The star fish story is told twice in the book and both times makes me tear up. Because we were on video I too saw Eileen’s soft side come through when speaking about her beloved Brenda her horse and The character Valentine the horse in the book ‘that everyone loves’ is portrayed after.Eileen is always trying to include humane practice anecdotes throughout her book to just make people aware about animals treatment. And working towards a common cause - rescuing one horse at a time. After 35 years in journalism isn’t that a feat in and of itself. She’s been a writer for many years…and was approached to write cozy mysteries series - what a flattering compliment. Before we close I’d like to say thank you to Eileen, I just love how pragmatic she is, truly grounded and just so articulate with her answers - having a writing background and getting to play with words all day helps! We have a connection now and I sure hope you enjoyed today’s interview. Tomorrow’s show, we will play chapter one in it’s entirety so you get a glimpse of the book I fell in love with. Links to Reboot Ranch and all her books and where you are can find her are in my show notes. As we start to wrap up this season I still have a few shows coming up with people that will make you take pause. you’re going to meet Tamira from who chains you - the publisher for Eileen’s book Reboot Ranch, and her strong affiliation to rescuing animals of all types it’s in her DNA drives her. Also, RonaLaFae hoot her incredible memoirs and my audio production of her book, full of love and betrayal, rejection, murder and the connection to heaven. another Val and her incredible journey through scrapbooking and how she uses it as her cathartic creative therapy outlet. She’s someone who you’d love to be friends with. I sit down with a fellow podcaster Brandi Fleck about her show human amplified and the stories she’s heard and how incredibly vulnerable and raw her guests are on her show. It’s true and heavy.
Meshuggeneh with Melina Schein of The Saucy Soprano – e112s3
episode 112 season 3 'Meshuggeneh' Hey Everyone, it’s Valerie here, todays show is with Melina Schein of The Saucy Soprano where we talk all things like covid, without work, a new side hustle or two like her Blog and Podcast along with learning a great work in Yiddish that is so appropriate for the times we are living through, meshuggeneh - which means 'that's so crazy' in Yiddish. She's tackling The Jewish Cookbook by Leah Koenig based our of New York. Melina is making her way through EVERY. SINGLE. RECIPE in order...She's creating quite the fan base check out her Instagram @TheSaucySoprano and you will know why. Enjoy this episode with Melina, her wit, and charm is just so magnetic. This lady Melina Schein from The Saucy Soprano falls into my theme of EAT and CREATE so famously, she’s vivacious and funny and her cooking and photos of her cooking are exceptional although I’ve never gotten the opportunity to even try something…such as a life with a friend who lives far away…we also both narrate for audible and belong to the same ‘study group’ this is how you become friends with people, same passions, foods and a sense of humour. Her claim to fame though is through her voice, she’s an incredibly successful opera singer, that has been put on hiatus (for now) due to the pandemic so she’s turned her focus to food, Jewish food…welcome to the show Melina. BREAK ONE - MUSIC AFTER INTRO BREAK TWO - insert music “ where do you get your inspiration” BREAK THREE - insert music… “ the title is…” BREAK FOUR - insert music… “ who taught you how to cook” BREAK FIVE - insert music…"do you have a big family?" BREAK SIX - insert music "favourite dish" BREAK SEVEN - insert music "do you know the person that wrote the book?" BREAK EIGHT - insert music - tell us a bit about your podcast, The Saucy Talk BREAK NINE - insert music - your singing is incredible BREAK TEN - insert music - your singing then Juilliard - from New York to... Wait, What?! BREAK ELEVEN - insert music - "who was funny around you…?" BREAK TWELVE - insert music - "popular show or episode" BREAK THIRTEEN - insert music - "do you have a set schedule formula?" BREAK FOURTEEN - insert music "she wants me to be a guest…" BREAK FIFTEEN - insert music "if you like me which I believe…" BREAK SIXTEEN - insert music "do you read?" Your favourite book is Gone .... BREAK SEVENTEEN - insert music "let’s end on a yiddish word, Meshuggeneh!" Guest Melina Schein IS The Saucy Soprano She's in the Paper Melina Schein, The Opera Singer, recently made the news with her saucy soprano glitz and glam, check out this article: What's an out-of-work opera singer to do during a pandemic? For Vernon's Melina Schein, the answer is cook! Well, wasn’t that just the best interview I’d had in a while since I can’t have people in my studio - zoom is great cause you can SEE the person. This is my friend that I met because of our love for producing audio books, she thinks I can be priminister - what a compliment, thank Melina. And to close here’s a clip of her podcast to inspire you to listen to another canadian podcast show as a product of covid - be sure to share this episode with like minded cooks and jewish ladies or any ladies for that matter - get inspired in the kitchen by follower Melina’s posts as her writing is sure to make you have a giggle here and there - she even sings to a pickle - YEP it’s a true story. Follow Me: Website @ ValerieMoss.ca Instagram @ValerieJMoss Facebook @VSMoss YouTube @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss The show music is call ‘Girl’ by Text me Records and Leviathe The cover art, storytelling and production is by me, Valerie Moss. Stay Tuned for the next season, season 3 on Valerie’s Variety Podcast with your host me, Valerie Moss from Studio 17
InterView: Dave Sweets & Sarah Graham: Skeletons – 111p2s3
episode111 part2 season3 Dave and Sarah are my guests today and it's about their Book, Skeletons in my Closet Hey Everyone, this is part two, it would be advantageous for you to listen to part one first as we delve way more into his book, their partnership in writing it and I’ll finish reading the story from yesterday about his son…more about being undercover, inspiring and life lessons we will get into today. Page 69 here’s the continuation of the story we left on in the last episode…full disclosure I couldn’t stay composed through this reading of this section by Dave, it was him and his son….First Impressions continue reading this…happy my son, sat in the cart as we made our way…. my guest today The Book is Called Skeletons in my Closet, Life Lessons from a Homicide Detective. I should mention, the topics discussed in this book are not for children and some of the these might also be triggers as we review crime scenes and stories in some depth. However, it’s all around a basis of what he’s learn, Dave Sweet about being a homicide detective. Questions Discussed in the InterView Dave: Tell me about your grandfather, Justice of the Peace for Alberta Sarah's Books: Duke out at the DinerKiss Me in the Rain - Option for a MovieClaiming Love Sarah: What is the case that has stuck with you? A Young Boy... Colloquilasm... Something else that was so Interesting... We have this one Guy... Yeah it's like what you were saying with words... Throughout Dave and Sarahs book, there’s little anecdotes of lessons like this: If you wish to keep your relationship in proper balance, remain true to your wordAbsolutes can be dangerously laminated and void us of creative, advantageous thoughtsDefine what success actually means to you When I started this whole podcasting gig and trying to figure out why I wanted to do this, I actually used the word legacy to my hubby - leaving a legacy of me behind for my daughter. An audioblog, and audio scrapbook of my life in these verbal snapshots, hmm I guess I’m not the only parent who fills this way. Tomorrow we delve in their partnership, cases that stuck with them and the people in these cases, how the stories and the lessons came to be and much more. let's discuss Skeletons in my Closet, Life Lessons from a Homicide Detective Find Dave Sweet and Sarah Graham Dave & Sarah @ UnconventionalClassroom Published Through @ Mischievious Books Find Sarah on Instagram @ Sarah Kades Graham More about Dave @ CBC His story on 'The Detectives' called Hatred @ Imdb Follow Me: Website @ ValerieMoss.ca Instagram @ValerieJMoss Facebook @VSMoss YouTube @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss The show music is call ‘Girl’ by Text me Records and Leviathe The cover art, storytelling and production is by me, Valerie Moss. Stay Tuned for the next season, season 3 on Valerie’s Variety Podcast with your host me, Valerie Moss from Studio 17
InterView: Dave Sweets & Sarah Graham: Skeletons – 111p1s3
episode111 part1 season3 Dave and Sarah are my guests today and it's about their Book, Skeletons in my Closet Hi Everyone it’s Valerie here, todays show is part 1 of 2 and sort-of from my archives, not that I’ve released this episode before BUT I did this interview late in 2019, and we my guest and I had BIG plans, like plans for a series and more…but alas covid hit and boom done with these plans (FOR NOW). This is a special interview, actually one of my first interviews with a writer, an author, from Calgary, and a Detective. This is his book we are going to be discussing today with him and his co-writer slash confident, Sarah Grahams. The Book is Called Skeletons in my Closet, Life Lessons from a Homicide Detective. I should mention, the topics discussed in this book are not for children and some of the these might also be triggers as we review crime scenes and stories in some depth. However, it’s all around a basis of what he’s learn, Dave Sweet about being a homicide detective. Also, this is back when, before covid, before social distancing and way before our lives changed in so many way. Like we share microphones, sat at the same table, hugged and drank tea and water for hours, in the same room without shields…ahhh the good ol days…I digress, you’re in for a real treat in the next few episodes so sit back and enjoy. Questions Discussed in the InterView Here's the description... Describe the Cover... Actions don't make headlines... How did you two meet, Dave and Sarah? What inspired you to write the book Dave and how did Sarah help? Chapter 4, white picket fences... Surveillance and how it effects Dave, and his family... This was one of the hardest parts of the story for me…being a mom and knowing how innocent kids are and what they see, and love in their parents are one in the same, a scruffy dad is the world to this little boy. You’ll hear the rest of this story on the next episode tomorrow. Throughout Dave and Sarahs book, there’s little anecdotes of lessons like this: Find your passion and master itPeople will say extraordinary things when given the space to be heardSometimes the easiest person to lie to is yourselfIt is not hard to be a bit better than average When I started this whole podcasting gig and trying to figure out why I wanted to do this, I actually used the word legacy to my hubby - leaving a legacy of me behind for my daughter. An audioblog, and audio scrapbook of my life in these verbal snapshots, hmm I guess I’m not the only parent who fills this way. Tomorrow we delve in their partnership, cases that stuck with them and the people in these cases, how the stories and the lessons came to be and much more. let's discuss Skeletons in my Closet, Life Lessons from a Homicide Detective Find Dave Sweet and Sarah Graham Dave & Sarah @ UnconventionalClassroom Published Through @ Mischievious Books Find Sarah on Instagram @ Sarah Kades Graham More about Dave @ CBC His story on 'The Detectives' called Hatred @ Imdb Follow Me: Website @ ValerieMoss.ca Instagram @ValerieJMoss Facebook @VSMoss YouTube @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss The show music is call ‘Girl’ by Text me Records and Leviathe The cover art, storytelling and production is by me, Valerie Moss. Stay Tuned for the next season, season 3 on Valerie’s Variety Podcast with your host me, Valerie Moss from Studio 17
Crawdads & Dogs – e110s3
episode 110 season 3 Crawdads & Dogs "Crawdads": are explained as the synonym of the words crawfish and crayfish that is used to mean the aquatic animal that looks like a small lobster and lives in rivers and streams, can also be called crawdaddies..."Search & Rescue SAR Dogs": a domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of small, non retractable claws and a barking, howling or whining voice - in other words man's best friend! They also, spring into action assisting humans during difficult times. They track people lost in the wilderness or those lost after a natural disaster. These Search and Rescue or SAR dogs can find Alzheimer's patients who have wandered away from a care facility. Todays show falls under the category of "READ" under my show brand EAT|READ|CREATE as I'm sharing two awesome books First Where the Crawdad's Sing by Delia Owens AND Second: The Search by Nora Roberts ENJOY THIS EPISODE Recently I put a request out on my FB page in need of a book to read IMMEDIATELY. Don't you get this feeling, when you are climbing into bed at night and you're like UGH I forgot to download a book...or oh MAN I finished my book last night - I don't feel like TV... this is where I was at sooo - what's a girl to do but post on Social Media. here's two books that I've read recently and I had to share these with you. Where the crawdad's Sing was the first suggestion by Elaine, however many of the commented concurred that this was indeed a must read...The second was from one of my go to artists Nora Roberts, a quick easy read but with a twist that seemed like you could figure it out - but NOPE wrong... Where the Crawdad's Sing by Delia Owens Where the Crawdad's Sing we will review first: #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING PHENOMENONMore than 6 million copies soldA Reese Witherspoon x Hello Sunshine Book Club PickA Business Insider Defining Book of the Decade "I can't even express how much I love this book! I didn't want this story to end!"--Reese Witherspoon"Painfully beautiful."--The New York Times Book Review Where the Crawdad's Sing by Delia Owens Book Description: For years, rumors of the "Marsh Girl" have haunted Barkley Cove, a quiet town on the North Carolina coast. So in late 1969, when handsome Chase Andrews is found dead, the locals immediately suspect Kya Clark, the so-called Marsh Girl. But Kya is not what they say. Sensitive and intelligent, she has survived for years alone in the marsh that she calls home, finding friends in the gulls and lessons in the sand. Then the time comes when she yearns to be touched and loved. When two young men from town become intrigued by her wild beauty, Kya opens herself to a new life--until the unthinkable happens. Where the Crawdads Sing is at once an exquisite ode to the natural world, a heartbreaking coming-of-age story, and a surprising tale of possible murder. Owens reminds us that we are forever shaped by the children we once were, and that we are all subject to the beautiful and violent secrets that nature keeps. What people are saying There's quite a mixed bag of comments about this book on Amazon here's a couple that stand out and have the same feeling I have - out of the more than 65,000 reviews wait that's what it was when I looked at the time of preparing to read this book, there's more than 100,000 review now. I'll stick to the reviews that make this book even a more solid read: 1: Through the eyes of a scientist and the hand of a poet: Refreshing, if not remarkable to come across a work of fiction that sweeps one along from the first paragraph, speaking with the bold, brazen, and gentle voice of the poet, filtered through the keen and meticulous eyes of the scientist and nature-lover. Owen delights and surprises in equal measure as her coming-of-age tale soars and plummets as briskly as the marsh grasses and the long-legged birds she so loves, celebrating the beauty and brutality of man and na...
Glencairn: Whiskey | Bourbon | Scotch – e109
episode 109 season 3 Glencairns Whiskey Tastings: Why whiskey or is it burban?What did you learn about Bourbon scotch & whiskeyWhere do these originate?Why did you choose the ones we’re trying today?Why the order?Price point?Describe the glasses - shapeWater? First time my hubby takes a spot on my microphone..todays show is about Bourbon, Scotch and Whiskey or whisky? I’d like to Welcome my husband Jeff to the show, you’ve heard his name over the course of the last 99 shows here and there. He listens to the show sometimes and gives me feedback on the episodes where I’ve recorded him and some of our intimate discussions…but todays show is different today we are doing a tasting episode. A few burbans, and scotches to wetted our pallets - enjoy the episode. This episode was originally recorded later in 2019… Well our first interview together now you finally know what my husband sounds like and thanks for joining us on our first whisky tasting - it was very enjoyable to learn and try these out…not sure they are for me but I’m always up for trying something new. If you’ve gone down this bourbon rat hole, let me know what you’ve tried and enjoyed. I’m thinking there will be more experimentation in the future with my hubby. If you have any questions about whiskeys please check out the show links to everything we’ve discussed today and drop a comment or question and we will get back to you :) Some cool things to check out...happy tasting! I’d like to Welcome my husband Jeff to the show, you’ve heard his name over the course of the last 99 shows here and there. He listens to the show sometimes and gives me feedback on the episodes where I’ve recorded him and some of our intimate discussions…but todays show is different today we are doing a tasting episode. A few burbans, and scotches to wetted our pallets - enjoy the episode. This episode was originally recorded later in 2019… Break One Monkey Shoulder is a blended malt scotch a product of multiple single malt scones - in this case of Money should it’s from their 2 neighbouring speyside distilleries includes whisky from Kinivie, Balvenie and Glenfiddich, this particular distillery has been opened since 1990. Break Two Mash is made from grain Scott whisky must be aged in oak barrels for at least 3 years to All Scotch whisky must be aged in oak barrels for at least three years. Any age statement on a bottle of Scotch whisky, expressed in numerical form, must reflect the age of the youngest whisky used to produce that product. A whisky with an age statement is known as guaranteed-age whisky. These barrels are USED Break Three: These barrels for example Jack Daniels cost roughly $160 these are the original JD barrels they used to age their whisky - for $300-$600 you can find quality barrels that are not sanded or polished as they are used for function and storage. They can only be used once when making the Jack Daniels batches- then they are sold to hot sauce makers, beer brewers and Scotch whiskey distillers who will reuse them…In Kentucky you can only use the barrel once, Burbon has to be in a brand new barrel - scotch cannot be used in the brand new barrel… Break 4 Glencairn - spell it - these glasses are the coolest scotch, bourbon and whiskey tasting nipping glasses. A Glencairn is a tombstone erected on the highest mountain peaks to mark the grave sights and honour fallen Scottish warriors. The glass was designed with aid of master blenders from five of the largest whisky companies in Scotland - in 2001. Specifically for ‘nosing’ the whisky sample. The glass itself is small just holds 6 ounces when plumb full but typically should only hold 1.75 ounces. Guess what this glass on the Queen’s award for Innovation in 2006. Break 5 We’ve all heard the word proof before when describing alcohol or moonshine even. The term proof dates back to the 16th century in England or 1848 in the USA - when spirits were taxed at different rates...
Studio 17, behind the scenes tour – e108
episode 108 season 3 Studio 17 Tour Hey Everyone, it’s Valerie here - Todays show Studio 17 - was originally published on my YouTube site and a fun little project I wrote, produced and directed. It’s a tour of my studio with some subtle humour and over exaggerated descriptions of the space.. I wanted to make it sound like you were walking into an architectural feat - but alas this is my space, where I write, learn and grow as podcaster, audiobook narrator, host and dabble in my own videography. This is the space I transform my stories and publish them for all of you - so without further adieu, here’s studio 17 and your audio tour - to see the full video, please check out the link in the show notes. Welcome to Studio 17…located in Calgary, Alberta Canada in this glorious space where the works of Valerie Moss and many guests have performed their conversations, story telling in both audio and video productions…this is the place where Valerie has accomplished more than 100 podcast episodes and over 30 audiobook productions for audible, along with hours of video clips - all composed right here in this 100 square foot space.Designed in 2019 with love.. as it began like most projects with a board on Pinterest to include a pallet of colours (greens, purples and greys), a feeling and mood and a collection of items like antique, wrought iron, spindles, angles and prettiness to make this space complete…it was a success.Draping these walls of marshmallow purple are elements of her daughters former crib. One the East wall, hangs the bottom plate of the crib with 13 rungs measuring 2” high x a staggering 22” wide…this forefront quilt adorning this piece of a small Childs bed was hand crafted in 2011 by Valerie’s mother… the front of this quilt showing-casing over 288 2” squares appliquéd onto this neutral background..sandwiched in cotton. Below this, festoons a remarkable quilt showcasing dupioni silks imported from India, the hand stitching is worth bragging about consisting of more than 1000 French knots tied in silk floss, the flowers and butterflies glisten off this quilt top just begging for your attention…this EAST wall provides colour and beauty and has an uncanny ability to absorb sound making this side of the room perfect for recording audioworx.As we move through the room with it’s exaggerated white frames and glistening stainless steel knobs, Kurt silver hinges on the two secret doors holding all sorts of miscellaneous items …we find the south wall, this small section with the quaintest of features exhibiting a $3.00 rake found at a local garage sale…no longer wanted by it’s previous owners. Valerie and her love of DIY projects took this pine rake and with paint that has been historically stored in her undercroft at studio seventeen - provided this rake with the love an attention it so needed, coloured it with fresh creams, and neutral tones giving it the uplift it always desired and a warm clean space right here in this pocket sized spot. This pole with a cross bar toothed end is holding a bouquet of dried lavender from the fields of a local garden centre along with a miniature hand crafted heart made out of black felted wool.The centre of the ceiling is enraptured by this glorious 3 bulb chandelier purchased from a back alley exchange with a 40 something women through the world renowned Kijiji site and installed into this custom location by Valerie’s groom. This painted rod iron focal point completes the top of this space, casting striations across the milky egg shell coloured highest permissible level.Below the origin of light the focal point of this atelier, is the foundation of the creative space. Valerie wanted the studio to have a rotund piece and this ornate table filled this vision stupendously…with the elegant gold, all colours mixed together equalling the colour of white, the four legs of this table sweeping out so elegantly finishing in claw feet with the surest poise.
Been Caught Stealing, Life Inside The Lorraine – e107
episode 107 season 3 Life Inside The Lorraine Todays' show is about The Lorraine, a building, #620 and has always been my favourite building in Calgary, I’ve always wanted to live here, only had the opportunity once years ago to visit it and it was…disappointing. BUT this article written by Heidi Klaassen for The Sprawl (an undefended local journalism platform) right here in Calgary wrote the story that I believed and still believe is why I love The lorraine… Heidi Klaassen is a born and raised Calgary writer of fiction and non-fiction. She works for the Alexandra Writers’ Centre Society and her eco-friendly label, Hekkal & Hyde. She lives in Calgary with her husband, sons and rescue chihuahuas. Here's the article as published in The Sprawl Been Caught Stealing, Life Inside the Lorraine that I've narrated and produced verbatim for Heidi. When I reached out to Heidi about producing this article she’d written, she was thrilled and in turn reached out to The Sprawl for their permission - which they granted. Heidi is an author and is shopping her current novel around for promotion she also belongs to and works at the Alexandra’s Writers’ Centre who support local creative writing through learning and shared experience. If you’re from the Calgary area and know this building, do you have any stories to share? When I mentioned I was in this building once, I was back in 2015 or so, I was there for a meeting and was so excited. When you enter in the Lobby true to Heidi’s story the floor is black and white checkered tiles, the wood and structure takes your mind back into a fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast with it’s opulent wood work. I was meeting an architect, and was so awe struck that I got to be in The lorraine that I can’t even remember what the meeting was about! Upon closing I sure hope you loved this story as much as I did and thank you to Heidi for letting me share her story. Heidi has quite the talent, not only does she write - articles like this one, fiction and non-fiction novels but she also runs an incredible eco-friendly artisan bags shop on etsy, these are hand made (they say made by ‘two hands’).. bags, clutches, napkins and more… I perused her site and found a couple of adorable items 1) reusable snack bag - sandwich bag - hand printed with a rustic heart bag - this bag is shown with fish crackers toppling out of it, a modelled print fabric and is just perfect to slip into your handbag or your kiddo’s lunch price $13. 2) reversible fabric napkins - who doesn’t love a nice cotton napkin, I LOVE them, $48 dollars for a set of six in a variety of of prints and options polka-dots, flowers, abstract so many options to choose from Well I think I’ve covered my theme in whole EAT - we will take a set of 6 reversible napkins please READ - this tasty article about the lorraine - CREATE as some of you know I love a good sewing project - between these handmade bags, napkins and clutches of Heidi’s we can check off all of the boxes. Until next time, stay safe everyone… Follow Me: Website @ ValerieMoss.ca Instagram @ValerieJMoss Facebook @VSMoss YouTube @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss The show music is call ‘Girl’ by Text me Records and Leviathe The cover art, storytelling and production is by me, Valerie Moss.
Interview: Rod Lechelt & the cheapest wine in NYC – e106s3
episode106 season 3 Cheapest bottle of Wine in NYC Hey Everyone, it’s Valerie here, Todays show $14 Bottle of Rose in New York I have a special guest, Rod Lechalt, we originally met when I was working on an audiobook production/radio show called Project DF he was one of my casted characters, take a listen… He was so good I casted him for another part …take a listen And then we followed each others socials and I discovered we have similar interests like food and drinks so, we got to talking and here’s our interview, think EAT - great good around the world, CREATE - great memories about travel and a good storyteller, oh and he’s from Calgary, Alberta also like me, enjoy the show! This show was originally recorded in May of 2020, there is some light swearing which I do not beep One thing you’ll notice right away from Rod is his love to tell a quick snippet story here and there like this one.. As I mentioned at the top of the show this was originally aired in May of 2020 when covid was in full swing in our city…Michelin stars is a rating that was first introduced in 1926....Has this every happened to you - I’m sure it has...More Corona virus chat...I had not seen the video - I have however watched it - well part of it...Rod and his wife posed nude .....Sous Vide...Why do they call it Hell’s kitchenLe Pain Quotidien....oui oui Wow what an interview, such a friendly guy hey? We had a great time, and since we originally recorded this episode in May there’s so much that has happened in the world and one of the major things for this episode is numerous places that Rod has visited on his food travels are no longer open or temporarily closed due to covid. So many great restaurants haven’t made it through this difficult time and with more and more people learning to cook at home this will likely continue. Here's a recap of the places we chatted about: The Three chimneys, Isle of Sky in Scotland Meaning of Michelin Stars Ad hoc + addendum Restaurant, California The French laundry, Yountville California Hayden block, Calgary Alberta Mandy Lee, The art of Escapism Cooking Book - A Survival Story, a Lady and pups Cookbook Momofuko Group, David Chang, New York https://momofuku.com Ugly Delicious, Netflix Show, Global News, Imagine Segment https://globalnews.ca/news/6701227/celebrities-imagine-singalong/ Cooked, Netflix Show Flour, Water, Salt Yeast, Book L’entrecote de paris, Paris France The Final Table, Netflix Series, Calgary Chef 4th spot kitchen and bar, Calgary Alberta Captain’s Boil, Calgary Alberta Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan New York Le Pain Quotidien, Manhattan New York Mendicino County, California Highways Fetzer Winery, Old River Road, Hopland CA The Canada 150 Project Podcast One thing I have to confess is we each recorded our sides of the conversation on our own mic as well as over zoom…I however when it came to editing this show late in 2020 could not find my side of the recording…so the editing and processing was a bit of a feat with the online audio. Until next time, I’m Valerie from Valerie’s Variety Podcast in Studio 17 Rod’s Instagram Other shows similar to this one: https://valeriemoss.ca/?s=vegas, Vegas Baby! https://valeriemoss.ca/2019/10/29/review-without-papers-inglewood/, …when the moon hits your eye like a BIG pizza Pie… Cheapest Wine in NYC with Rod Lechelt Follow Me: Website @ ValerieMoss.ca Instagram @ValerieJMoss Facebook @VSMoss YouTube @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss The show music is call ‘Girl’ by Text me Records and Leviathe The cover art, storytelling and production is by me, Valerie Moss. Stay Tuned for the next season, season 3 on Valerie’s Variety Podcast with your host me, Valerie Moss from Studio 17
Book Review: Limbo by Marko Pandza – e105s3
episode105 season3 Book Review and sneak Peak into this incredible horror story, Limbo by Marko Pandza Limbo Book Review Hey there, it’s me, Valerie Moss, todays is a follow up show to yesterdays interview with Marko Panza and his book Limbo, we're going to review the book and get a sneak peak at chapter 1. Now that you met the author let's meet Grim the Reaper and his love Dora and see what other readers have to say about the book. Again, this isn’t a family friendly episode, soooo….there's swear words that I do not beep and other scary language. Here’s the retail… First when you get his book, it’s not the average paperback size it’s slightly large, the cover is ominous with a dark figure, and white orb surrounding it - you can’t really tell if it’s walking away or towards to you, colour greyscale. Also the print is a dark black, on white paper again not your typical paperback colour. Marko has laid the book out in a today time slot, the present and then a yesteryear time slot, way in the past, however in limbo you aren’t really sure about the timing of anything. Those of you who like to get into a good scary story, not like a mystery more like a horror, this book will put your detective skills to the test and those that like a movie director like Tim Burton and or Rob Zombie, this will lend itself nicely. When he goes back and forth in time, and introduces you to these two worlds the living and the dead… Marko has a way of perpetuating your ideas of the characters in the book, like Dora she is so sure of herself it even scares her assistant, poor RAMBO who’s always yelling you root for him and people do the strangest things to him…the people in limbo are being watched by….. well I can’t give that part away. The love story portion of this book, probably hits home to almost anyone who reads it because…it’s sort of envious if you were Jekle and your partner was Hyde. The redest of red hair and smashing of canvas paintings always struck me as an interesting side story that I was intrigued by. Here’s a glimpse of Dora One of the places in the book that has sat with me is when Caitlin and Grim are walking… They stopped talking and continued their slow walk, Caitlin periodically swallowing the threat of nausea. Grim was impressed to see her side-stepping knee-high piles of petrified chicken bones and mummified bread littering the path as if she were on a track, further evidence of her tenure in the Den. Here’s a few reviews on amazon: 1. I don't usually read horror novels especially... 2. Truly gripping from start too finish, a perfect blend of humour.... 3. Loved it, loved the imagery, loved the symbolism..... And here’s my review as the producer we always read the book first then we get into the production of it. When I read this book, it was an instant page turner because of the two universes and the time shifting between current and past, love and hate the have’s and have-nots. It kept me wanting more and trying to figure out Grimm’s plan and his relationship with the cop. Thanks for listening to the show today, links to Marko and is book Limbo are in my show notes and we will close this episode with a listen to chapter 8. Appetite in it’s entirety to tempt you further. Buy the book Limbo by Marko Pandza here Book Review of Limbo... Follow Me: Website @ ValerieMoss.ca Instagram @ValerieJMoss Facebook @VSMoss YouTube @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss The show music is call ‘Girl’ by Text me Records and Leviathe The cover art, storytelling and production is by me, Valerie Moss. Stay Tuned for the next season, season 3 on Valerie’s Variety Podcast with your host me, Valerie Moss from Studio 17
Interview: Marko Pandza his Book Limbo – e104s3
episode104 season 3 Interview with Author Marko Pandza Explicit Hey everyone, it’s Valerie here, todays show is called Limbo is an interview with an Author that I collaborated with and produced his book. The book is called Limbo, the author is Marko Pandza, he’s from eastern Canada. Today we discuss the book, if you’re looking for a good scary thriller, that has a theme like non I’ve heard of - Limbo, the place between the living and the dead. There are curse words in todays episode which I do not beep and there is discussions about drugs and negative relationship views This is not a family episode. markopandza.com INTRO Do you know what a copyrighter is... Marko reads the back cover... Background on the grim reaper... This is a great way to sum up... Show Links: Jack Whitehall, Comedian from the UK Follow Me: Website @ ValerieMoss.ca Instagram @ValerieJMoss Facebook @VSMoss YouTube @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss The show music is call ‘Girl’ by Text me Records and Leviathe The cover art, storytelling and production is by me, Valerie Moss. Stay Tuned for the next season, season 3 on Valerie’s Variety Podcast with your host me, Valerie Moss from Studio 17
Book Review: Ghost of Me by Amanda Steel – e103s3
episode 103 season 3 Todays show is a Review of the Book from yesterdays episode, Ghost of Me by Amanda Steel, this was my first fiction book with characters that I completed. I loved this book and I loved that I produced this for a women in the UK. We will explore some pieces of this book today to maybe enticee you to buy a paperback or an audio version of this book. We’ll share chapter 1 at the end of the show… One thing that stands out about her writing for Ghost of Me, is that the books starts out with a poem. Haunting my own life I'm a ghostHaunting my own life Trying to remember How not to be forgotten I'm a ghostBut my heart still beatsNow I'm slowly fadingSoon there will be nothing left I'm a ghostWatching, listening, wishingI was still part of something While everyone else gets to live I'm a ghostThough I still have breath Everything plays out in front of me But it's all just out of reach Doesn’t this just set the stage for the book, you get an idea of what you’re walking into but nothing on how it plays out. As you heard in the interview with Amanda, she chose locations in her book that were sort of true but changed the street names and areas to disguise these just a little. One Review says: This is a rare find. A great paranormal thriller. Spine-tingling and goosebumps throughout the book. Fast paced and action packed storyline. Keeps you from putting this book down. Another Review says: This is the 1st book I've read written by Amanda Steel; she has done a great job at writing a good book; I can’t wait to read more of her books.The story line caught my attention at the very beginning and kept me interested throughout the entire book. I loved the chemistry between the characters. Another Reviewer says: She was killed and she is now a ghost. She finds out there is a chance she had been murdered. Being a ghost is not going to stop looking for her killer. Who killed her? How will she do it? See if she can My Review: If you like a good crime story, and paranormal bits added in, this is a great read - who wouldn’t want to solve their own murder? But as a ghost it makes things a lot more difficult like talking or writing or transporting to another location. Amanda has thought of all kinds of angles in this book keeping you guessing and pondering. I also like that the book is written in first person which makes it more personal, especially as a female reader and narrator. Thanks Amanda for trusting me with your book and liking my voice! Here’s chapter one of Ghost of me! What did you think of this sneak peak, please visit the show notes to purchase a copy of Ghost of Me Audio Book or check out Amanda Steel Writer website and her other books that are more in the zombie line up. Follow Me: Website @ ValerieMoss.ca Instagram @ValerieJMoss Facebook @VSMoss YouTube @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss The show music is call ‘Girl’ by Text me Records and Leviathe The cover art, storytelling and production is by me, Valerie Moss. Stay Tuned for the next season, season 3 on Valerie’s Variety Podcast with your host me, Valerie Moss from Studio 17
Interview Author: Amanda Steel & Ghost of Me – e102s3
episode 102 season 3 Hey Everyone, it's Valerie here, todays show is an interview with The Author of Ghost of Me, Amanda Steel. She is an author and copywriter living in Manchester, UK. Ghost of Me is her second novel to be converted into an audiobook. She also has a third in production. As the co-host of a book review podcast, she has become an avid listener of audiobooks, to ensure that she always has enough books to review each month. She finds she can often listen while doing some more mundane tasks, which don't require a lot of thinking, can't we all agree with this? 1. Intro 1:13.0 todays show I have a special guest, Amanda Steel author of Ghost of me a book I had the pleasure of producing, it was my first fiction book and it had a character named Valerie, how fitting right? Well we will get to know Amanda and the goods behind this story, the characters and her love of writing.. 2. Speakeasy have you ever been to a spoken word night? I’ve been to an open mic night with muscian which would be a similar theme when I checked out their fb page (link in show notes)…https://www.facebook.com/speakeasymanchester/ it’s a large living room setting and has a great vibe by the pictures anyway… 3. We are going to touch on covid, before we do though I just want to let you know that I originally recorded this in June you know in the middle of this pandemic — this show was edited late in 2020 when the 2nd wave is in full swing across the world and currently calgary where I live is in a semi lockdown state - we cannot socialize with any one out of our cohorts - yes weird word I know but we cannot socialize with anyone out of our home residence - at the time of this editing, the world has reached 76, million covid cases and 1.6 million fatalities - it has touched the world. It’s interesting listening to Amanda and how she knows people. And the discussion about masks is so suprising - especially mid pandemic. 4. Amanda lives in Manchester UK which has a population of 2.7 million and their case count as of today in late dec 2020 is 35,000 active cases. End, well thank you to Amanda Steel for taking the time to be interviewed on my show, I loved talking to her about her book and getting to the know the author, the first author who I read a fictional book for - it was such a great experience for me…to conclude I thought I’d play you chapter 1 and if you’re interested in hearing more, please let me know and I can give you a free download credit to the complete audio book. Find Amanda: Her Website Her InstaGram Her PodCast Follow Me: Website @ ValerieMoss.ca Instagram @ValerieJMoss Facebook @VSMoss YouTube @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss The show music is call ‘Girl’ by Text me Records and Leviathe The cover art, storytelling and production is by me, Valerie Moss. Stay Tuned for the next season, season 3 on Valerie’s Variety Podcast with your host me, Valerie Moss from Studio 17
Valerie St-Arnaud: Turn your Palm Towards the Light – e101s3
episode 101season3 Turn your Palm Towards the Light Todays Show is with Founder and owner of Calling Mountains Productions, Valerie St-Arnaud. Growing up in Quebec offered a wealth of inspiration but as she grew older there was always something calling her away from the city lights and when she arrived in Whistler, BC in 2013 she realized it had been the mountains all along. Valerie has her degree in Communication and Marketing from the University of Ottawa specializing in media studies. In 2012 she won the Ottawa international film festival and that's when her passion for film started. She is known to bring the feels right to your screen. She is passionate about her art form but even more about her clients. You will find her capturing memories and chasing the light in and around the Sea to Sky corridor. The mountains called her here and now she is returning the favor. See you in the mountains... They are calling! some of Valerie St-Arnaud's work BREAK THREE: (5:38) let’s just dig into this a little bit. This was in 2012 the criteria for the submissions are things like, must be live streaming (no download required) language (English and French or French with subtitles), presentation copies, your typical deadlines, transportation and insurance to ship materials, selection process, now if you’re selected your requirements for type of file, sound quality, bios, photos, payment for submission, renumerations, and the different juries things like short film, international and children’s which are judged by children, pretty cool hey. We get into more detail about this shortly.. More of Valerie's work...can't you feel the emotion in these photos? WHAT A NEAT WAY TO MAKE SOMEONE COME TO LIFE AND LIFE BREAK FIVE: If you haven’t listened to my episode with Valerie Butters do, she is so casual and creative. Also Pemberton is located in British Columbia approx 160km from Vancouver, only 25km from the beautiful ski resort Whistler. This place is for people who love winter for the snow sports, cross country skiing, back country skiing, ice fishing, snowmobiling and more…that fresh mountain air, can you just feel that - my favourite feeling is that! BREAK SIX: I originally interviewed Valerie St Arnaud back in April of this year so at the start of covid here in Western Canada…we did the interview over Skype, she in her tank top, and ball cap, me in my favourite chair sitting cross legged…wanting to know her secrets to film, photography and creating these incredible memories in still and motion… BREAK SEVEN: the basic rules for operation of a drone when you don’t have a licence - which is most of us - the drone must be under 250 grams in weight, there’s very specific areas that you are allowed to fly this tiny vessel so check your local regulations - Val here is so much to have someone who’s fully liscenced to help her with her videos as when you take the time to stop by you’ll be amazed at what she captures. BREAK EIGHT: did you catch that slight tip she gave us - is you shoot your image and it’s blown out or too bright because of the sunny day…change it to black and white and voila you have a great photo! BREAK NINE: chasing the light is her motto - did you catch that tip put the palm of your hand and if it shows shadows move until the light is brighter - boom you got good light on your subject! BREAK TEN: get confidence, get creative and gain confidence.. BREAK TWELVE: wow what a story. You know I think this is something that we all need to hear, even tho we are here to do a job weather it be me podcasting or this Val in her specialty we will run into people that are critics and want to be heard in an opposing manner. Life is full of stories and here’s one that had made it’s mark on Val - she will always remember this women, who in the end gave Val more strength in the end to own her craft. BREAK FIFTEEN: It seems so long ago when I interviewed her - and we are still even more heavily effec...
100th Episode: The Anglers Catch the Authors – e100p5s3
episode 100 part 5 season 3 The Anglers Catch the Authors Todays show part 5 and the final part of our look back over the last 100 shows we end on my new theme, a great pattern to brighten up your bed, anglers, chakras, covid and more…enjoy this episode. We also have many clips from all of you sharing what you've learned after 100______ including mine. This was such an amazing look back reminiscing over these episodes, guests and more! Episode 83 - EAT | READ | CREATE I needed a regroup, new theme, new goals and when I set these, things came to life! Episode 84 - What 2 Do - What 2 Do A bit about my year (did you loose your job too) in a nut shell along with a few other peoples perspective - becoming a teacher and more, check this out. Episode 85 - Easiest Spring Pillow Case & GiveAway A fun project to brighten up your bed with new pillow cases, easy step by step instructions and a bonus giveaway! Episode 86 - Chakras, What are these? Another great audio book produced by your truly, Heart Chakra is positioned in your heart area and focuses on love, relationships and self acceptance…here’s the clip Episode 87&88 - Valerie Butters OH MY goodness was this lady fun to interview, she’s a player of paint on canvas and is so real in her social posts it’s really a give in to follow her and learn from her wit, trials, paint and her life. Episode 89 - Mental Health - Challenge Me This was a difficult episode to write about, I was part of a challenge and won based on these words, I feel like we all go through bouts of depression or sadness in our lives - here’s my story, this originally aired in season 1 episode 46 and think it's even more valuable today. Episode 90 - Guest Spot, On Being Human Podcast, I saved a Life An emotional retelling of a time I saved a life while on my honeymoon… Episode 91 - Buddhism for Beginners One of my first audiobooks, and when I discovered the love to tell stories. Episode 93 - It’s about the People A great InterView with a local Calgarian and Podcaster, Michael Montgomery who finds the stories behind the people, startups, home buyers and more, this is a 2 part episode. Episode 94 - Black Cats & Magic Crystals An audiobook produced by me which was eye opening and interesting learning about this Nature Based Religion, Wiccan. Episode 95 & 96 - She’s an Angler When I interviewed these two amazing women I didn’t know at the time even what an Angler was…what a fun and awesome episode with the two fisher women, you're in for a treat! This is a two part episode. Episode 97 & 98 - InterView with Liam Callanan and his book, Paris by the Book This book was a gift and a great read and I got to interview this ultra famous author and wow is he humble and in love with Paris! Episode 99 - The Close of 2020 My year in review, Downs and some UPs a story of perspective and feeding the homeless, falling pants and giving back. The Anglers Catch the Authors Follow Me: Website @ ValerieMoss.ca Instagram @ValerieJMoss Facebook @VSMoss YouTube @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss The show music is call ‘Girl’ by Text me Records and Leviathe The cover art, storytelling and production is by me, Valerie Moss. Stay Tuned for the next season, season 3 on Valerie’s Variety Podcast with your host me, Valerie Moss from Studio 17