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Because Everyone Has A Story - BEHAS

Storytelling Podcasts

BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS A STORY / PORQUE TODOS TENEMOS UNA HISTORIA QUE CONTAR. My podcast connects and relates through the sharing of regular peoples' stories of courage, transformation, adventure, love, overcoming life’s challenges and career changes. It is a platform to give ordinary people’s stories from all over the world the chance to be shared and preserved. You will listen to stories of captivating people, both young and elderly, that I, your host Daniela, meet on my life journey. Communicating wisdom, knowledge and personal experience, these stories will connect, motivate, inspire and relate to your own. Our stories become the language of connections. Let's ENJOY, CONNECT AND RELATE. COMPARTE, CONECTATE Y DISFRUTA. I have shared stories of people from Asia, Europe, North America and South America. If you want to share your story on my show, please get in touch because everyone has a story.




BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS A STORY / PORQUE TODOS TENEMOS UNA HISTORIA QUE CONTAR. My podcast connects and relates through the sharing of regular peoples' stories of courage, transformation, adventure, love, overcoming life’s challenges and career changes. It is a platform to give ordinary people’s stories from all over the world the chance to be shared and preserved. You will listen to stories of captivating people, both young and elderly, that I, your host Daniela, meet on my life journey. Communicating wisdom, knowledge and personal experience, these stories will connect, motivate, inspire and relate to your own. Our stories become the language of connections. Let's ENJOY, CONNECT AND RELATE. COMPARTE, CONECTATE Y DISFRUTA. I have shared stories of people from Asia, Europe, North America and South America. If you want to share your story on my show, please get in touch because everyone has a story.





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The Serendipitous Journey of a Multitalented Artist - A Passage Through Friendship - Lea Sakran : 136

Lea, a Swiss author and voiceover artist, shares her incredible journey from a childhood spent honing her piano skills to discovering new creative avenues in theatre and beyond. Hear how her rigorous training at the conservatory in San Francisco and the cultural leap from Switzerland to the United States shaped her artistic path. Guided by curiosity and encouragement, Lea's experiences in Paris and various artistic settings illuminate the serendipity of her career through the passages of friendship and the importance of embracing each opportunity that comes her way. Lea Sakran is a cosmopolitan with Mediterranean, Eastern, and Western roots. She is a storyteller, author, copywriter, screenwriter, actress, and narrator known for her versatile and globally flavoured voice. Lea doesn't just stop at her musical journey—she takes us into the multifaceted world of voiceover work, highlighting the significance of rhythm, voice care, and the broad spectrum of opportunities within the field. From working as a counsellor for visually impaired children to creating her own audiobooks like "Gusta and Gusto," Lea emphasizes the deep connection between storytelling and family. This episode explores the rich history of storytelling, its modern evolution, and the enduring value of the human voice amidst the rise of artificial intelligence. Discover how Lea's passion for connecting generations through stories continues to inspire and resonate in an ever-evolving industry. Let's enjoy her story! Lea services: Voiceover and narration for Audiobooks, commercials, Corporate documentaries, E-Learning, and Voice acting for different characters. Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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Bold Moves and Multilingual Adventures - Regina Winkle-Bryan from Bold Spirit Travel : 135

Imagine your late grandmother appearing in a dream and urging you to learn a new language. For Regina from Bold Spirit Travel, this dream set her on an extraordinary path of personal transformation. Regina shares her immersive experience in Costa Rica, where she overcame language barriers and thrived in a non-English speaking environment. Her journey took her from Costa Rica to Guatemala and finally to Barcelona, where she had to master both Castilian Spanish and Catalan. Moving to Barcelona marked a pivotal point in her life. It was there that she met her husband and advanced her career as a journalist and travel blogger. Regina also explores the challenges and beauty of being multilingual in a cosmopolitan city like Barcelona. She reflects on her ongoing efforts to learn Catalan and navigate a diverse linguistic landscape. Her passion for adventure led her to create all-women travel groups, fostering a sense of community and connection among travellers. Her story is about the courage to step out of one’s comfort zone and embrace solo travel, language learning, and community engagement. Regina Winkle-Bryan founded Bold Spirit Travel, a company that connects women through adventure. She leads many Bold Spirit Travel trips along with a team of talented guides. Bold Spirit Travel persevered through the COVID-19 pandemic by transitioning to online travel experiences with global guides and chefs. Regina has visited over 35 countries and currently calls Washington state home. This episode is packed with tales of bold moves, cultural adaptation, and the creation of lasting bonds through travel. Let's enjoy her story. To connect with Regina/ Bold Spirit Travel Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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The Unseen Journey Through Grief and the Quest for Joy - Alexandra Wyman : 134

The voices that speak from personal experience resonate when grief shrouds us in its unpredictable fog. Alexandra Whyman brings one of those voices as she recounts the harrowing tale of her husband's suicide and the complex aftermath that followed. Her vulnerability in sharing this journey casts a light on the often-overlooked intricacies of mourning, self-blame, and the stigmatization she endured. Her story is not just one of loss but also a powerful narrative of the resilience of the human spirit and the solace found in community and openness. Alexandra is a best-selling author of the book The Suicide Club: What to Do When Someone You Love Chooses Death. She wrote it after her husband succumbed to suicide in 2020. She is a public speaker specializing in resources to rebuild after major life events. Her goal is to help others find moments of joy again and appreciate what life still offers. Alexandra and I traverse the winding paths of grief, acknowledging that while it's a shared experience, the terrain is deeply personal for each of us. We reflect on the varying shades of emotional pain, the need for compassion in our responses, and the challenges of supporting those, especially children, who are navigating their unique sorrows. Our exchange reinforces the importance of creating spaces where mental health and the reverberations of loss can be discussed candidly – a testament to the healing power of conversation and understanding. In the transformative power of storytelling, Alexandra takes us through her evolution from authoring "The Suicide Party: What to Do When Someone You Love Chooses Death" to launching her website, Forward to Joy. By sharing her resources and fostering vital dialogues on loss, love, and the quest for joy, Alexandra exemplifies how turning pain into purpose can pave the way for others on their healing journeys. Let's enjoy her story. To connect with Alexandra, Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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Capturing Life Stories with "No Story Lost" and Entrepreneurship - Andrew Hall : 133

Andrew Hall is the co-founder of NO STORY LOST, a business born out of a desire to preserve family legacies. He understands that these narratives are not just tales but the essence of our loved ones' lives. Andrew captures these stories because they are important to preserve before they are lost in time. In this episode, Andrew candidly shares the triumphs and challenges of recording these histories, which future generations will undoubtedly cherish. He offers profound insights that reveal the spirit of those who have come before us. He underscores the bittersweet nature of this work. Moving on to entrepreneurship, Andrew shares his journey from corporate life to founding a business based on personal values. His insights into the entrepreneurial spirit are as inspiring as the stories he helps preserve. He encourages listeners to contemplate the legacies they wish to craft in their personal lives and careers. Andrew's story is about capturing the past and shaping the future through the stories we leave behind. Let's enjoy his story! To connect with Andrew: NO STORY LOST Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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A Journey Through the Joys of Gardening and the Magic of Ground Covers with Gary Lewis : 132

Join us on a botanical journey with Gary Lewis, M.Sc., a plant connoisseur whose rich history with horticulture has blossomed into a nursery boasting over 5,000 plant varieties. Gary's life is a colourful journey, from the hibiscus in his grandmother's garden to the exotic flora of distant lands, marked by a deep-seated passion and knowledge for plants. Gary is the President of Phoenix Perennials and Specialty Plants Ltd. He has built the nursery into one of the best-known destinations for home gardeners and plant enthusiasts from all over the Lower Mainland in Vancouver, BC, Canada. He also wrote the encyclopedia "The Complete Book of Ground Covers" 4000 Plants That Reduce Maintenance, Control Erosion, and Beautify the Landscape. This episode is a treasure for plant lovers. We trace Gary's roots from a young botanist to the creator of an indispensable guide on ground covers. His scientific background sheds light on the fascinating intersection of plant ecology and practical gardening, enlightening us on the value of diversity in the plant kingdom. As we traverse the lush pathways of Phoenix Perennials, Gary reflects on the recent gardening surge sparked by the global pandemic, reminding us how tending to our gardens can be a source of solace and community strength. His dedication to nurturing plants and the people who care for them resonates deeply. Tune in for a heartfelt conversation that celebrates the perennial joys of gardening and the shared growth we experience through our love for plants. Vice President | Planta!: The Plantlife ConservationS Society | Perennial and Bulb Selection Committee Member | Great Plant Picks | Advisory Committee Member | E-Flora BC | Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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Embracing the Wanderlust: A Digital Nomad's Journey - Alise Saunders : 131

Alise Saunders is a digital nomad/travel blogger, entrepreneur and life coach who has cast aside the anchors of traditional life for the freedom of the open road. Alongside her partner, Greg, and their two cat travellers, she shares their story of transformation from a Dallas apartment to the warmth of the Strawberry Festival in Humboldt to the unexpected generosity of strangers in Greece, a life of globetrotting adventure. Alise's tale is a captivating mosaic of the highs and lows of full-time travel. Discover how they tackle everyday challenges, including pet nutrition on the go and the complexities of navigating foreign landscapes, all while collecting moments of human connection that surpass language and borders. Her meticulous planning goes into a lifestyle many only dream of. Alise's story isn't just about travel—it's an open invitation to reconsider what we hold dear and to envision a life where work and wanderlust coexist in a harmonious dance of endless exploration. Let's enjoy her story! To connect with Alise: Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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Navigating Waves of Change A Writer's Tale of Sailing, Sobriety, and Self-Discovery - Paul Trammell : 130

Paul Trammell is a seasoned writer and artist who lives on his sailing boat in the peaceful waters of Bocas del Toro, Panama. His story is one of transformation, describing his journey from a life steeped in music and art to finding solace in sobriety and the vast horizons of the sea. Throughout his story, Paul delves into the different layers of his life, sharing the vivid colours of his paintings, the rhythmic beats of his musical career, and the creative process behind his literary works. His books, such as "Alcoholics Not Anonymous: A Modern Way to Quit Drinking" and "Becoming a Sailor," explore minimalist living and discovering joy from being free from material wealth, highlighting the essence of true happiness and purpose. As the conversation shifts to the craft of writing, Paul describes his disciplined approach to the art that has led to a diverse portfolio spanning genres from self-help to poetry. His journey celebrates the courage to redefine one's path and find fulfillment in the unexpected chapters of our own stories. Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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An Odyssey of Self: The Life and Lessons of a Wandering Scholar - Robert W. Norris : 129

Join us as we listen to Robert W. Norris, who shares the chapters of his life's novel. His experiences span continents and cultures, from the Redwood forests of Northern California to the bustling streets of Fukuoka, Japan. Robert's tapestry of experiences weaves a tale of adventure, identity, and the undying influence of a mother's love. Robert was born and raised in Humboldt County, California. In 1969, he joined the Air Force but became a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War. He served in a military prison for refusing to fight in the war. In his twenties, he travelled across the United States, went to Europe twice, and made one journey around the world. In 1983, he moved to Japan, eventually becoming a professor at a private university. He spent two years as the dean of students and retired in 2016 as a professor emeritus. He is the author of three novels, a novella, and over 20 research papers on teaching. His most recent book, "The Good Lord Willing and the Creek Don't Rise: Pentimento Memories of Mom and Me," is his life story and tribute to his mother. Robert and his wife live near Fukuoka, Japan. At every crossroad and challenge, Robert saw an opportunity to grow and redefine what it means to be home. His narrative takes us through the old hippie trail, the cultural shocks of reverse migration, and the embrace of a foreign land that eventually offered the sense of belonging he sought. His story is punctuated by the books that guided him, the family dynamics that shaped him, and the personal convictions that propelled him forward. Through Robert's eyes, we discover that home isn't always a place—it's where we find pieces of ourselves. As we conclude our conversation, Robert shares the profound lessons on contentment and purpose he learned through suffering and the pursuit of happiness. Our discussion transcends the material, touching on the cross-cultural insights he gained from a life spent around the world and the tranquillity he found in his later years. Let's enjoy his story! To connect with Robert: Website: Facebook: Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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How to Be a Digital Nomad - Build a Successful Career While Travelling the World - Kayla Ihring : 128

Kayla Ihring's story is about the beauty of transformation and discovery as she recounts her shift from the structured 9-to-5 life to the freedom of the digital nomad lifestyle. It is a reminder that the world is vast and our time here is precious. Kayla is an author, digital nomad, and full-time traveller. Through our conversation, we traverse the globe, from the electric hum of Chicago to the colourful streets of Mexico and Guatemala, the charming canals of the Netherlands, and, eventually, today's recording. Kayle and her husband were in North Macedonia. Kyla's experiences, including the poignant loss of her aunt, serve as a powerful reminder to chase joy and fulfillment without delay, a theme that resonates throughout our discussion. As we wrap up, Kyla peels back the curtain on the digital nomad lifestyle's balancing act of working and writing against the backdrop of global explorations. She shares strategies for budget-friendly travel, the importance of off-season adventures, and the significance of maintaining a work-life balance while moving. Discussing her book, "How to Be a Digital Nomad," Kyla underscores the authenticity of the nomadic journey, offering a blend of inspirational anecdotes and grounded advice. Whether you're a seasoned traveller or just beginning to entertain the idea of a location-independent lifestyle, Kyla's insights are an invaluable compass for navigating the freedoms and challenges of the digital nomad path. Let's enjoy her story. To connect with Kayla: Kayla Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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From Worrier to Warrior: A Journey of Transformation - Martin Salama : 127

My guest is Martin Salama. Martin shares a deeply personal story about his journey, which began with a tragic event that shaped his life at a young age - the loss of his brother Michael. This heartbreaking experience sparked Martin's profound desire to bring happiness to others, often at the expense of his own well-being. Despite his best intentions, this compulsion to make others happy took a toll on Martin, leading to personal struggles, the collapse of his business finances, and strained relationships. Martin is known as the Architect of The Warriors' L.I.F.E. Code. His book is Worrier To Warrior: 7 Steps to Uncover The Warrior Within and Live Incredibly Full Everyday. He specializes in helping frustrated people quickly shift their mindsets to uncover their greatness so they can live up to their true potential and enjoy life! Martin's transformation, aided by therapy and coaching, takes center stage as he imparts wisdom from his experiences and those of his life-coaching clients. He illuminates the path from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance, from a posture of anxiety to one of empowerment, to find balance and prioritize one's happiness. To connect with Martin: Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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From Success to Fulfillment - A Quest for Authentic Purpose - Vince Kramer : 126 PART 2

Have you ever found yourself unchanged, even after attending personal development workshops? You're not alone. Our part 2 episode peels back the layers on why some of us remain static despite our best efforts. We discuss the subtle dance between desire for growth and the comfort of the familiar and introduce you to my own skeptic-to-believer transformation through a life-altering encounter with Archangel Michael. Vince Kramer is a military veteran and an airline pilot. He is now also a transformational trainer, speaker, teacher, mentor, and best-selling author of "Awakening Through Moments of Choice: A Memoir of Divine Guidance." He co-founded Imagine Miracles and believes that everyone can create their own life. Here, it illuminates the oft-overlooked early signs of our life's calling. Vince emphasizes that the road to self-discovery doesn't require a map but a compass. And it's not just about the journey; it's also about the people we meet along the way. Embark on the final leg of this transformative expedition as we chat with Vince about his pioneering three-tier program, designed to catapult you from self-awareness to a multidimensional existence. Let's enjoy his story- part 2! To connect with Vince: Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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From Success to Fulfillment - A Quest for Authentic Purpose - Vince Kramer : 126 PART 1

Ever found yourself questioning the very foundation of your purpose and happiness, despite a seemingly successful life? Vince's gripping narrative is a testament to this universal quest as he walks us through the profound transformation from a life of material success to one of deep spiritual fulfillment. His early ambition to help others love themselves, influenced by the competitive spirit instilled by his father and grandfather, initially led him down a path of notable achievements in military and commercial aviation. Yet, beneath the veneer of accomplishment lay an unquenchable thirst for true self-awareness. Vince Kramer is a military veteran and an airline pilot. He is now also a transformational trainer, speaker, teacher, mentor, and best-selling author of "Awakening Through Moments of Choice: A Memoir of Divine Guidance." He co-founded Imagine Miracles and believes that everyone can create their own life. As we unravel Vince's story, we see how life's unexpected challenges, including the aftermath of 9/11 and personal losses, became the catalysts for his self-discovery. Vince's journey beautifully illustrates the power of self-reflection. His quest pushes him to question long-held beliefs and bravely step into the realm of possibilities that come with embracing one's authentic self. Vince shares his transformative journey and reveals the courage it takes to follow one's true purpose. Let's enjoy his story! To connect with Vince: Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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How a Daughter's Addiction Helped One Mother Heal: A Story of Mother-Daughter Relationships - Ann Batchelder : 125

When Ann's world was turned upside down by her daughter's addiction and mental health struggles, she was thrown into a journey that no guidebook on parenting could prepare her for. Her heart-rending tale of seeking therapy and rehabilitation for her daughter and confronting the heavy cloak of self-blame unfolds in this episode with raw honesty. Ann Batchelder served as Editor of FIBERARTS Magazine, was guest curator for the Asheville Art Museum, worked as an account executive at a Manhattan advertising agency, and was Director of Special Events for the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Ann earned an MSW in psychotherapy. Her book Craving Spring -a mother's quest, a daughter's depression, and the Greek myth that brought them together Taking a page from the timeless Greek myth of Demeter and Persephone, we weave through the intricate dance of holding on and letting go that every parent must learn. Ann's experience opens a window into storytelling's transformative power in healing and self-discovery, challenging the conventional wisdom of 'how-to' parenting in favour of a journey to self-trust. The conversation also serves as a salient reminder that breaking through the silence on mental health can foster a community rich in compassion and support, one story at a time. As we wrap up the conversation, Anne's insights into navigating the intricacies of mother-daughter communication shine a light on the potential of listening and responding with intention. The wisdom she imparts on guiding children into adulthood, coupled with her journey chronicled in "Craving Spring," offers a touchstone for those grappling with similar tribulations. This episode isn't just a sharing of experiences; it's an invitation to embrace the collective strength of vulnerability and remember that you are not alone in the face of adversity. Ann is the mother of two adult children and lives with her husband in Asheville, NC. She just published her memoir. Let's enjoy her story! To connect with Ann - Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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The Transformation of Lawn Care into a Tech Odyssey - Bryan Clayton : 124

Join us as we enter the world of GreenPal, known as the Uber of lawn care, and learn how feedback from the very people you serve can pivot the direction of your business. Hear firsthand the sacrifices and dedication required to run a landscaping company and the emotional rollercoaster of selling it to embrace a technology-driven model. Bryan Clayton is an entrepreneur, author, and speaker who has built a successful career by focusing on hard work, perseverance, and innovation. He is the co-founder and CEO of GreenPal, an online platform that connects homeowners with local lawn care professionals. Under Bryan's leadership, GreenPal has grown into a multi-million dollar company with over 200,000 active users. In this episode, we get an intimate look at Brian's nomadic lifestyle that has shaped his current philosophies. Brian talks about working remotely while travelling the world and how personal loss can alter one's perspective on life. He also discusses the hollow satisfaction that often comes with material wealth versus the richness of experiences. This conversation with Brian will inspire anyone looking to blend entrepreneurial spirit and personal growth and provide tangible insights to forge their unique path to success and happiness. Let's enjoy his story. To connect with Bryan: Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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My Race Against Death - An Inspiring Fight Against Illness and The Journey to Empower Others - Shoba Rao : 123

When life handed Shoba Rao the toughest of challenges at just 22, a battle with kidney failure, she didn't just face it—she became her beam of hope. Shoba's narrative is not just about surviving; it's a deep exploration of how illness can redefine one's philosophy of life, highlighting the profound impact of resilience and self-advocacy. She rises with even greater determination, embracing her experiences to transform her perspective and empower those around her. We discuss the essential role of support systems, the emotional labour of caregivers, the unique ways we each respond to life's adversities, the cathartic process of writing her story and the importance of instilling hope and advocating for others facing the darkness of illness. Her book "My Race Against Death: Lessons Learned From My Health Struggles" offers a matter-of-fact view of cancer treatments and living life to the fullest despite the disease as seen through the eyes of an India native who is now a San Francisco Bay Area company executive. Join us as we celebrate Shoba's remarkable voyage. To connect with Shoba: Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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Turning Adversity into Adult Freedom: A Journey of Transforming Childhood Trauma to Authenticity, Self-Discovery, and Joy - Susan Gold : 122

Susan Gold's story is like a tapestry that weaves together challenges and triumphs, where each thread is coloured by personal growth and self-love. She grew up in a household where people had different coping mechanisms, like alcohol and food. However, Susan paved her path to the busy streets of New York City and into the influential circles of media giants such as Barbara Walters. Her journey was not just about escaping but finding her voice and place in a complex world. Our conversation with Susan takes an intimate turn as we explore the nuanced landscape of addictive behaviours and the clarity that comes from self-reflection. From a career that placed her at the epicentre of brand-celebrity synergy to a raw confrontation with her struggles with alcohol, Susan's story is a beacon for those navigating the choppy waters of self-identity and purpose. She shares the wisdom gleaned from reframing painful experiences as lessons and the importance of setting healthy boundaries. Through her eyes, we see the power of a mother's bond and the determination to survive and thrive. Susan's compassion and enthusiasm for life are evident as she invites anyone touched by her story to connect. Let's enjoy her story! To connect with Susan Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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Introducion a Familias Horribles - Carola y Alicia : 121

Cuando Alicia y Carola enfrentaron una crisis familiar, poco sabían que su oscuridad se convertiría en luz para otros. Su valentía se transforma en 'Familias Horribles', un podcast que promete ser un refugio y una guía para aquellos que, como ellas, han navegado por las turbulentas aguas de las relaciones familiares tóxicas. En este episodio, nos sumergimos en las profundidades de las dinámicas dañinas que a menudo se esconden tras la fachada de la familia idealizada. Nuestras queridas amigas comparten no solo su historia sino también su compromiso con la verdad y el apoyo incondicional a quienes luchan por liberarse de cadenas invisibles. Nos hemos hecho eco de la necesidad de romper el tabú que rodea a las 'Familias Horribles', y hoy levantamos la voz para reafirmar nuestro 'Derecho a Vivir en Paz'. Este capítulo nos invita a reflexionar sobre cómo los entornos familiares pueden moldear nuestra percepción de lo que merecemos y cómo, en ocasiones, es necesario tomar distancia para proteger nuestra integridad emocional. Con una conversación enriquecedora y la participación activa de nuestros oyentes, dejamos un claro mensaje: nadie debe tolerar el maltrato y todos merecemos una vida llena de paz. Acompáñanos en este viaje transformador junto a Alicia y Karola, un faro de esperanza en la búsqueda de relaciones familiares más sanas y auténticas. Youtube video FAMILIAS HORRIBLES podcast Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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Lecciones de una Vida en la Sombra del Servicio Público - Alfredo Brandt : 120

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo una sola decisión puede cambiar el rumbo de tu vida? Alfredo Brandt, un compañero de adolescencia del colegio Humboldt, me acompaña en esta edición del podcast para compartir cómo su elección de carrera desafió las expectativas sociales y familiares, llevándolo por un camino menos transitado. A través de nuestras conversaciones, descubrimos la riqueza de las historias personales y cómo, sin importar cuán comunes creamos que sean, todas tienen su propio valor y enseñanzas. Alfredo Brandt, experto con más de 30 años en inteligencia y contrainteligencia, tanto en el ámbito público como privado. Magister en Estudios Estratégicos y Análisis de Política Internacional de la Universidad de Westminster, Londres, con especialización en Homeland Security & Cybersecurity de la Universidad de Colorado, US. Un relato que inicia con desayunos imponentes en la academia policial, nos lleva por una aventura que transita entre las calles de Caracas y los entresijos de la contrainteligencia en una Venezuela de alta tensión geopolítica. Alfredo nos sumerge en experiencias que van desde patrullajes en barriadas hasta operaciones de espionaje, ofreciendo una mirada íntima a la vida dentro de las fuerzas de seguridad y los desafíos enfrentados tanto en el terreno como en el ámbito personal, incluyendo anécdotas que despiertan desde sonrisas hasta reflexiones profundas. Finalizamos con una introspección sobre los años venideros, resaltando la importancia de la salud física y mental en la preparación para el futuro. Alfredo, ahora profesor y consultor, nos deja con valiosos consejos y una historia personal que nos invita a apreciar y no subestimar el poder de nuestra propia narrativa. Su testimonio es un recordatorio de que el camino menos transitado, a menudo, es el que conduce a los descubrimientos más significativos. Alfredo vive en La ciudad de Mexico con su hermoza esposa Maríeen y su hijo Ian. Disfrutemos de su historia. #ConexionesDuraderas #AmigosDeSiempre #AmigosDelColegio #PodcastTime Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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WANDERLAND - Living the Traveling Life - Kate Evans : 119

Imagine packing your life into a suitcase and stepping into the world as your home. That's the reality for Kate Evans, our remarkable guest who, alongside her husband Dave, traded the predictability of a permanent address for the boundless freedom of a nomadic life. Their story, as chronicled in "Wanderland: Living the Traveling Life," exudes a compelling allure for anyone who's ever dreamed of experiencing the richness of the world beyond the confines of a conventional lifestyle. Kate Evans, PhD, is the author of eight books, including a duet of memoirs: Wanderland: Living the Traveling Life and Call It Wonder: An Odyssey of Love, Sex, Spirit & Travel, winner of the Bisexual Book Award. Her essays, stories, and poems have appeared widely. We uncover the strategic planning and serendipitous moments that colour Kate's travels, the emotional landscapes navigated, and how her philosophy of minimalism isn't about having less but living more. Her journey, punctuated by the pages of her book, is a testament to the transformative power of embracing the unknown and the value of experiences over possessions. This conversation isn't just about globetrotting; it's a deeper dive into the art of storytelling, connecting with others through shared narratives, and the relentless pursuit of personal fulfillment. Kate's insights on the nuances of a nomadic lifestyle and the courage to write one's own story—whether through the lens of a camera, the strokes of a pen, or the steps across unfamiliar lands—resonate with the soul of every aspiring wanderer like me. Kate and Dave live part of the year in Baja California Sur, Mexico, and they travel the rest of the time. Let's enjoy her story. To connect with Kate: Retreat website: Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!


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Accelerate Your Journey to Finding Your Authentic Self: A Transformative Story of Self-Discovery, Career Change, and Personal Growth.- Colin Kingsmill : 118

Have you ever found yourself seeking success without really understanding why? Colin Kingsmill shares his compelling journey across three significant chapters of his life. He candidly discusses how he hit a wall at age 35 after a relentless pursuit of achievement, prompting him to reassess his motivation and pursue deeper self-discovery. This journey led him to the realization that true freedom comes from psychological liberation. Life is full of transformation and new beginnings, and this episode offers a powerful example through a conversation about past life regression therapy. After a traumatic event, Colin discovers eight past lives and begins to heal their deeply rooted need for validation. This conversation also sheds light on the concept of worthiness, offering valuable insights for anyone seeking self-discovery and healing. Colin describes his unique journey from chasing wealth to finding passion and discovering true purpose. His honest reflections on personal growth and transformation, his mission to help others rediscover their humanity, and the importance of living with integrity, overcoming fear, and finding freedom from suffering are genuinely inspiring. Let's enjoy his story! To connect with Colin: Send BEHAS a text. Support the Show. To Share - Connect & Relate: behas.podcats@gmail.comPodmatch Profile Thank you for listening - Hasta Pronto!
