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Jesus is Real Radio with Daniel Fusco

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Jesus is Real Radio is the daily radio ministry of Daniel Fusco, lead pastor of Crossroads Community Church in Vancouver Washington.


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Jesus is Real Radio is the daily radio ministry of Daniel Fusco, lead pastor of Crossroads Community Church in Vancouver Washington.



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The Conclusion of the Matter Part 3

Many people talk about ‘their truth’ and ‘your truth’, as though reality comprises nine billion ‘truths’, even though many of those ‘truths’ contradict one another. A lot of people don’t want to entertain the idea that there is an ultimate Truth that doesn’t bow to their desires. Pastor Daniel will teach about this reality and how to submit to the reality of God. You’ll find that sincere challenges don’t threaten God; He invites you to discover Who He is for yourself.


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The Conclusion of the Matter Part 2

There’s a saying that getting old is not for the weak. As the body begins to break down and the accumulation of years takes its toll, it’s easy to become depressed, pining for the body of your youth. Pastor Daniel’s message will discuss what the writer of Ecclesiastes has to say about the benefits of living the elderly years because of the wisdom that has been accumulated. You’ll be reminded that there’s more to life than what’s on earth.


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The Conclusion of the Matter Part 1

Have you ever hurt yourself doing a physical activity that you haven’t done for a long time? Maybe it’s playing catch with your kid, or going for a walk after sitting all winter. We’ve all done something like that. Pastor Daniel will show how in the same way exercise is important to physical health, cultivating a daily relationship with God helps you flourish in your walk with God, giving you the strength to overcome the challenges that arise in life.


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Guidance Part 3

How many of you became the thing you said when you were a child that you wanted to be when you grew up? Probably not very many. As you look back to your childhood you doubtless have had a lot of twists and turns in your maturing process. Pastor Daniel will be teaching that as much as we’d like to, we don’t know what’s going to happen in our lives. Because of that truth, you will find out that putting our lives in God’s hands is the best plan.


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Guidance Part 2

Some Christians believe that living their lives “by faith” is roughly equal to living by the seat of their pants. Often they end up with lives of chaos and disorder, which doesn’t honor God. Pastor Daniel will teach that the Christian isn’t to live the opposite of that chaotic life, either. In the same way that God is balanced in Who He is, we should be trying to live a life that tries to find out God’s plans for us but is also trusting in God to lead us.


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Guidance Part 1

A lot of people – many of whom have never read the Bible – think that it’s only full of “these” and “thous” and “dos” and “don’ts”. Those of us who have read it and believe what it has to say understand that while there certainly are rules on how to live, it’s more than that. Pastor Daniel will try to help you understand that what the scriptures are trying to do is to help limited mankind understand the love that God has for the men and women of this planet.


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We Are the World Part 2

The attitude among many people today is to do just enough to get by. Why work hard to earn an “A” when a B or even a C will get me to the same place? “Yeah, I know that I can do better on my job but nobody cares anyway, so why make the effort?” Pastor Daniel will use the Bible to show that there is a reason to try to do better. You’ll learn that the viewpoints that you hear today go against what God says about the value of your life and the things that you do.


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We Are the World Part 1

It is so frustrating to see someone who clearly did something bad escape judgment due to a technicality. Sometimes it feels like the bad guys are smarter than the good guys, so why not just be bad? That’s the question that Pastor Daniel is going to tackle in his teaching today. The writer of Ecclesiastes kind of asks the same question, and then as you’ll see, he will give it some thought and remind us of the way God sees things.


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Life Under Authority Part 3

How many of you speed up just a little bit when you see a speed limit sign? There’s something inside of us that fights against that authority, even if it’s a small one like the speed limit sign. There are, of course, more serious ways of fighting against authority, and that’s what Pastor Daniel will be discussing today. He’s going to talk about the root of our rebellious heart and how hanging on to that lifestyle will keep us out of the kingdom of God.


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Life Under Authority Part 2

There are a lot of people doing frankly stupid things. Eating detergent pods – really? Engaging in unsafe behavior just for the sake of views on social media – this is the world we live in. and people in the Church aren’t much different, as some of them run here and there to see the ‘flavor of the day’ false teacher. Pastor Daniel will be talking about the importance of having godly wisdom to keep you from doing unwise things.


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Life Under Authority Part 1

There was a hit song in the nineteen eighties titled, “Everybody Wants to Rule the World”. if you look at history, that is a true statement for every single person. Whether it’s a chance to rule a family, a relationship, or a country, that same impulse flows through every human. Pastor Daniel is going to talk about the conflict between our desire to rule something with the reality that there is very little that we can rule but, in fact, we are ruled over by someone else.


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Wisdom for Daily Living Part 2

If you were asked to think of someone you consider to be a holy person everyone could do that. A pastor or a priest or maybe just a person who you think embodies goodness and rightness. But if you spoke to that person and told them the high esteem with which you hold them, they might be embarrassed. The reason for their unease, as Pastor Daniel will be teaching about today, is that they know they aren’t as good as you think they are.


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Wisdom for Daily Living Part 1

Almost everyone procrastinates. It’s so much easier to put some task off rather than to go to the effort of doing what we know we should do. This putting off is based on a wrong assumption, many times: that plenty of future time is guaranteed to us. Pastor Daniel will be teaching from Ecclesiastes, where the Preacher will give us more pieces of wisdom concerning how to live. It’s to our advantage to listen and then do what the writer suggests.


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Four Keys to a Better Life Part 3

As time goes on in our lives, we generally keep the focus on ourselves. And when we have downturns in living it’s easy to complain about our discomfort and dissatisfaction. Pastor Daniel will be teaching about the fact that everybody has ups and downs in their lives. You’ll see that this was true thousands of years ago, as the writer of Ecclesiastes will verify. The important question, you’ll learn, is what is God’s plan for you in this circumstance?


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Four Keys to a Better Life Part 2

In our interactions with other people, it’s easy (and safe) to keep what we reveal about ourselves to a minimum. There’s always the fear that if we let people know what we’re really like, to show some of the warts, they will reject us. Pastor Daniel will be teaching that living that way leads to a lonely life and one that falls far short of what God intended for you. Taking chances and sharing the difficult things about you is how to develop truly meaningful friendships.


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Four Keys To a Better Life Part 1

Did you ever have a goal in life you really wanted to reach, like winning the state championship in a sport or activity? And if you reached that goal, it felt great, didn’t it? You basked in the glory of that accomplishment for a bit and then went on with your life. It’s funny how reaching goals like that don’t seem to be everything they’re cracked up to be. Pastor Daniel will explain why you felt that sense of frustration and emptiness in his teaching today.


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Life is the Little Things Part 2

It’s hard to learn to give God priority in our personal finances. We’re so used to doing what we want and are so tied to the balance in our bank account that we can’t see any further than that. But God, of course, has a plan for our finances that is easy to understand, but hard to do. Pastor Daniel will be teaching about the danger of trusting the bank account more than God, and what happens when you take that leap of faith to rely on God.


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Life is the Little Things Part 1

You’ve probably heard the term, “keyboard warrior”, someone who talks a lot of junk while writing online but who wouldn’t say the same thing if they were facing the person. Pastor Daniel is going to teach about the importance of always behaving like Jesus. You’ll learn that what you put out in public says a lot about who you are. Pastor Daniel will remind you that the goal in the life of a Christian is supposed to always reflect Jesus’ character.


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The Issue of Power Part 2

The thing about being human is that we’re drawn to other people but at the same time are resistant to getting too close. We fear being known down at our core because we’re afraid of rejection. We think that we’re weird or too strange for other people. Pastor Daniel will be teaching that as followers of Jesus, we’re told by Jesus that we are designed to be a functioning part of a group of fellow believers. When we do that, we find fulfillment we never thought possible.


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The Issue of Power Part 1

When you think of worldly power, earthly power, the first thing that might come to mind is people who you think are abusing that power. From corrupt leaders to the bully who is terrorizing your child, these are the things we usually think of. In his message today Pastor Daniel will talk about the One Who had the most power but didn’t abuse it or lord over other people. Jesus used His power to help people down where they were living.
