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Corazon Parenting

Education Podcasts

Welcome to Corazón Parenting, a podcast dedicated to first-gen cycle-breaker parents who are rewriting the way parenting looks like. In this podcast we discuss all things parenting and child development, helping you navigate the common communication breakdowns, behavioral challenges, power struggles, and emotional rollercoaster that comes with parenting. If the way you are parenting does not feel good, this is not an indication that you are a bad parent or failing as a parent. Instead this is an indication that your actions and who you are at your core are not aligned. For practical advice on how to navigate the tough parenting moments with intention and connection, tune in to Corazón Parenting with Erika, your dedicated certified parent coach. Learn more about my parent coaching services Click Here! Follow our instagram @corazon.parenting Alex_MakeMusic


United States


Welcome to Corazón Parenting, a podcast dedicated to first-gen cycle-breaker parents who are rewriting the way parenting looks like. In this podcast we discuss all things parenting and child development, helping you navigate the common communication breakdowns, behavioral challenges, power struggles, and emotional rollercoaster that comes with parenting. If the way you are parenting does not feel good, this is not an indication that you are a bad parent or failing as a parent. Instead this is an indication that your actions and who you are at your core are not aligned. For practical advice on how to navigate the tough parenting moments with intention and connection, tune in to Corazón Parenting with Erika, your dedicated certified parent coach. Learn more about my parent coaching services Click Here! Follow our instagram @corazon.parenting Alex_MakeMusic



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9. Carrying the Weight of Opportunity

In this episode we are talking about the weight we carry as adult children of immigrant parents and how that shows up in our parenting. We reflect on how this may be driving the decisions and the relationships we establish with our children and pose some questions about how they serve our children. Are our parenting practices and relationships with our kids based on what is best for them or are we still carrying the weight of opportunity (feeling like we still have to prove ourselves, needing external validation, seeing our success in the success of our kids)? Are we nurturing our children or are we still trying to nurture an prove ourselves? Are these decisions for our kids or for that child version of ourselves? Corazón Parenting is a podcast for first-gen parents raising their next-gen kids. We discuss all things parenting and child development related. Our goal is to apply parenting tools and strategies that feel good for both the parent and the child and that effectively address conflict and challenging situations. This is built on the foundation of nurturing the ever growing life-long relationships we are building with our kids.


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8. Mom Guilt: Am I doing enough?

This episode is all about the mom guilt that we carry when we show up in less than perfect moments. It is dedicated to the mom who wonders if she is doing enough, if she is a good mom, if she is ruining her kids. We talk about how to get out of the self-shame and criticism cycle and what we can do instead. We discuss how we can recover from these moments in a way that helps us build strong and healthy relationships with our kids. Corazón Parenting is a podcast for first-gen parents raising their next-gen kids. We discuss all things parenting and child development related. Our goal is to apply parenting tools and strategies that feel good for both the parent and the child and that effectively address conflict and challenging situations. This is built on the foundation of nurturing the ever growing life-long relationships we are building with our kids.


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7. Are you trying to rescue your kids from their feelings?

In this episode we navigate ways in which we may be rescuing or distracting them from their feelings. This can come up when we struggle to show up for our own feelings, when we become overwhelmed by our kids meltdowns, crying, complaining or fighting or when we simply lack the emotional bandwidth to create space for their emotional storming. We'll discuss why this could be happening and what we can do to build emotional resilience both within ourselves and our kids. Part of building emotional resilience in our kids includes helping our children navigate through their emotions and learning to grow from uncomfortable feelings. Our role isn't to fix our kids problems, our role is to be a companion, a mentor, and a guide as they navigate through challenging situations. Corazón Parenting is a podcast for first-gen parents raising their next-gen kids. We discuss all things parenting and child development related. Our goal is to apply parenting tools and strategies that feel good for both the parent and the child and that effectively address conflict and challenging situations. This is built on the foundation of nurturing the ever growing life-long relationships we are building with our kids.


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6. When Kids Lie

In this episode we talk about why kids lie, how we can approach these situations and the symptoms behind lying in our kids. We redefine lying from misbehavior to a symptom. We reflect on effective ways to truly understand what is behind this behavior and how we can best support our kids and we focus on our end goal which is to build skills and nurture life-long relationships with our kids. Corazón Parenting is a podcast for first-gen parents raising their next-gen kids. We discuss all things parenting and child development related. Our goal is to apply parenting tools and strategies that feel good for both the parent and the child and that effectively address conflict and challenging situations. This is built on the foundation of nurturing the ever growing life-long relationships we are building with our kids.


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5. Raising Emotional Resilient Kids

In this episode we talk about what is at the core of building emotional resilience with our kids. We explore the emotional world of our kids and why it's so hard for us to remain calm when our kids are emotional and what our kids really need in these moments. We reflect on the impact that our own childhood experiences has in our parenting and how as a society we view the expression of feelings as a weakness. This creates a mindset that may be impacting how we show up when our kids are struggling emotionally. Corazón Parenting is a podcast for first-gen parents raising their next-gen kids. We discuss all things parenting and child development related. Our goal is to apply parenting tools and strategies that feel good for both the parent and the child and that effectively address conflict and challenging situations. This is built on the foundation of nurturing the ever growing life-long relationships we are building with our kids.


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4. Helping Toddlers Thrive

In this episode I will share with you some of my personal reflections from my own parenting during this week. The question that came up a lot for me this week is, "why do I keep getting into toddler size arguments?!" In this episode we discuss what is age appropriate behavior for toddlers (1-3 year olds). We discuss toddler brain development. How to handle challenging situations and what skills toddlers are building during these years. We don't have limitless energy, we discuss how we survive these years while helping our toddlers thrive. Corazón Parenting is a podcast for first-gen parents raising their next-gen kids. We discuss all things parenting and child development related. Our goal is to apply parenting tools and strategies that feel good for both the parent and the child and that effectively address conflict and challenging situations. This is built on the foundation of nurturing the ever growing life-long relationships we are building with our kids.


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3. Parenting to Build Life-Long Skills not for Compliance

In this episode we reframe how we view child behavior. We learn about how we can more effectively address challenging behavior through the belief that we are building skills. We explain why managing behavior through punishments and rewards does not work and what you can do instead. Corazón Parenting is a podcast for first-gen parents raising their next-gen kids. We discuss all things parenting and child development related. Our goal is to apply parenting tools and strategies that feel good for both the parent and the child and that effectively address conflict and challenging situations. This is built on the foundation of nurturing the ever growing life-long relationships we are building with our kids.


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2. Nurturing Self Confidence in our Kids

In this episode we will discuss how we can support the confidence level of our kids through childhood, into their teen years and through adulthood. We talk about how we can raise children with a strong inner compass, children who can authentically show up as themselves and avoid giving in to peer pressure or self abandonment in social situations. Children who are guided by their inner voice as they navigate life and grow up to be thriving adults. I will explain two basic psychological needs that we have as human beings and how our parenting can impact how these needs are met in childhood. Corazón Parenting is a podcast for first-gen parents raising their next-gen kids. We discuss all things parenting and child development related. Our goal is to apply parenting tools and strategies that feel good for the parent and the child and that effectively address conflict and challenging behavior. This is built on the foundation of nurturing the ever growing life-long relationships we are building with our kids.


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1. Raising Mentally Strong Kids

In this episode we will discuss why how we parent matters and what it takes to raise mentally strong kids. Through the teachings of Dr. Daniel Siegel we explore how we can build a secure attachment with our kids. What parenting this way looks like and what we should know in order to create a nurturing environment that will create healthy and nurturing life-long relationships with our kids. Corazon Parenting is a podcast for first-gen parents raising their next-gen kids. Our goal is to apply parenting tools and strategies that feel good for the parent and the child and that effectively address conflict and challenging behavior. This is built on the foundation of nurturing the ever growing life-long relationships we are building with our kids.


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Intro: A Podcast for First-Gen Parents Raising their Next-Gen Kids

In this episode I share more about what myself, the podcast, and who this podcast is for. Corazón Parenting is a podcast dedicated to first-gen cycle-breaker parents who are rewriting the way parenting looks like. In this podcast we discuss all things parenting and child development, helping you navigate the common communication breakdowns, behavioral challenges, power struggles, and emotional rollercoaster that comes with parenting. If the way you are parenting does not feel good, this is not an indication that you are a bad parent or failing as a parent. Instead this is an indication that your actions and who you are at your core are not aligned.
