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The Grow Guide


The Grow Guide is Canada's #1 gardening podcast co-hosted by rookie grower, Maggie Wysocki and master grower, Dave Hanson. Listen in to honest conversations about seasonal gardening topics, including the trials, tribulations and successes of growing in climates where it can feel...kind of impossible. Join the community of fellow Grow Guiders in our Facebook group. Have an idea for a guest or upcoming episode topic? Send us an email —




The Grow Guide is Canada's #1 gardening podcast co-hosted by rookie grower, Maggie Wysocki and master grower, Dave Hanson. Listen in to honest conversations about seasonal gardening topics, including the trials, tribulations and successes of growing in climates where it can feel...kind of impossible. Join the community of fellow Grow Guiders in our Facebook group. Have an idea for a guest or upcoming episode topic? Send us an email —



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Square Foot Gardening, Seed Starting Trends & Answering Listener Questions!

Listen to the full-length interview over on our Patreon Find full episode show notes with links to everything discussed and photos here on our website


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Grow Edible Mushrooms At Home With Tom Nagy + 4 February Gardening Tasks

Subscribe to our Patreon for access to full length episodes and behind-the-scenes content Find full episode show notes with links and images on what we discussed here on our website


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Our Gardening Plans, "Personalities," Trends & First Tasks For The 2025 Season

Subscribe to our Patreon for access to full length episodes and behind-the-scenes content. Find full episode show notes with links and images on what we discussed here on our website


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November Minisode: Intentionally Planning Next Season's "Kitchen Garden" with Bailey Van Tassel

Subscribe to our Patreon to listen to our full-length interview with Bailey Van Tassel For links, photos and more discussed in this episode visit our website


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October Minisode: Spooky Plants & Goth Gardening with Chloe Hurst from @theg0thgarden

Subscribe to our Patreon to listen to the full-length interview with our guest this month, Chloe Hurst from The Goth Garden Plus find images and links to everything discussed in our episode show notes


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September Minisode: Seed Saving 101 With Professional Tricks From A Garden Centre Owner

Subscribe to our Patreon to listen to our full length September episode, covering all you need to know about seed saving in your garden from removing seeds to cleaning, labelling and storing Plus find images and links to everything we've discussed in this episode on our website


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August Minisode: Helping Our Friends, Bees + The Weeds Are Out Of Control! + A Naturescaped Garden Legacy

Subscribe to our Patreon to listen to our full-length August episode, featuring the complete interview with our guest, former provincial apiarist for the Province of Manitoba, Rheal Lafreniere Plus find images and links to everything we've discussed on this episode here on our website


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July Minisode: 10 Things To Do In Your Mid-Summer Garden Now + Malevolence Plant + Does The Flavour Of Veggies Change Depending On Growing Conditions?

Subscribe to our Patreon to listen to our full-length July episode, covering in great detail both practical and more big picture tasks you can complete in the garden mid-season to enhance your plants and your experience! Plus find images and links to everything we've discussed on this episode here on our website


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June Minisode: Creating A Climate Resilient Garden + 5 Questions With Maggie & Dave + A Farm To Table Chocolatier!

Subscribe to our Patreon to listen to our full-length episodes with guest interviews and more. This month we interview UK gardening author & journalist, Kim Stoddart about her new book The Climate Change–Resilient Vegetable Garden: How to Grow Food in a Changing Climate. Learn more about our listener call-in, Ursula by visiting Disset Chocolate.


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May Minisode: Celebrating Pride Month Through A Horticultural Lens + Growing Pineapple In Zone 3 (?!)

Subscribe to our Patreon to listen to our May full-length episode with two guest interviews, covering the topic of Pride and the paralells between our 2SLGBTQI+ community and the garden. Full episode show notes are available here on our website.


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We’re Moving To Patreon (!) + Maggie & Dave Life Updates + What’s Trending In Gardening

Hi Grow Guiders, we’re back at last and have missed you dearly! To subscribe to our next full-length episode head over to our new Patreon page linked here. The first 100 subscribers will be sent a free pack of organic seeds. You can find the full episode show notes with time stamps on topics discussed here on our website To keep up with Dave and his business, head over to the Sage Garden Greenhouses website linked here. To keep up with Maggie and her blog, head over to the From Soil to Soul website linked here.


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Honouring Earth Day, with Melanie Mercier

With Maggie's baby due date literally days away, this is the last episode of our official spring season... and we've packed this week's pod full of awesome Earth-honouring gardening info! First up, we get a glimpse under the mulch in Dave and Maggie's gardens after our start-and-stop spring. Then we get to hear about a little season-extending experiment in Maggie's greenhouse and a mini potato planting tutorial from Dave, as part of our favourite things segment. Our listener question of the week addresses timing when it comes to transplanting community-sown seedlings, a topic that a number of people have been asking about. Then, our guest Melanie Mercier from Araucaria Gardening Services shares a deep dive into how she tackles transforming manicured urban lawns into flourishing gardens that are not only gorgeous but specifically designed to host and support the diverse organisms that make up a healthy ecosystem.


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Gardening on a Budget

Gardening can be a big investment of both time and money, so this week Dave and Maggie brainstorm practical ideas to extend the gardening budget, while also making planting simpler and easier-care. Before the thrift-minded back and forth, your hosts note what they see in their zone 3 gardens now that the snow has melted, Maggie gets real about the imminent arrival of her baby and we learn about when to pull back mulch as Dave and Maggie answer this week’s listener question.


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Growing Backyard Grains, with Dan and Fran DeRuyck

Ever wonder if you could grow grains in your home garden? This week we are joined by certified organic grain farmers Dan and Fran DeRuyck who walk us through the many questions that come up as we contemplate a world full of backyard micro-farms. The conversation takes us to many interesting places, with lessons on cover cropping, the value of regionally adapted seeds and heirlooms, companion planting, the strengths of an organic approach and ultimately the challenge of yields and processing of grains.


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Planning Your Best Garden Yet with Sharon Murphy

For gardeners in northern climates, April is the in-betweener month: not quite time to get into the outdoor dirt, but it feels so close! Our guest today is Alberta-based garden coach Sharon Murphy, who is here to help us take advantage of this final opportunity to plan and prepare for our best gardens yet. Sharon has “chlorophyll” in her blood, having grown up in a family greenhouse business and then later operated a cut flower farm on a tropical island. Needless to say, she is a fearless garden problem solver and here to share a wide range of tips with Grow Guide listeners.


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Growing Exotic Fruits in Cold Climates with Annette Clarke

With colder weather hanging on in Manitoba, it feels all the more compelling to dream about the incredible range of edible plants that can be grown across Canada. Our guest, Annette Clarke, from Exotic Fruit Nursery in Lunenberg, Nova Scotia, takes us on a virtual field trip to her farm and greenhouse where we learn about remarkable fruits and how we can grow them in colder zones. Some of the topics covered include Chocolate Vines, Blue Sausage Fruit, Persimmons, Mulberries and Pawpaw!


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Spring Seed Starting Refresher, with Dave and Maggie!

Spring is officially here and Dave and Maggie are thrilled to be back behind the Grow Guide mics. The show kicks off with some BIG news: Maggie is expecting a baby, due this April! Maggie shares some of the ways her spring arrival will change her 2023 gardening strategies, but there is no holding her back and she is fully embracing the beautiful season ahead. After getting good and caught up, Dave and Maggie spend the second part of the show comparing notes on their seed-starting process, answering a series of questions that bring to life the fundamentals of seed-starting, and then some!


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FALL Finale Part 2 with Urban Farmer Curtis Stone + A Reflection From Maggie & Dave

Thank-you to this week's sponsor, HealthiStraw. Browse their extensive list of retail partners in Canada and the U.S. In the final part of this episode, you'll hear guest Curtis Stone share his insights on 3-season gardening, DIY greenhouse builds and more. Find the full episode show notes on our website.


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FALL Finale Part 1 with Urban Farmer Curtis Stone

Thank-you to this week's sponsor, HealthiStraw browse their extensive list of retailer partners in Canada & the U.S to find their products nearest you. We're thrilled to have the one and only Curtis Stone on our Fall Finale! Catch part 2 of this interview next week. Find full episode show notes with links to everything discussed on our website.


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Adding Carnivorous Plants To Your Houseplant Collection with Kenny Coogan

Thank-you to this week's sponsor, Plant Vitamins. Use code GROWGUIDE for 10% off your purchase at In this episode, Maggie and Dave welcome on Floriday-based carnivorous plant expert and author, Kenny Coogan to share all about this wonderful, unusual world of houseplants. Find full episode show notes and links to everything discussed on our website.
