Equipped with Chris Brooks
Moody Radio
Equipped with Chris Brooks encourages listeners to live an impactful Christian life in a rapidly changing culture.
Chicago, IL
Moody Radio
Equipped with Chris Brooks encourages listeners to live an impactful Christian life in a rapidly changing culture.
820 N. LaSalle Blvd., Chicago, IL 60610
Walk On
Have you ever wanted to throw a penalty flag on God because He seemed to make the wrong calls in your life? Ben Malcolmson was sure God made a mistake when he walked on to the USC Trojans football team. Fearing failure and filled with self-doubt, Ben learn to walk faithfully and discover God’s incredible game plan for his life! Catch his inspiring story here!
Today's resource: Walk On!
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here.
This month's featured resource: His Needs Her Needs: Making Romantic Love Last
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Jesus and Justice with Skye Jethani
When we look around, it’s clear—our world is filled with injustice and systems that fall short. Does Jesus truly care about what’s broken in our world? When will He make right all that’s wrong? Author and podcaster Skye Jethani explores the heart of Jesus for justice and reveals how justice is at the heart of the Gospel! Find hope in your struggles for justice on this edition of Equipped!
Today's resource: What if Jesus was Serious about Justice?
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here.
This month's featured resource: His Needs Her Needs: Making Romantic Love Last
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
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Make Room with Jonathan McReynolds
A seminary degree and Grammy-winning music: Jonathan McReynolds studies God's Word and sings God's praises. Coming up on Equipped, guest host Roy Patterson welcomes one of Christian music’s most inspirational and innovative voices to the microphone. Chicago's own Jonathan McReynolds encourages you with his music and explains how making room for God unveils God's abundant grace.
This month's featured resource: His Needs Her Needs: Making Romantic Love Last
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here.
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Making Love Last with Dr. Willard Harley
Marriage brings together two unique individuals, each with their own needs—needs that, when met, can strengthen the relationship. But when those needs go unmet, even the strongest marriages can struggle. If your marriage is facing challenges, big or small, listen as guest host Roy Patterson welcomes renowned psychologist and marriage counselor, Dr. Willard Harley, to share his expert advice on building a lasting, fulfilling marriage.
Ths month's featured resource: His Needs Her Needs: Making Romantic Love Last
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
The Power of Christian Love
Chris Brooks invites us to embrace the ways that Christians alone can influence those around them. We alone bear the love of Christ so we alone can share that love. Discover the Biblical foundations for the power of Christian love!
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
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A Literary Understanding of the Bible
The Bible is the most-read book of all time. It was written over thousands of years by many authors, using various literary styles to reveal God’s wonderful plan to save the world! Bible teacher Kristie Anyabwile will help us explore this amazing book, bringing it alive and transforming your Bible study!
Today's resource: Literarily
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
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Cultivating Intimacy in Marriage
Have you ever wondered, “Is there more to marriage than this?” Coming up on Equipped, guest host Karl Clauson and Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg provide ways to cultivate intimacy in marriage. Discover time-tested methods to strengthen your union, better understand your spouse’s needs, form a deeper connection, and create safe places in your marriage. Build a love that lasts. That’s coming up on Equipped!
Featured Resource: The Rosberg's: Your Marriage Coaches
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here.
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
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The Narrow Path
Our culture wants it all – more money, fame, and power - but Jesus laid out a better way! Karl Clauson is sitting in for Chris Brooks on Equipped where he’ll talk with Pastor Rich Villodas (vill-LOAD-US) about Jesus’ counter-intuitive wisdom for this age. They’ll take your calls about how to discern the difference between the broad and narrow paths in your life and how to enjoy the ever-expanding life of God!
Featured resource: The Narrow Path
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here.
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
We all experience suffering and our hearts are torn for those who walk through deep loss. When we see the high cost of natural disasters, life-threatening illnesses, or economic downturns, it’s natural to ask “Why?” Why would an all-powerful God allow such suffering? Coming up on Equipped, guest host Karl Clauson and “The Apologetics Guy,” Mikel Del Rosario, will offer Biblical insight into that crucial question.
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Three Words That Change Everything - Mark Batterson
Words are powerful! King Solomon said, “The power of life and death are in the tongue.” (Prov. 18:21) Chris Brooks talks with Pastor Mark Batterson about 3 words that can change everything in your life and relationships when you speak them authentically from the heart. Learns about the science, psychology, and Biblical foundation of these three powerful words on this edition of Equipped!
Featured resource: Please, Sorry, Thanks: Three Words that Change Everything
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
2025 Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) Global Prayer Guide
How would you respond if your faithfulness to Christ resulted in intimidation, torture, or perhaps something worse? For those who serve Jesus in restricted and hostile areas, that threat is real and ongoing. Todd Nettleton explains how we can pray and support believers on the front lines for Christ. Hear more on Equipped.
Download your free copy of the VOM Global Prayer Guide
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here.
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Serving Victims of Natural Disasters
When natural disasters hit, who helps the victims process their losses and navigate the pain? Guest host Collin Lambert talks to a chaplain who ministers to the emotional and spiritual needs of people who lost everything in the California wildfires. Then, he’ll show us how to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those still suffering from Hurricane Helene. Could these ministries be your next place of service? Learn more today!
Billy Graham Rapid Response Team
Samaritan's Purse Rebuilding after Hurricane Helene
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
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Come Back
Have you ever been hurt by fellow Christians? Whether it happened inside or outside of the church, it is people, with all of their frailties and failures, that caused the pain – not Jesus. If you are broken or disheartened by church hurt, don’t miss the next edition of Equipped. Guest host Collin Lambert and Dr. John Koessler will remind us that Jesus loves us, died for us, and will return to restore us and His CHURCH to perfection. Hear the encouragement Wednesday on Equipped and let the healing begin!
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here.
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
The Inspiring Faith of Ugandan Christians
Today we are checking in on our Christian brothers and sisters in Uganda. Our tour guide will be Lina Abujamra who brings a first-hand report on the faith and resilience of those who, despite having very limited resources, are engaged in life-giving ministry. Update your prayer list and learn to help carry the load of fellow believers in distant lands! Collin Lambert hosts this edition of Equipped.
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
What Brings Change?
What will it take to bring real change to our world and our nation? Pastor Crawford Loritts joins Chris Brooks to answer that question, from history, from the Bible, and from his own experience. If you want to be God’s man or woman for such a time as this, don't miss this crucial conversation!
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Preparing GenZ for Life & Service with Dr. Barry Corey
Equipped with Chris Brooks is committed to reaching the next generation of Christ followers, known as GenZ. How can we reach them for Christ, care well for them, and prepare them for the challenges they will face in life and ministry? Dr. Barry Corey, president of Biola University will share sound thinking and practical advice today!
Resource: Gen Z Report Vol. 3
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
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Racial Unity In Christ
In his “high priestly prayer” in John 17, Jesus asked His heavenly Father to create unity among those who believed in Him. (John 17:20 & 21) How can we live in greater unity, especially across ethnic and racial lines within the church? Are there ways we can grow in our understanding and appreciation for each other? How have you grown in these areas? Share your thoughts as Chris Brooks points the way toward unity in Christ!
Featured resources: Urban Apologetics by Chris Brooks
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Navigating Unexpected Challenges
In the game of life, things don’t always go as planned. When you are hit by an outside pitch, knowing how to move forward is hard. How have you navigated your own unexpected challenges? Chris Brooks will share his own experience with life's curveballs and point us to the way these hard seasons can shape us for our good and God’s glory!
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Your Financial Forecast with Rob West
How is your financial forecast looking? This is the perfect time to revise your goals and reset your budget to reach them! What should you consider as you plan for 2025? Rob West, host of Faith and Finance Live and CEO of Kingdom Advisors, will answer your questions and help you wisely navigate your financial future!
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
This Light of Mine
As Christians, we have a wonderful hope to offer a world gone wrong. What should be our posture as we share this good news when the message may have been obscured by political and cultural criticism? Coming up on Equipped, Dr. Joe Stowell empowers us to communicate the Gospel without alienating those who need to hear it most! Discover how to be a light that dispels the darkness.
Featured Resource: This Light of Mine
Equipped with Chris Brooks is made possible through your support. To donate now, click here
Become a Monthly Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/equipped/partners
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