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Living a Legacy

Moody Radio

Living a Legacy is a weekly 24-minute Bible-teaching program featuring Dr. Crawford Loritts with a goal to bring about spiritual awakening and maturity in the body of Christ through a clear message from God’s Word.


Chicago, IL


Moody Radio


Living a Legacy is a weekly 24-minute Bible-teaching program featuring Dr. Crawford Loritts with a goal to bring about spiritual awakening and maturity in the body of Christ through a clear message from God’s Word.




820 N. LaSalle Blvd., Chicago, IL 60610

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God Always Finishes What He Starts - Part 2

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 11/ Despite the failings of the nation of Israel throughout history, it is clear that God never gave up on it and never will. The implication is that despite our many failures, God won’t give up on us either. In fact, all are included in God’s plan for the blessings of Israel. We are grafted in. This should make us worship Him in awe. See for privacy information.


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God Always Finishes What He Starts - Part 1

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 11/ God always finishes what He starts. It was true for the nation of Israel and it’s true for each of us today. Crawford Loritts says we need to examine 3 key statements in Romans 11. The first, Israel has not been rejected. The second, Gentiles have been included in God’s plan. The third statement, God has a future focus. See for privacy information.


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Tragedy: Three Things to Know - Part 2

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 10:14-17/ God has given us the privilege of sharing the Gospel. And as we’re learning in Crawford’s current series in the book of Romans, we’re to have a mindset of communicating the Gospel with urgency. Life is uncertain. Death often comes at the most unexpected times. People need to know of God’s rescue plan of salvation. See for privacy information.


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Tragedy: Three Things to Know - Part 1

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 10:14-17/ It comes without warning... you go about a normal day at work, at home, at school and suddenly, wham, you’re rocked by a horrible tragedy. Why? Sometimes God is sending a wake-up call to realign priorities in view of eternity. To refocus on why we are here. To call his people closer to Him. Let’s take a look at the link between tragedies and the urgency of the Gospel. See for privacy information.


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The Resurrection Power of Jesus

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 8 / No true follower of Jesus Christ wants to be ruled by their negative inner desires. To do so would reveal a very weak commitment to Christ, if one at all. God did not leave us defenseless in our waging war with the flesh. Jesus’ resurrection power is available. Are we willing to access it? See for privacy information.


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What Dads Do - A Father's Day Message

- Proverbs 17:6 / Happy Father’s Day! Join our study as we celebrate dads and learn what the Bible says about being great fathers, doing what dads do. The main component of that? Reflecting the character of God. Crawford will share 7 ways God relates to us which should translate into how dads should relate to their families. See for privacy information.


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You Must Be Desperate - Part 2

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 6,7,8 / Christians, redeemed by the blood of Jesus, have been given a new nature. Although they still have the capacity to intentionally do what is wrong, they don’t have to if they rely on God’s power to resist. Do you rely on that power? See for privacy information.


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You Must Be Desperate - Part 1

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 6,7,8 / The way to great joy and freedom is to understand that apart from God’s pathway, we’re in prison. We have to be desperate. Are you looking for joy and freedom? Do you feel imprisoned? Let’s explore this condition of desperation. See for privacy information.


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Right and at Peace - Part 2

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 5 / God is a God of grace. We’ve heard that before. The danger comes when we just hear those words but don’t really and fully understand them. God's grace is a gift far greater than what we can imagine. Crawford Loritts looks at three important benefits of grace. See for privacy information.


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Right and at Peace - Part 1

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 5 / Romans is a revealing book. It’s opening chapters describe God’s diagnosis of the human condition. In this program we come to the topic of God’s grace. We’ll learn that it's free. We don’t earn it. We express it because of God’s mercy. In part one of "Right and at Peace," Crawford examines the first two of three benefits of grace. They are "peace" and "access." See for privacy information.


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Abraham: A Portrait of Faith - Part 2

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 4 / Faith. It's such a part of our Christian vocabulary, but how much do we really practice it when life throws us a curve? Will our faith in God stand firm when doubt and fear come? Well fortunately there are people in the Bible who knew about doubt and fear. They couldn't see the end result, yet they plunged deep into faith in God for confidence and direction. One of those people was Abraham and we have much to learn from him. See for privacy information.


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Abraham: A Portrait of Faith - Part 1

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 4 / Abraham was credited with righteousness by God, even before the incarnation. Why? Because of faith. And Crawford Loritts reminds us it is that same faith which allows us to be saved today. Join us for part one of the message, “Abraham: A Portrait of Faith. ” See for privacy information.


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Good News for You - Part 2

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 3:21 / The willful sin of mankind brought on the wrath of God, but in God’s love and mercy the penalty for our sin was paid. How and why? Join Crawford Loritts in our continuing study of the book of Romans. Explore the four main ways God provided for our redemption. See for privacy information.


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Good News for You - Part 1

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 3:21 / The book of Romans makes it clear where we stand with God regarding our salvation. God has met His requirements. There’s no works allowed. Our study reveals that God has taken the initiative, he offers an invitation, and he reveals his motivation. See for privacy information.


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No Room for Excuses - Part 2

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 1:18 - 3:20 / Crawford Loritts states that the opening chapters of Romans reveal God’s diagnosis of the human condition. Crawford sees two main pillars represented. The first one reveals the case for "God’s Wrath." The second pillar examines what Crawford calls, “The Tragic Hand-over.” Both pillars must be clearly examined in order to understand how God views sin. See for privacy information.


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No Room for Excuses - Part 1

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans - Romans 1:18 - 3:20 / It’s easy to settle into a viewpoint that assumes God will overlook our willful desire to do things we know displease Him. But that’s not a Biblical viewpoint. In fact, it’s dangerous. God is love but He’s also holy. He will not wink at sin. See for privacy information.


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From Fragile Doubt to Unshakeable Confidence

- Luke 24 / What does an empty tomb, a walk with a stranger, and an uninvited dinner guest have in common? Dr Crawford Loritts takes us to Luke’s gospel to provide the answer. It’s a look at three special encounters in the Easter message titled, “From Fragile Doubt to Unshakeable Confidence.” See for privacy information.


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Discipleship at Home - Why Family Matters - Part 2

- Genesis 1:26-28 / Why did God prioritize the family? Because the family is God's primary model for illustrating his principles to the world. Crawford Loritts reminds us that as parents we must guard against abdicating our role as the primary facilitators of spiritual input with our kids. Let’s see how we can overcome that tendency in our continued study of Genesis chapter 1. See for privacy information.


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Discipleship at Home – Why Family Matters - Part 1

- Genesis 1:26-28 / We are blessed to have a number of spiritual resources available to our children. We have wonderful Sunday school programs, Christian camps, Christian schools, and Bible memory clubs. But Crawford Loritts reminds us that ultimately it’s our responsibility as parents to be the primary facilitators of spiritual input with our kids. See for privacy information.


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Talking to God About People

- Rev 7, 20 / We are often reminded about how we need to talk to people about God. But Dr. Crawford Loritts was impressed by a well-known author’s take on it. That author suggested that we first need to talk to God about people. Crawford asks, “do we regularly request that God gives us a genuine concern for the lost?” See for privacy information.
