Living a Legacy
Moody Radio
Living a Legacy is a weekly 24-minute Bible-teaching program featuring Dr. Crawford Loritts with a goal to bring about spiritual awakening and maturity in the body of Christ through a clear message from God’s Word.
Chicago, IL
Moody Radio
Living a Legacy is a weekly 24-minute Bible-teaching program featuring Dr. Crawford Loritts with a goal to bring about spiritual awakening and maturity in the body of Christ through a clear message from God’s Word.
820 N. LaSalle Blvd., Chicago, IL 60610
Jesus is Our Passion and Jesus in Our Process - Part 2
- Col 1:27-29 / How does one become spiritually mature? Crawford Loritts says it begins with having our lives dominated by the Fruit of the Spirit. The result is a passion for Jesus and a passion for his mission.
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Jesus is Our Passion and Jesus is Our Process - Part 1
- Col 1:27-29 / The Apostle Paul made it quite clear in the book of Colossians that his passion for the Gospel and his love for Jesus Christ motivated everything he did. Crawford Loritts examines the nature of that passion and encourages us to pursue Christ with that same degree of diligence.
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Prosperity - Part 2
Series: "Always Generous"
- 2 Cor 9: / Dr. Crawford Loritts challenges us not to depend on misguided teaching about planting “spiritual seed” to harvest personal financial gain. As a follower of Christ, do you believe you will receive God’s grace for your situation? Do you have a strong level of confidence in God’s ability to meet your needs? When it comes to personal wealth and prosperity, might you ask yourself, "when is enough, enough?"
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Prosperity - Part 1
Series: "Always Generous"
- 2 Cor 9: / Most of us will admit that it would be nice sometimes to be a bit more prosperous. Some make it their primary ambition to obtain wealth. But for followers of Christ, what’s to be the right view of prosperity? Did God put us on earth to see how much we could attain for our own enjoyment, or did he intend for us to use our financial resources for a higher purpose?
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The Gift of Love
Series: "More Than We Expected"
- John 3:16 / Dr. Crawford Loritts suggests that there are 7 aspects of God’s love found in John 3:16. All of them link together to provide the complete story of Christmas.
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The Gift of Joy
Series: "More Than We Expected"
- Luke 2:10-12 / We hear a lot about joy at Christmastime. As believers, we’re given the gift of joy. But is joy the same as happiness? Not according to our study today. Joy is built on a solid, lasting foundation.
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The Gift of Hope
Series: "More Than We Expected"
- Romans 5:1-5 / Of the many gifts God has given us as believers, the gift of hope is perhaps one of the most assuring. Confident hope provides the foundation for ever-growing faith in God. Crawford explains the depth of the word, “hope” in the Bible.
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Lord, Teach Me How to Pray
- Matthew 6:9-13 / How important is prayer in your life? The truth is, for many followers of Christ, prayer is one of their most neglected resources. Crawford Loritts says there are four aspects of prayer that should be at the forefront of our thinking. We should realize that we are praying to a Person, we are to pray for His plan, we should pray for his provision, and pray for His protection.
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Footprints in the Sand - Part 3
Series: "The Pursuit of God's Heart"
- 1 Kings 2:1-4 / Crawford Loritts wraps up his series, “The Pursuit of God’s Heart” by asking some key questions. What responsibility has God placed in your hands? What are you doing with it? What epitaph will describe your life in Christ?
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Footprints in the Sand - Part 2
Series: "The Pursuit of God's Heart"
- 1 Kings 2:1-4 / As King David lay on his deathbed, he gave three important charges to his son, Solomon, heir to the throne. Solomon was to live courageously, obediently, and faithfully. What does that say about the way we’re to live?
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Footprints in the Sand - Part 1
Series: "The Pursuit of God's Heart"
- 1 Kings 2:1-4 / What things would we change if we could live from the grave backwards? In this study, we’ll see that David took an overview of his life as he lay on his deathbed. He prepared to pass the torch on to his son, Solomon. David recounted the things the Lord had taught him, pointing to “Footprints in the Sand.”
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The High Price of Failure - Part 2
Series: "The Pursuit of God's Heart"
- 2 Samuel 11:1 – 12:31/ In this message by Crawford Loritts, we experience the failure of one of God’s choicest servants, David. David tried to cover up an act of adultery and a resulting pregnancy. That cover up didn’t work, which led him to take more drastic action…. murder. David was warned not to pursue this trail of sin, but he didn’t listen. His life would never be the same.
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The High Price of Failure - Part 1
Series: "The Pursuit of God's Heart"
- 2 Samuel 11:1 – 12:31/ As much as our sinful hearts want to tell us it is not true, the Bible says there is a serious cost to sin. Once we’re fully convinced of that, our spiritual lives can begin to move in a positive direction. We continue to look at the life of David in 2 Samuel 11. Crawford explains how this passage reflects some of the darkest days in David’s life, dark because of David’s sin.
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Overcoming Discouragement
Series: "The Pursuit of God's Heart"
- 1 Samuel 30:1-31 / There were times of victory for David, but he also experienced discouragement. In this message, Crawford takes us to what was probably one of the lowest points in David’s life. And that discouragement could only be relieved through knowing that God was setting forth a particular path for David.
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The Dark Side of Favor - Part 2
Series: "The Pursuit of God's Heart"
- 1 Samuel 18:6-16 / Not everyone will except our victories or accomplishments with warm hearts. We need to be ready to interact with them appropriately. Let’s see what God’s Word has to say about the progression of jealousy.
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The Dark Side of Favor - Part 1
Series: "The Pursuit of God's Heart"
- 1 Samuel 18:6-16 / The one lesson that’s often omitted in the story of David and Goliath is what happens after David kills the dreaded giant. King Saul reveals within himself the ugly nature of jealousy. How do we react when others are elevated? What are the dangers of jealousy?
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Slaying Your Giants - Part 2
Series: "The Pursuit of God's Heart"
- 1 Samuel 17:48-54 / We all have situations that produce fear within. And it’s in those times we have to rely on the promises of God. Do we really trust him to help us in the hard stuff? How did the young shepherd boy David handle the tough times in his life?
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Slaying Your Giants - Part 1
Series: "The Pursuit of God's Heart"
- 1 Samuel 17:48-54 / How do you deal with the "giants" in your life? Do you live in fear of them, or trust God to help you overcome? The story of David and Goliath isn’t about David. It’s about God. It’s a look at an important Biblical truth. One that refocuses our expectations and looks to God for strength.
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An Unlikely Choice – Part 2
Series: "The Pursuit of God's Heart"
- 1 Samuel 16:1-13 / We’re looking at the life of David. Although David was successful as a military leader, he failed in a significant way as king of Israel, yet God called him “a man after God’s own heart.” God obviously saw something in David, despite his human failings. We’re beginning to look at 6 segments of David’s life.
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An Unlikely Choice - Part 1
Series: "The Pursuit of God's Heart"
- 1 Samuel 16:1-13 / We can easily get sidetracked into thinking if we line up our dreams and wishes, God will grant them and bless them. But that’s not what we see in God’s interaction with his people throughout the ages. A classic example is in David’s life.
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