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Moody Presents

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Moody Presents is a weekly half-hour teaching program hosted by Jon Gauger. In addition to teaching from God's Word, this Sunday program also regularly features music by the four student ensembles of Moody Bible Institute, along with student and alumni testimonies.


Chicago, IL


Moody Radio


Moody Presents is a weekly half-hour teaching program hosted by Jon Gauger. In addition to teaching from God's Word, this Sunday program also regularly features music by the four student ensembles of Moody Bible Institute, along with student and alumni testimonies.






820 N. LaSalle Blvd., Chicago, IL 60610

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2024-07-20 Contrast Series: Anointed to Stand Firm part 2 of 2

Welcome to Moody Presents with Pastor Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute. Our teaching series called Contrast is meant for indepth study of the book of 1st John so that you and I know how to live differently than “the world.” Today we tackle part 2 of our Anointed to Stand Firm message. Let’s get started with a reminder from Pastor Mark that bad times will come into our life, but will we stand firm in Jesus Christ? See for privacy information.


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2024-07-13 Contrast Series: Anointed to Stand Firm Part 1 of 2

Welcoming you to another Moody Presents program and a "not so fun" question - remember those resolutions way back at the beginning of the year? Did you make any? Well, if you’ve eased off, you’re not the only one. According to statistics, on average, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February and here it is mid July! Good habits, especially ones drastically different from typical lifestyles are hard to get started and even harder to keep! Today, in our Contrast series, we’re talking about standing firm today and not falling away... In our walk with God there are many who are inspired when they hear the Gospel and then make the commitment to follow God, but then persecution comes along and they fall away. 1st John addresses this... let’s get ready for the last days! See for privacy information.


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2024-07-06 Contrast Series: Gaurd Your Heart part 2

Living for things that matter. Do you know what they are? Well, I think we all need a refresher. Welcome to Moody Presents with Pastor Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute and Senior Pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago. Our series is called Contrast: The light of Jesus Christ in a dark world. If you feel that perhaps you’ve been sucked into the worlds “system” and losing a heart and love for God then I would like you to stay with us here for the entire program. Let’s get right back to 1st John chapter 2, verses 12-15 for our study. See for privacy information.


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2024-06-29: Contrast Series: Guarding Your Heart part 1

Welcome to Moody Presents with Pastor Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute and Senior Pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago. What a great set of messages so far, Pastor Mark has entitled this series Contrast. It’s all about living in contrast to the World. Do you need some “spiritual: tools to do that? I know I do. We need to go right to God’s Word to fill our tool belt with what is needed to live this kind of lifestyle, one that will lead others to Jesus Christ. We are continuing in our study of 1st John and if you can have a Bible handy, I really encourage you to open it as Pastor Mark starts reading from 1st John 2:12-15. See for privacy information.


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2024-06-22 Contrast Series: The Real Test Part 2

Welcome to Moody Presents with Pastor Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute and Senior Pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago. We’re thankful you joined us today for our continued series called Contrast. According to Pastor Mark there should be a tangible difference in the way a follower of Christ acts toward others. So we’ll pick up with part two of a message that began last week and then follow up with a test, a real test to see if you and I are walking in obedience to God. Now don’t be discouraged, instead get ready to be encouraged! Here’s Pastor Mark reading from 1st John Chapter 2 verse 1. See for privacy information.


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2024-06-15 Contrast Series: The Real Test part 1

Welcome to Moody Presents with Pastor Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute and Founding Pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago. Today we continue in our Contrast series. A study meant to help us live “in” the world, but also “in sharp contrast” TO the world. We are staying right in 1st John, Chapter 2 so that we can learn more about sin traps and testing. By the end of this and next weeks message we’ll learn take three tests to see if we are really walking in fellowship with God. Pastor Mark will also continue to help us understand that there is a difference between relationship and fellowship with God. Let’s get started with today’s study here on Moody Presents. See for privacy information.


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2024-06-08 Contrast Series: Coming Clean part 2

Today we pick up with part two of our brand new series called Contrast. The reason for the title, you ask? Because, to share Jesus Christ with a needy world, we need to live in sharp contrast to the way the “world” would have us live. Let’s back up into last weeks message to help drive home the importance of getting cleaned up for ministry. One important aspect is fellowship, and according to Pastor Mark, that doesn’t just mean a potluck in the church basement. Let’s move through first John Chapter 1 together! See for privacy information.


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2024-06-01 Contrast Series: Coming Clean part 1

Welcome to Moody Presents with Pastor Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute. Well, we have light... and dark. We have The Bears... and Packers. There are hotdogs with ketchup... and without. Our world is full of contrasts. You might find yourself in one of those categories you listed off, but someone else will be in a different category. The book of 1 John says that there are only two categories in the world. Those who walk in the light and those who walk in the dark. There is a big difference between them. We have the power to choose which of the two paths we are going to take. A series to help us come clean! See for privacy information.


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2024-05-25 Do You See it Yet? Part 2

Putting God at the center of your life opens your eyes to His presence, protection, and purposes. That's all ahead on Moody Presents with Pastor Mark Jobe. ​​Today, Part 2 of Do You See It Yet... talking about vision. Specifically, a stirring of the heart toward a God-given burden and action Pastor Mark Jobe says we can take today to address it. See for privacy information.


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2024-05-18 Do You See It Yet? part 1

What happens when you capture a burden that is greater than you. We’re talking about having vision today on Moody Presents. Can you sense the calling God has placed on your life? Well, ahead of our teaching segment we'll hear from a Moody student that has a fresh calling on her life and a renewed vision. Then Pastor Mark Jobe will talk about 4 things that need to happen in the making of a change agent and gaining that future vision. It's all ahead on today's Moody Presents. See for privacy information.


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2024-05-11 It's Not Over Yet - Part 2

​God wants to be first in our lives and help us on the mission He has given us. But we can put it off and lose the vision. Today on Moody Presents, Pastor Mark Jobe gives encouragement for the race. See for privacy information.


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2024-05-04 It's Not Over Yet - part 1

In a long-distance marathon, much like the rigors of our Christian life, discouragement and distraction can wear us down and cause us to slow down and even quit. Today on Moody Presents, Pastor Mark Jobe offers some hope and encouragement to keep us in the race of loving Jesus. See for privacy information.


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2024-04-27 The Power Habits - Part 2

Any good habit we develop in our life involves a struggle, but we do it because there is something good for us waiting at the end. More on becoming fully devoted to God today on Moody Presents with Pastor Mark Jobe. God seeks authentic, sold-out, all-in passionate followers. Today we continue with part 2 of the Power Habits. Disciplines that when fully implemented and practiced, create a fully-devoted heart for God. See for privacy information.


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2024-04-20 The Power Habits part 1

Today on Moody Presents, 3 POWER HABITS that will change your life! We’re learning what it means to be fully devoted to God … that Jesus talks about in Mark chapter 6. A lot of people right now are fighting hard to stick with new year resolutions they made just four months ago, or maybe some you have already fallen off the wagon! Join us in Matthew 6 for some disciplines that every Christian should be working toward and that God expects of us. See for privacy information.


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2024-04-13 When God Stops, part 2

Fully devoted people start by taking steps of obedience. What’s the condition of your heart toward God? Today on Moody Presents with Pastor Mark Jobe we continue our message, When God Stops. He is always on the move, always searching for those who are fully devoted to Him. When He finds one... He stops and says, I found one! Are you one of those who are hungry in your faith even when it's hard to obey? See for privacy information.


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2024-04-06 When God Stops--part 1

What is a heart that is fully devoted look like? Pastor Mark Jobe will challenge us to go “ALL IN” spiritually as we begin a series that focuses on what it means to be fully devoted to God. This is a subject that deserves a lot of attention--the more seasoned and older we get, the more we tend to depend on ourselves and our abilities instead of God. Our experiences can cause us to just coast in our spirituality. Today a challenge that goes right to the heart. Join Pastor Mark Jobe in 2 Chronicles 16 for Moody Presents. See for privacy information.


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2024-03-30 Resurrected! Jesus is Risen!

​Jesus Christ is Risen from the Dead! We pray that your celebration is full of worship to God for sending Jesus Christ to earth to do a "finished work" of salvation for you and I! Dr. Mark Jobe will help us experience the resurrection of Jesus Christ in a fresh way. Do you know someone that could use a dose of hope? Do you have the hope of Jesus Christ within you? See for privacy information.


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2024-03-23 Speaking from the Cross

As we approach Holy Week, here at Moody Presents, we thought it would be so helpful to learn more about the very important words of Jesus while He was nailed to the cross. Words of hope for you and I as we approach a season that we hope will draw you closer to your Savior and help you to reach your friends with the Good News. Let's listen to Pastor Mark Jobe. See for privacy information.


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2024-03-16 Powerful Prayer Part 2

Learning to pray and pray powerfully is a sign of sure dependence and trust in the God who saves. It is truly amazing that we can cast our cares upon God, who loves us. But, how should we pray? Great advice from God's Word as we listen to the president of the Moody Bible Institute, Dr. Mark Jobe. See for privacy information.


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2024-03-09 Powerful Prayer part 1

Do you know that you and I have direct access to the Lord of the universe? On today's Moody Presents we'll hear the start of a compelling message from our teacher, Pastor Mark Jobe, who is also the president of the Moody Bible Institute. It's our desire to take you beyond any sort of shallow spirituality, so let's dive in to the deep end and learn how to access the Lord of the universe! Through powerful prayer! See for privacy information.
