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The Land and the Book

Moody Radio

Does the Middle East seem like a confusing, complex tapestry of people and events? For a unique biblical perspective, join Dr. Charlie Dyer and Jon Gauger for The Land and the Book. Every week this gifted team brings you terrific stories of God at work as they explore biblical, archaeological, and prophetic events. Enjoy great guests, intriguing listener questions, and more!


Chicago, IL


Moody Radio


Does the Middle East seem like a confusing, complex tapestry of people and events? For a unique biblical perspective, join Dr. Charlie Dyer and Jon Gauger for The Land and the Book. Every week this gifted team brings you terrific stories of God at work as they explore biblical, archaeological, and prophetic events. Enjoy great guests, intriguing listener questions, and more!






820 N. LaSalle Blvd., Chicago, IL 60610

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Life on the Gaza Border

She grew up in the suburbs of Chicago but then moved to southern Israel. Deborah’s firsthand account of life on the Gaza border—and the October 7 attack—is chilling. But this week on The Land and the Book, she also shares disturbing evidence of how hatred for Jews is instilled in the youngest of Palestinian children. This is an eye-opening conversation you’ll be sharing over dinner. So don’t miss this week’s edition of The Land and the Book.


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Ruth's Reminder

When Ruth’s husband died, she was tempted to feel alone. When she moved to another country, she was tempted to feel alone. But the biblical story of Ruth is a striking reminder that with God, we are never alone. This week on The Land and the Book, we'll learn what made Ruth tick. Charlie Dyer also gives us some advice in his devotional, "Avoid the Lazy Days of Summer." I hope you'll join us for The Land and the Book.


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Inside Israel—Update

He's just back from a trip to Israel. But he wasn't touring. He was LEARNING. How profound is the impact of the Hamas war on Israel? What's next for the nation that Hamas—and others—want to destroy completely? This week on The Land and the Book, it’s an update…from Israel. Plus, Charlie Dyer’s devotional reminds us of what IS…versus what SHOULD be. All on The Land and the Book.


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From Fear to Freedom

As a ten-year-old girl, Liane watched Hitler's motorcade pass by their home in East Prussia. Within a few short months, her hometown was smoldering in ruins. But that was just the beginning of her troubles. This week on The Land and the Book, we’ll talk with someone whose faith in Christ helped her survive the horror of Russian invasion and occupation. That’s this week on The Land and the Book.


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The Ex-Muslim's Guide to Christianity

Ostracized. Alone. Disoriented. If you’ve left Islam to follow Jesus, that’s often how you feel. You’ve left your family, community, and everything you’ve known behind. You may have found a loving church community, but no one really understands what it’s been like. This week on The Land and the Book, we’ll look at the Ex-Muslim’s Guide to Christianity. Help for former Muslims who now follow Christ.


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Apostle Paul as a Father

Did you know the Apostle Paul was a father? The Scriptures tell us that. No, The apostle Paul may have never married—and he certainly did not have a child out of wedlock. But the Scriptures tell us that Paul was a father, spiritually. Exactly what were the attributes Paul tried to exhibit as he ministered? What can we learn from him about fatherhood? Don’t miss The Land and the Book.


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Seven Hebrew Names of God

The Old Testament contains more than 20 different Hebrew names for God. Why so many? What’s the difference between them? This week on The Land and the Book, we’ll look at seven Hebrew names for God. We promise you’ll read your Bible differently afterward! Plus, you’ll enjoy hearing questions from other listeners about puzzling passages in Scripture. That’s all this week on The Land and the Book.


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Israel—the Miracle

No place in the world embodies both historical and prophetic significance as the Land of Israel. As the land of the Bible, no place is more significant to Jews and Christians. This week on The Land and the Book, we’ll talk about a unique book with contributions from many believers—all pointing to Israel, the Miracle. And Charlier Dyer takes us to Psalm 22 for a devotional you’ll love.


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The Book of Signs—David Jeremiah

Many Christians struggle to understand the Book of Revelation. “The end times.” “The apocalypse.” “The day of judgment.” These terms are both fascinating and frightening – but what do they really mean? This week on The Land and the Book, we sit down with Dr. David Jeremiah. He helps us understand how current world events were foretold in the Bible, The Book of Signs.


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Reaching Restricted Muslim Nations

How do you reach restricted Muslim nations with the gospel of Christ? Bibles aren’t allowed in. Missionaries are forbidden. And trading Islam for Christianity is often punishable by death. This week on The Land and the Book, Bonnie Sala brings us stories of hope from restricted Muslim countries. Plus, Charlie Dyer has a fascinating fresh set of listener Bible questions…on The Land and the Book.


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The Untold Story of Rose Warmer

Before the start of the Holocaust, Jewish born Rose Warmer found her Messiah. When her people were being deported, she longed to go with them. Unbelievably, Rose turned herself in to the Nazis. She was then transported to Auschwitz and brought the people there the Word of God. This week on The Land and the Book, it’s the Untold Story of Rose Warmer. You’ll have to hear it to believe it.


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The iBible

It’s the world’s first visual and interactive Bible. iBible presents the entire biblical narrative, from Genesis to Revelation, as one cohesive story. The goal: to animate the Bible and deliver it for FREE to the global missions community! Amazingly, iBible is already making a difference in the Middle East—where Bibles are often restricted. Get the whole story when you join us for The Land and the Book.


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Inside Israel--Stories of Hurt, Help, and Hope

This week on The Land and the Book…a jam-packed hour of stories from the Hamas war on Israel. You’ll meet survivors of the attack. You’ll hear from families whose loved ones are being held hostage. But you’ll also hear how Israeli pastors and Christian ministries are giving help and hope to a nation in the crosshairs. Don’t miss these first-hand accounts from our recent trip to Israel…on The Land and the Book.


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2024-04-20 The Power Habits part 1

Today on Moody Presents, 3 POWER HABITS that will change your life! We’re learning what it means to be fully devoted to God … that Jesus talks about in Mark chapter 6. A lot of people right now are fighting hard to stick with new year resolutions they made just four months ago, or maybe some you have already fallen off the wagon! Join us in Matthew 6 for some disciplines that every Christian should be working toward and that God expects of us.


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The Remarkable Jacob Gartenhaus

Jacob came to America from Israel with one goal in mind: to make money—and lots of it. But then he met the Messiah. Immediately, Jacob lost his home, his job and all hope for the future. Still, he shared about Christ fearlessly—even when physically assaulted. This week on The Land and the Book, we’ll share the remarkable story of Jacob Gartenhaus. Plus, we’ll bring you all the headlines from the Middle East—from a biblical perspective.


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Inside a Safe Room

When the war broke out in Israel, we heard about the “safe rooms” where families went to take refuge from the missile attacks. But what are those safe rooms really like? This week on The Land and the Book, we’re heading for Israel where we go inside a safe room. You’ll feel like you’re right there with us. Plus, Charlie Dyer looks at the latest Bible questions you’ve been asking—and then shares his devotional, “A Fishy Tax Story.”


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Bible Seminary in Jordan!

Most of the Bible’s events unfolded in Israel. But not all. In fact, many key moments took place on the other side of the Jordan River. But would you believe that believers today in modern Jordan have access to quality Bible training? You’ll discover some of what God is doing in Jordan as you listen to The Land and the Book.


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The Hamas Attack—as Seen in the Old Testament

October 7…Hamas fired 3000 rockets... invaded Israel…and killed more 1200. Shockingly, that tragedy looks remarkably similar to an attack on Isarel that took place back in the Old Testament. This week on The Land and the Book, we’ll take you to a site called Lachish. The biblical account is chilling—but bears a striking resemblance to things we just witnessed.


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Released from Prison

For 259 days, they witnessed abuse, torture and execution in Iran’s most infamous prison. Then…they were released. But where would God lead them next? That’s our story this week on The Land and the Book. Plus, we’ll bring you the stories behind the headlines in the Middle East. Also…technological breakthroughs from Amazing Israel.


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Captive in Iran

Living in Iran, they knew they were putting their lives on the line—every time they shared their faith. Undaunted, in three years, they’d started two house churches and secretly given away more than 20,000 New Testaments. That’s when the police finally caught up with them. “Captive in Iran” is the amazing story of their arrest and ordeal in Iran’s most notorious prison. You’ll hear it all this week on The Land and the Book.
