

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

How do we keep our kids safe online? How do we have real conversations about real issues our kids are struggling with? Join Mandy Majors (award-winning author of "TALK" and "Keeping Kids Safe in a Digital World") and Kim Elerick (former radio morning host and nextTalk Director) every Monday for practical parenting stories! nextTalk is a nonprofit organization keeping kids safe by creating a culture of honest conversation in families, churches and schools. More than Cyberparenting: Conversations to Connect.


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How do we keep our kids safe online? How do we have real conversations about real issues our kids are struggling with? Join Mandy Majors (award-winning author of "TALK" and "Keeping Kids Safe in a Digital World") and Kim Elerick (former radio morning host and nextTalk Director) every Monday for practical parenting stories! nextTalk is a nonprofit organization keeping kids safe by creating a culture of honest conversation in families, churches and schools. More than Cyberparenting: Conversations to Connect.





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Parenting Advice with Pastor Emmitt

Send us a Text Message. Pastor Robert Emmitt was the founding pastor at Community Bible Church in San Antonio, TX. God used him over the years to grow the church and minister to our families. There are so many teachable moments we use from him on our shows and in our nextTalk parenting principles! He has a been a father figure to many of us! This is the church where our little moms’ group started. Under Pastor Robert’s leadership, the church encouraged us to keep growing our group and eventually form a nonprofit and take it to every church and school that would have us! He is full of parenting wisdom. So many practical nuggets to take from this show. Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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Live Podcast: Reclaim Your Family

Send us a Text Message. At the end of a school year or after a difficult season in life, we often find ourselves crawling across the finish line. Screen time is at an all-time high, bedtimes are off, eating is unbalanced, and we feel like we’re trying to survive. This is the time to take a minute to evaluate your next steps. We'll share practical ideas to get you back on track and RECLAIM YOUR FAMILY. (This podcast was recorded live with listeners asking questions and sharing ideas in real-time) Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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Cherish Your Family

Send us a Text Message. With summer on the horizon, we're excited to share with you some upcoming nextTalk events and the reason why FAMILY is a core value here at nextTalk. In the rush of May, and life in general, we want to encourage you with ways to truly cherish your family. Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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My kid saw porn and didn't tell me. Now what?

Send us a Text Message. You feel betrayed and angry because the trust has been broken. Why didn’t your child tell you? Where do you go from here? God can use this for good. We’ll walk you through your next steps and give practical advice to get you and your kid on the same team. Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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My kid was exposed to porn and confided in me. Now what?

Send us a Text Message. Your kid was exposed to porn and told you. You’re happy they were honest, but now what? We know it feels like their innocence has been stolen. We’ve been there, and we know how it feels. This is a defining moment where a culture of conversation can be built. God can use this for good. We’ll walk you through your next steps. Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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What’s one thing I can do to protect my kid from sexual abuse?

Send us a Text Message. There are many things we can do to protect our kids from sexual abuse like talk about private parts, boundaries, consent, etc. Yes, we need to do all of it! But, please don’t miss this very practical conversation that we believe also helps prevent sexual abuse. We’ll tackle that topic and share two helpful resources – one for little kids and one for teens. Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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Sexual Abuse: A Counselor's Personal and Professional Journey

Send us a Text Message. Jamie Mershon has the unique standpoint of being the spouse of a husband who suffered childhood sexual abuse, as well as being a trauma informed counselor. She shares how she walked through this as a wife, and then gives practical tips and eye-opening perspectives as an LPC. Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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Childhood Sexual Abuse: The story of an adult male survivor

Send us a Text Message. A husband and dad of three little girls shares his sexual abuse story. He was 11 years old when it first happened but didn't recognize it as abuse until many years later. Learn about the unique path he finally found on his road to healing and the number one thing he believes all survivors need to hear from whomever they share their story with. Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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Sexual Abuse: Boys are victims too

Send us a Text Message. Every parent needs to listen to this show. Mandy talks with a mom who bravely shares the story of how she learned that her son had been sexually abused. What were the warning signs? How can we best support our kids through a trauma like this? Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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Let your kid struggle.

Send us a Text Message. You've noticed your kid is struggling. You think it's gaming. Maybe their friend group. Is it social media? What should I do? Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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Am I two-faced?

Send us a Text Message. Has your kid ever come home and said, “My friend is acting differently when we’re around friends. His parents have no idea what he’s doing or saying!” How do you handle that? If we’re being honest, we all struggle with being a little two-faced because we’re all flawed and imperfect. There are some GOLD conversations that can happen in this moment to strengthen the relationship with your kid and to grow their faith! Don’t miss them!! Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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The gift of Easter!

Send us a Text Message. It’s Easter week! We challenge you to pause and reflect this week on who Jesus was, his ministry and how He changes everything. On this NEW show, we’ll share practical ideas on how to talk to your kids about the Easter story and how it relates to their life and culture today … PLUS a fun new printable if you have younger kids to get your kid thinking about Easter, surprising their friends and talking about Jesus! Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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Help! My child asked me a highly sexualized question.

Send us a Text Message. We recently got asked, “How do I answer this highly sexualized question with my elementary aged kid?” We’ll tell you that exact question (it’s R-rated!), we’ll give you our answer and then we talk about practical ways to talk about sex with your kids. Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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My kid is addicted to screens. Help!

Send us a Text Message. A mom stopped us and said “I think my kid is addicted to screens!” We shared 1 small shift for her to make that day. Listen to see if it helps you too! Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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It feels like I'm losing my kid. Why is my kid pulling away?

Send us a Text Message. If you're grappling with the fine line between privacy and supervision as your kids are growing up, especially in the digital realm, you are not alone! It can be difficult for many parents as kids start to mature and become more independent. Why aren't they talking to you much anymore? Is something wrong? Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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LIVE SHOW: Does your kid know what to do when they see something bad?

Send us a Text Message. We've created six guidelines that when communicated to kids should trigger a red flag to go off in their mind that they need to tell mom, dad, or a trusted adult! Listen in for this very practical resource that could save your kid. Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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Tall Cop: Vapes and Drug Culture

Send us a Text Message. Tall Cop, Jermaine Galloway, is back! He paints a very clear picture about the reality of vaping and general drug culture and how parents play the most important role in protecting their kids. Beyond just statistics, Galloway takes us through a journey of understanding the real-world effects of substance abuse, including the normalization of drugs in media and daily life that's contributing to a surge in mental health issues among young people. Prevention is key! Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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Send us a Text Message. The word consent brings to mind a lot of different ideas and conversations. Kim tackles the idea that the concept of consent has changed and now applies to young kids and social media. While Mandy sees the larger issue of rape culture and young adults understanding boundaries. On this podcast we bring together both ends of the spectrum in a practical way that you can parent through good conversation topics with your kids. Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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Brian Montgomery: A Candid Conversation about Porn

Send us a Text Message. Brian Montgomery returns to the nextTalk podcast to talk candidly about pornography. We discuss the desensitization of our kids and how that affects so many of their choices. Brian reminds us why education, and creating a culture of conversation in our homes, is critical. Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280


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Send us a Text Message. What if your older kid confides in you that they tried a sip of alcohol at a party? Inside you may feel disappointed, angry, or even wondering where you went wrong with your parenting. Instead, is there a way we could handle this conversation without shame for us or our kids? We have some talking points we think can help. Support the Show. KEEPING KIDS SAFE ONLINE Connect with us... Facebook Instagram Contact Us... P.O. BOX 160111 San Antonio, TX 78280
